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Joined 12 months ago



I just always found him annoying and nothing much else.

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Sorry, but no amount of context would ever make Wesley not annoying to me. I don't hate the character, I just don't like him, period. 🤷

Stone Cold Steve Austin.


I'll be continuing my unarmed only New Vegas playthrough. One punch manning bastards into piles of goop is incredibly satisfying, no joke.

At this point I don't know which country is more ridiculous, Israel or North Korea. They're basically the same, a tiny pariah state barking loud at anyone that looks at them while getting support from a rich neighbor.

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I'm surprised there aren't more FOSS touhou games, Zun himself is very open to the idea of derivative works, including paid ones.

Uh-huh... I wonder what their definition of """terrorism""" is.

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He's the angry MMO neeeerd.

That's fucking creepy as shit for some reason.

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Depends. If I don't need to wake up early usually around 1-2am.

I'm yet to see literally any of these things while using UBO, I almost feel like I'm being gaslighted at times.

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That would be great if we weren't past the point of phones having unremovable batteries... Too little too fucking late as always, Google.

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God I hate Nintendo, I hate them so goddamn much it's impossible to find words to express myself.

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The whole idol culture is fucked up and unhealthy to say that least.

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Great, so no more Saints Row 2 fix for PC I'm guessing, just great.

There was this guy working on the patch and he was basically the only person in Volition that cared about it, guy got cancer and instead of spending his last days with his family he worked on it until he died. His dying wish was to get this patch out. Soon after they diverted all their resources to that garbage game, it failed and now we're here.

Both insulting to his memory and for everyone waiting for this patch for damn years. Fuck Volition and fuck Embracer.

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Not being stuck inside of an echo chamber really does wonders for the brain. And yes, I know the irony of saying this on Lemmy, but it's true.

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Musk says X advertiser backlash is "going to kill the company."

For once I hope you're not wrong, Musk!

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That has to be weirdest rule I've ever seen in a private tracker. Do they think they're fooling anyone?

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Selling Bandcamp

Thank god, keep your grimy paws off my music, Sweeney.

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Dey see me federatin', dey hatin'~

No but for real, the only people still faithfully sticking to Reddit are corporate shills and/or tech illiterate people. I see them staying there as a net positive if you ask me.

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Here's a tip:

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It was kind of funny the first few times, now I just kind of cringe at her whenever she has one of these meltdowns.

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Of all the things that the Jews have learned from their history, you'd think "genocide is bad" would be one of the first and most important ones...

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You mean kids don't have enough life experience to spot scams at first glance? No way!

Can't wait for the day Discord backstabs everyone and people decide to get the fuck away from it. I seriously can't stand having to search past troubleshooting messages, it's a fucking mess, almost unusable. Whoever uses Discord as a Forum seriously needs a full force punch in the mouth.

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Honestly? Gamers deserve all the shit they get, I'm all for consumer rights but I have no sympathy for the people that buys these games and then later complains about it. You're not part of the problem, you are the problem.

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I think you should've linked the game for easy access, just saying.

Street Complete.

... You guys might shit on it, but that's incredibly smart on their part. Ten years or more of that button being there and now suddenly something else replaces it, just imagine the amount of people accidentally hitting the button and being introduced to copilot. This was a very deliberate change.

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The censoring is said to be linked to Kim Jong Un's regime's efforts to restrict Western fashion and culture in North Korea, NKNews reports.

Blue jeans are said to be a sign of the West, according to the outlet, and have been essentially banned since the 1990s.

... What the fuck? Do they only wear cargo pants or something?

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To be honest, most people that wanted to play the game already got the game on Battlenet, so obviously it's not going to have large numbers.

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When South Africa accuses you of genocide, you know you fucked up.

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Well, good luck keeping the lights on without Yahtzee, he's been the sole reason 90% of your audience even existed in the first place.

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Older, cheaper game with a vastly larger modding scene has more players? No shit, Sherlock!

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I wonder if in 100 years we'll be looking at Israel like we look at Nazi Germany nowadays.

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Rare based move from Nintendo.

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I dream of one day Nintendo going bankrupt and being forced to sell their IPs to the highest bidder.

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I know we aren’t allowed to use Chrome.

Who says? Use whatever you want, if you want to use Chrome then use it, nobody is stopping you.

As for Vivaldi, I personally think it's the best Chromium browser out there, highly customizable with all the good stuff from old Opera without none of the garbage from current Opera, plus it seems to be reasonably respectful of your privacy. Their only mistake was building it on Chromium.

Say what you want about Lula, but he has some balls.

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