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Joined 3 months ago

My recommendation l is going back to the basics: chess, especially

You can choose a mode however you want, and it may or may not be stressful. Multiplayer with friends or random online people, choose a time between 30 seconds for a game and infinity to move.

If you don't want to play right now, you can solve tactical exercises.

Tools and making tools. We fucking tricked stones into thinking

BTD5 too. This is a very good recommendation.

Foss alternative with a really good UI: Lightblocks

Actually, is the correct domain, but the ACP technical team haven't updated the https certificate in months.

This actually breaks my SCP reader in my phone, as that relies in the official domain and requires https. The official domain redirects to wikidot, but work is going on with a replacement software.

What is minetest?

Oh I own my computer, and I don't get ads as a result. It's not impossible. A Linux DE does not have ads and your browser can block them with various methods.

Because they own that wall. The owner of a wall (or poster space for that matter) can do whatever.

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I just put my docker services in a lxc container. Docker is neat and lets me deploy shit without having to worry. Works pretty well, just remember to put your lxc containers on your SSD and not your raid mass storage (my hdds have errors now, fuck)

Yeah exactly, fuck llms that don't honor licenses

That works but sucks when you redeploy the Vpn container iirc. I don't do this anymore.

(Now I just use lxc containers with docker inside, and I'll set the default gateway of the lxc to another lxc that is a gateway for a VPN network)

Trains are the best electric vehicles

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It's not about the hardware, obviously better hardware is better but that's not what it's about. It's true tho that they must hate their customers, especially people in competitive scenes and modding.

Not motorcycling only, everything in the proximity of cars.

Fuck cars.

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That's quite the list

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Yay more space trash in earth orbit

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Yeah I agree with this guy. This list is bad.

My university recently had Internet problems, where the DHCP only leased Out ipv6 addresses. For two days, we could all see which sites implemented ipv6 and which didn't.

Many big corpo sites like GitHub or discord Apperently don't. Small stuff like my personal website or do.

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What exactly are you referring to? Matrix?

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Ipv6 is not 6 bytes? 8 segments of 2 bytes for a sum of 16 bytes?

Or am I stupid right now?

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Obligatory fuck cars

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Someone along the supply chain is verarsching us.

Sounds good but what does sched_ext do and mean for the future?

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Actually it's June here too, what a coincidence!

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  1. The bot is not a person and this cannot have the rights
  2. Just don't use something as fancy as that. CI for a HLP project? Wth are you doing, there aren't even tests
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Software changes. Version 0.5 will not have the same features as Version 0.9 most of the time. Features get added over time, features get removed over time and the interface of a library might change over time too.

As a software dev, the only thing you can do is keep the same API for ever, but that is not always feasible.

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  • another chromium
  • GUI looks good
  • Cross platform
  • Highdpi kind of sucks on plasma 5
  • Fast
  • Not Firefox

I tried it for a week, but eventually left back for Firefox.

Sounds wasteful, detection of ads could be detected with regular software, no?

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That sounds reasonable. I use the package on LMDE6, the one currently in stable though. Having a minimal keepassxc and a full one makes sense to me.

To many of us, that sounds like "I don't like humor". I really don't get you.

Yes. I believe in humanity. We have done so much and the potential is unimaginably high.

What am I seeing?

There is and I'm maybe seeding

Providing an API is not a service for the users, but a way with which they make sure to waste less resources. You either offer an API with all benefits for both parties, or you're going to get scraped to ashes.

Fuck cars, those ones specifically

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I think that's larger than my kernel binary.

I recently migrated my email hosting away from proton. I paid for unlimited for almost a year, but I just couldn't take the missing features anymore. Maybe some of the missing features can be justified by security reasons, but some is just laughable.

If you want to use a proper email client, you need to host proton bridge in your local computer. You can only host imap and SMTP on localhost. Headless is not really supported, so good luck if you want your server to email you logs. Use VMs or docker containers? Fuck you.

On android, the only option is using their crappy mail client. For example, this client has not functionality to select all Mail from a folder if you want to archive it or mark as read. You have to select every single Mail one at a time.

Proton drive can only be used over the Webinterface or with some windows (gui) client. No automating your backups to be pushed there.

I switched to, which has weird 2fa but besides that makes my happy by just working with the damn standards. Not like email transfer is unencrypted when using STARTLS. Security is important, but for me personally, usuability has to be at least good enough.

But to be fair, that's kinda hard for those old games and it still runs with wine.

That being said, valve is an ally of the Linux community. There are almost no companies that can be trusted, but valve is one of them.

German here, there are so many smokers in my nearby cities. I really hate it, it's so disgusting.

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