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Joined 8 months ago

Art is there to provoke a reaction, right? It certainly did that.

It's not about support. It's not about 100% agreement with Biden's policies. It's about using your vote as a tactical choice to influece the government as best you can.

Each US citizen has three options: vote for Trump, vote for Biden, or don't vote. For me it's clear what the only viable choice is.

By all means protest. By all means vote undecided in the primary. Of course we should use other means to put pressure on someone like Biden to change his policies. But at the end of the day he's playing the tactical game too. And so is Israel, btw. They know that the US is weakened by the election cycle, that Biden's hands are tied right now by the need to retain centrist votes.

It's a practical decision, that should be made not based on an ideal world, but based on the real world in which we currently live and the options we actually have.

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The German language is like legos. You can just slap words together to make new ones.

Like glove. It's Handschuh in German, which id hand-shoe. The language is full of words like this.

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I understood this without clicking on the link. Someone give me an award.

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I read the article, and nothing in there seems to be a valid criticism of Kagi as a search engine. It's all about the founder not understood GDPR, or how Kagi wasted money on free t-shirts, or the writers personal opinion on AI.

This is largely an opinion piece. It has merit as such, but please don't take this article as factual journalism.

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That's slowly changing though, as the enschittification of windows continues. They may not care to know about the details, but all of those points do fall under the "it just works" catagory. And they do care about that.

This is going to be a departure from the rest of this thread.

I saw Emmanuelle when I was 10 or so, and man did that movie change me. Some scenes still pop into my head, clear as when I first saw them.


Caveman go brrrrrrr indeed. Imho there are only two ways the current socio-economic situation will be resolved. Either UBI is implemented, or the peasants revolt. And god help the 1% if the latter comes to pass. This isn't the middle ages, the peasants have borh technology and advanced knowledge at thier disposal.

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I can confirm what the other commenter said. Very entertaining in a mild sort of way.

Also, the creator is a great guy. He did an elon musk parody account on Twitter and got banned for it. Here's an interview about it.


From the OP's comment history it looks like they are from Sweden.

The analogy doesn't work. The difference is that this "printing press" is stealing massive amounts of creative work and calling it its own, and using massive amounts of energy to do so.

It doesn't. We have limited options, the system is flawed.

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You will need to learn at least a little German. There are definitely prospects though, the country is trying to attract more immigrants.


This is exactly what they want you to think. But the republican party is almost at the point where they can't win a national election even WITH all thier gerrymandering and misinformation. 2024 may be the last election where they even stand a chance.

The ultra-rich want you to believe that it's hopeless, but it is far from it. Their only options now are to create a dictatorship or give up political power to the left, who (however flawed) actually represent the people.

I'm learning about i3 and xfce on arch (my daily driver). I'm not linux expert, but I've been really enjoying figuring things out after switching from ubuntu to arch. This weekend I'm getting the icons for network manager applet and clipman working on the whisker panel, and then removing the i3bar.

Well, at least that's rhe goal. I don't have much free time, so tbis will mkst likely be a month project, not a weekend. :P

That's not the point. A one-time donation is not the same thing as a tax. Governments need to plan and budget, random donations from rich people don't work well for that. It would potentially cause programs to be started that cannot be sustained, etc.

Like many necessary changes, this needs to be a part of the system, not something these people just do out of the goodness of thier hearts. They benefit massively from capitalism, and they should be forced to share some of that with the masses that's are currently struggling to survive.

I'd just like to add that after using ubuntu (as a newbie), then arch for several years I recently switched to bazzite (atomic fedora with steam/gaming focus) on my daily driver.

It is SO NICE to have everything just work. And steam games that I never got working on other distros just run out of the box. Everything just works, and it doesn't feel bloated at all like ubuntu.

You are correct, it isn't. Even doing custom prints for people comes with way more hassle then it is worth.

Signal, texting, emails. I've never been on Facebook, and never will be. I prefer to not be spied upon by evil billionaires.

