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Joined 1 years ago

I thought that the introduction going over the rules reminded me of some kind of sports coverage, like ESPN8 covering Dodgeball, and that it reminded more of how close that would be to Idiocracy.

I then joked that I half expected a woman in a red, white, and blue bikini holding up the round number between each question.

I like how they also promptly stopped cutting off candidates by muting mics. Several times both talked over.

I've been enjoying it. The difficulty does seem a bit increased with some enemies but I'm also on NG+1.

Playing on PS5 has been fine but there was some noticeable frame dropping during the Divine Beast Dancing Lion fight.

I'm still only partially through it, but that's my experience so far.

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Putin really missed his chance.

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Man, maybe I just grew up in a different time and/or environment but I still to this day manually save obsessively. I use VSCode most days and feel like I'm constantly hitting the save hotkey. With that said though, I am just not a fan of most autosaves. I like to know what the current contents are and whether or not I have unsaved changes.

That's just me though.

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Taking bets on how long it takes (not if, but when) this man is hacked and found to be absorbed in the exact thing he's trying to ban.

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On the rare occasion, I find myself on a mobile website or an app, and I know what I want to tap, what I need to tap, so I move to tap it, and the damn ad loads slower (I swear as intended) which shifts everything on my screen causing me to inadvertently tap it.

People have been doing these for years even before AGI.

Now, it's just faster.

Edit: Sorry, I suppose I should mean LLM AI

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Horse Armor.

I'm so sorry.

One of my childhood dogs started having seizures until one night she started seizing and just never stopped. We laid her in the laundry basket with towels and I gently held her down so she didn't thrash too hard to further hurt herself.

My dad called the vet to see if they could have her put down ASAP. They said they couldn't, but it was well after hours though. I probably sat there for 3-4 hours or so myself until finally my dad just told me to go to bed and he'd take her in the morning. I even offered to put her down myself because, I mean fuck. I couldn't just sit there and watch her struggle let alone imagine how she felt. We tried to do whatever we could to help ease her pain/passing including crushing up a muscle relaxer with water and syringing it into her mouth. I would have tried anything.

I don't know when I feel asleep but it was hard not to hear an occasional sound even through probably 2-3 closed doors and down a flight of stairs.

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I barely try to explain my job to people today, particularly family.

What the hell is the dialogue trying to say?

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Sorry if I'm unable to muster up any sympathy.

Also the phrase 'getting tired of fatigue' tickles me.

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Since there's a paywall, I can't see the whole article but does this imply there was still positive ad growth and they just missed their goal or there was no or negative ad growth?

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Just shared this earlier but under certain conditions (in the US), you can actually file taxes for free.


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Between that and the OGL shitshow, I've been doing my best to stop giving them money. I'll even see new merch and think to myself "man if only WotC had just stfu, I would totally buy that".

I've already invested a ton of money into many different RPGs over the past year though, and Free League Publishing is by my far my favorite new publisher.

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Well now's the time if TikTok gets banned.

Looks like the push I'll need to finally move all my gaming over to a Linux box.

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As easy as it would be to dismiss a lot of people like this as having mental illnesses, he just sounds like you're typical conspiracy believing, far right, Trump supporter. The mental illness may have come into play when he actually decided to act on it, but make no mistake, many, many others are believing and repeating the same rhetoric and just not demented enough to act (yet), and they don't deserve the easy out of "mental illness."

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I'll say it again, make ALL bathrooms genderless and non-communal. Individual rooms, walls floor to ceiling, complete with lockable door for each toilet. This saves us from soooo many other issues aside from this "debate."

I will literally settle for just one quality of one of these. Give me the "perfect temperature blanket," I don't even care if it's soft or the right size. If it somehow stabilized my temperature so it didn't feel like it fluctuated 20⁰ every hour, I would sleep like a baby

This is the third post I've seen about this guy but the first to actually state his name. Thanks, still no idea who he is though.

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Right? It's like they forgot how to balance and think this is what people what.

I'll never forget the tone deaf "Do you guys not have phones?" because that always reminds me of how out of touch they are with their customer base.

Of course we have phones. Of course a lot of us would love a Diablo game for mobile. Of course at the time everyone was waiting and expecting news of a new main game in the series. Despite probably the higher game sales and larger fanbase of Diablo 3, I still feel like (or at least hope) that the general consensus is that Diablo 1 and 2 are seen as better than 3 (and now 4).

If they had released a remastered 1 and/or 2 for mobile, I would have easily tossed them a few bucks for it or even each. Instead I played Immortal for a couple weeks until I got bored and gave them no money, but that doesn't fucking matter because 1 dumb mother fucker is all it takes for the company to look at microtransactions as the profitable Holy Grail.

They no longer have to make games for their majority fanbase, only a select few. And if you charge for the game AND microtransactions? Well that's even better.

has until March 25

Happy Fucking Birthday to me then (I hope)

Which is extra ironic considering the parallels between anti-vax and early 1980s anti-seat belt protests.

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Start fucking dropping tears en masse in chem trails across the country, maybe that'll help. They already think we do it anyway.

I ripped a leaf off a tree and tried to eat it because they made TREE STARS LOOK SO FUCKING GOOD

If it has been particularly frustrating for me, I'll even go out of my way to block the whole domain.

not because they run poorly on emulators, but because your phone, monitors, Steam Deck, and TV are one horizontal screen.

Me looking at my half unfolded Galaxy Fold 5.

Say what you will about the foldables, but I enjoy my versatility.

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Thanks, I forgot about that.

In a podcast interview this week about the violence that follows her posts, Raichik smiled and said she’s proud of being called a stochastic terrorist — someone who inspires supporters to commit violence by demonizing a person or group.

“Honestly, like, that makes me feel really important,” Raichik said.

What a piece of hate-shit.

Damn, I got excited when I thought the article implied he was charged for tax fraud.

Old people and bots have to be a large portion.

As a noob, can someone briefly explain flatpaks and why they may be preferred?

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I've stopped charging my phone overnight which I typically advise people against but also keep a charger at my desk. My phone actually has a battery saver setting that cuts charging at 85%.

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Wait so did it release last year or did it get cancelled before release.

Also why the fuck would they charge for it?


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To the tune of Gaston --

"No one kills off their base,

let leopards eat their face,

leave thousands of bodies all over the place..."

His fucking quote about getting this "filth out of our state" makes my blood boil.

He is the filth I want out of my state.


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