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Joined 12 months ago

There was something wonky with the mapping of OIDC attributes to user properties, so I decided to look at the seahub source and see if it would be easy to fix.

Turns out, the whole thing is held together with hope and spit. Literal beginner code.

I run seafile, but holy shit do I regret looking at the source code.

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Red hat I can live with. The problem is IBM.

The trouble with cloudflare is that there is just one. It’s one of the best registrars out there, the only free/cheap and usable DNS host (have you seen what route53 charges per zone??). That without getting into the whole tunnels and DDoS mitigation end of things, which is nearly unique at any price point.

The problem with cloudflare is that we’re missing three other cloudflares to move to if they decide to pull evil shit.

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The hackers just engaged in a little bit of technical debt collecting ;)

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Please do! I’ve been trying to make it stick for almost a decade!

That’s true. The bizarre paradox of the centralization of edge infrastructure is real.

That said, the other edge-lords (haha) could offer similar functionality, but they chose not to.


It’s very possible. If you carefully manage your attack surface and update your software regularly, you can mitigate your security risks quite a bit.

The main problem is going to be email. I have found no reliable way to send email that does not start with “have someone else do it for you” or “obtain an IP block delegation”.

It’s really nice hardware. And for some segments of the market, it’s not even particularly expensive compared to alternatives of similar build quality.

Poisoning. You have alcohol poisoning.

Ah yes, the famously war torn Sweden.

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That was going to be Rowan Atkinson’s Oscar role! The woke brigade ROBBED HIM!

Ah yes, the famous “no go” zones of Sweden.

I’m pretty sure AST would agree with you.

Still, the award is richly deserved.

I’m always impressed by people projecting “arrogance” onto others, especially people you don’t shared a language with. Rude? Sure. Dismissive? Why not. But arrogant? How do you know? Did he give you a five page newsletter that extols his superiority? Are you a mind reader?

It would seriously stretch the meaning of the word “simultaneously”, but yeah, sure.



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That sure does seem to tick a lot of boxes. I’m going to check it out!

You got us. We’re pushing the nefarious narrative of *checks notes* helping you idiots not get shot.

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But they are not buried particularly deeply. If you have drawings, or just some sense of where the meter boxes are in a particular set of houses, you can make quick work of them with a spade and ten minutes or so.

And that’s why you want a camera on your front yard.

Yes. Very slow. And only accessible from tor clients or tor2web/onion.to-like constructions. Which adds additional delay and errors.

There are things for which onion addresses are the right solution. This is not one of them.

You have a higher chance of getting killed by bees or lightning than dying from a "mass shooting".

I’m glad you cleared your self-imposed goal posts.

EDIT: oh no! You didn’t! You were lying and hoping no one would notice! Nice job.

Most gun violence is gang related.

Sorry, couldn’t hear you over the sound of your dog whistle.

It's not the guns

It’s the guns.

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I am not sure what that would accomplish.

I have all that, but I still use cf for a ton of stuff.

I didn’t realize you spoke for all the idiots.

Makes sense.

FFMPEG is a core technology. You literally cannot do anything with video without touching FFMPEG at multiple places in the stack.

The fact that we have billions of dollars of revenue flowing through that software every day, but we rely on VOLUNTEERS to maintain it shows exactly how hollow the whole SV entrepreneur culture really is.

Bunch of fucking posers wouldn’t know performance code if it kicked them in the face.

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I’m not sure about the browser, but a lot of malware used to ship with the tor binary and used it to connect to the CNC. I can totally see it ending up in the indicator list.

I love bashing MS as much as the next guy, but this is not completely indefensible behavior given typical user use cases and needs. As long as it’s easy to add an exception of you installed it on purpose.

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Most hexbears are stand up chaps and under normal circumstances we get along great. The main issue as far as I’m concerned is that their posting culture does not align with what I want out of my Lemmy experience.

Basically, they are fighters. They run around the fediverse picking ten arguments at a time, getting in people’s faces, escalating moderation decisions to instance admins and generally have zero chill.

Me, I like to hang out with chill people and relax and shoot the shit about video games and stuff. Yes yes I know western imperialism bad, but after the fifth time I’m done with the topic.

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Wait, Mexico elected a celebrated climate scientist to the presidency?

That’s pretty awesome.

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Closely related to:


Although that looks more like a $50 wrench to be fair.

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I’m not a huge fan of big social media, but if there is one thing I trust even less, it’s a banned person’s account of why they were banned.

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It’s just porn. It doesn’t do anything by itself. It’s up to you what role it plays in your life.

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You should see 52% of the first version of my code.

It doesn’t have to be right to be useful.

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That’s Hulk Hogan.

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Abject misogyny and xenophobia in Japan? I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

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We need to be careful extrapolating this to general trends, because the ones doing the intercepting (likely the SBU/Ukrainian intelligence) decide what to release. This is not a random sample.

I have no reason to doubt the intercepts are real, but I do wonder about the content of all the other intercepts that are not released.

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Anti-intellectualism never works because you are left with stupid people with persecution complexes running things. And they are going to do stupid stuff.

The trouble is that they can really wreck a society in the process.

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It split into two.

The “very small scale structure manufacturing” part is alive and kicking. You are holding about a trillion perfect nanoscale devices in the palm of your hand right now.

The “we will make tiny robots that live in your body and fix you” club was always selling snake oil-and they knew it. The technology they were pushing just does not work at atmosphere temperature and pressure and immersed in oxidizing not quite neutral pH fluid.

Thankfully, there a much better way to make tiny machines that live in your body. That’s making/adapting/causing others to make proteins that do what you need them to do. Proteins are essentially bio-robots that can manipulate their surrounding by changes in their folds (conformation), for example by exposing binding sites in reaction to something binding to another binding site.

TLDR: nanotech is one of the largest industries in the planet. A lot of promises were made by idiots in the nineties, but biotech, another huge industry, has picked up the slack very well.

Amazingly, no. I had to follow a few links before I found out because apparently the fact that she’s a woman trumps all the other news, but she is, in fact, not a fascist.

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