I'll give it a shot. The location of the property owned by the 1% is irrelevant. Left/right politics are a construct to keep the masses angry at each other, and keep the focus off of the super-rich and corrupt politicians, who are the real problem.

It doesn't matter which civilians have guns, because violence isn't going to fix this.

Voting can fix this, both voting with your dollars (never order from Amazon, for example) and with your vote. For example, if we keep the republicans out of federal government, they cannot continue to fuck over 99% of the population for personal gain. Then perhaps at some point down the line, the republican party will either reform to actually represent fiscal conservativism, or die out and be relaced by something that actually represents it's voters instead of gaslighting them.

Just to be absolutely clear, I am not catagorically against the republican party. The corruption is evident on both sides. But the republican party has been making horrendous policies since regan was in office, the party cannot be trusted with running this country right now.

Major reforms are needed, and the only party that will enact them (flawed as they may be) are the democrats. But to do that they need control of all three branches of the federal government at once to do so.

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Dwarf fortress with DFhack. Now with graphics!

I'm honestly a little confused by your comment. What do you mean? Perhaps some elaboration on my part will help us understand each other.

I honestly think that those are the two possible outcomes.

Unionization is a movement that is geared towards protecting the workers, but it's not enough. Only UBI will be enough to keep average joes from falling into poverty.

The other alternative is that the workers fall into poverty, deeper and deeper, until they are fed up and revolt. If this happens it will be similar to past revolutions, but the general population is not only literate, they possess vast knowledge about engineering, chemistry, IT, and various other topics that were beyond the grasp of the lowest castes in the past.

I'm not parodying anything. AI is (currently) a paper tiger that many IT companies are pouring resources into to try and secure funding, but it's not going to save the rich from an uprising.

No downvote here my friend. I love arch, but that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. Plug-and-play distros are great too, they just have different strong points.

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I certainly do this, but it's not an issue. The issue is your expectations upon yourself.

You are playing these games solely for your entertainment. If you don't feel like finishing, then don't. Let it go.

I agree with you. I just felt it necessary to inform those that read comments and not the article itself. Especially because (here's my opinion) I feel that if you don't pay for a product, then you ARE the product. Even if Kagi isn't perfect, the payment model should be supported to foster this kind of internet.

I found the original so funny to say. It sounds like something in a nonsensical rap song or from willy wonka.

Pcloud, NordVPN, Tidal, reMarkable sync

I'd use Obsidian Sync too if I used Obsidian across devices. I just back my vaults up in the cloud.

That's a nice OS! Never heard of it before, but it looks like it delivers exactly what ir promises.

No, but the power to make laws lies in the senate / congress. If they are also in republican hands then together they could possibly change the laws to enact a dictatorship.

Baldur's Gate 1 & 2. The open-world gameplay melted my adolescent brain after growing up on NES games. I haven't stopped playing such games since, and I still go back and play them again occasionally.

Go for the eyes Boo!!

If you use steam I'd suggest you think about switching to bazzite. It's made for gaming, and every steam game I've tried so far has worked flawlessly. I used to fiddle around with stuff to get some games working on arch, but after switching I was blown away with how easy gaming is on this distro.

As an alternative suggestion, you could use bazzite (atomic fedora built for gaming) and add an arch compartment for coding stuff.

Bazzite just runs games out of the box, it's soooo convenient.

That meme applies to f'n everything!


I still have a NOX CD, diablo 2, and....BG2. Damn, I should invest in a CD drive and make sure that data is still intact.

Meh, close enough.

You should, it's amazing for gaming. Especially steam, everything just works.

Also a great idea, I didn't know that.


Obsidian is awesome, and obsidian publish costs money but it's very easy to use.

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Wow thanks for the rabbit hole! I'm not even sure what exactly you mean by referencing grok, but now I'm lost in various Wikipedia pages, and I'm amazed to see my favorite writer Heinlein is involved.