Nintendo forces Garry's Mod to delete 20 years of content — Garry confirms Nintendo is behind Steam Workshop purge | Tom's Hardware to – 408 points –
Nintendo forces Garry's Mod to delete 20 years of content — Garry confirms Nintendo is behind Steam Workshop purge

Nintendo is literally a depressing company right now....


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I dream of one day Nintendo going bankrupt and being forced to sell their IPs to the highest bidder.

Which to Nintendo, wouldn't matter a bit.

The assholes managing these megacorps are in it for the buck. When they squeeze the final scraps of profit, they go do it somewhere else, having padded their bank accounts and their resume with tales of how they are able to extract maximum returns...

Honestly, I think we are entering an era where via a prompt you will be able to ask AI to make you any experience, show, game, book, VR, song etc etc. I say this as someone who is a VR developer and knows my days are numbered. So are Nintendo’s.