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Honestly? A major breakthrough in fusion, or to a lesser extent, any other clean energy. We’ve decarbonised a decent chunk of the world’s energy profile, but there’s a strong financial incentive that politicians are vulnerable to protecting oil and gas, slowing down further decarbonisation. Batteries and supercapacitors also could do the trick.

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She’s just envious, leave her be to wistfully contemplate what could have been…

And the worst part? The money won’t come out of the police department’s budget, it’ll come out of education, housing, recreation, etc.

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I’m not sure to what extent it’s actually manifesting differently or being masked better than institutional bias against the idea of women having ADHD - diagnoses are about 3x more rare for women…

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💖💖💖💖💖ad infinitum- my love of girl bulge is vast, but my hatred of capitalism and imperialism, and more so capitalist imperialism, is infinite.

I genuinely think that the best thing that could happen to the US (and the whole world, tbh) right now is for both Trump and Biden to quietly pass in their sleep before the election.

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This is absolutely true - honeybee populations are already bouncing back thanks to numerous counter measures, but native bee populations continue to decline. Honeybees cannot pollinate all native plant species native bees do, and even when they can, their generalist nature makes them inefficient for many plants.

To be fair, the Azerbaijani government hates Armenia plenty enough even without Turkey being involved.

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I personally think we’re on the slope of enlightenment - quantum computing no longer attracts as much hype as it used to, but in the background, there’s a lot of interesting developments that genuinely might be very important.

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Why do I see numerous suspicious deaths of various government officials in the future? I wonder…

Nonetheless, it is hopefully an excellent Forrest step in tackling the various organised crime syndicates of the world.

It’s an attempt to poke fun at a red state for being so into Grindr, a gay hookup app, though it does fall a bit short since this could be a DDOS attack, or even if not, people often forget that even in red states, cities tend to be progressive strongholds.

Edit: my bad, completely forgot the RNC convention in Milwaukee lol

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People can (rightly) shit on Apple, but my phone has been working for 5 years now, still works quite well, with only the battery life being an issue. As long as easy charging is within reach, I’m unlikely to get a new phone.

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This election is going to be a choice between getting shit smeared on your face or getting shit injected into your veins- you hate both options to the core, but only one is survivable.

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Outrage without action is tacit approval.

I have to admit, the US’s policies are probably destroying what little credibility it has in the Global South, showing that the so-called “rules based international order” is not worth the air it is spoken with…

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People are very susceptible to us vs. them propaganda spewed by those in power wishing to use those sentiments to solidify their own grip on power.

These points are all absolutely correct, and generally follow a trend of protectionism sweeping across the globe, but there’s also a genuine concern about how Tiktok shapes public POV based on CCP decisions(for example, suppressing content about the excessive Covid lockdown, the Uyghur and Tibetan genocide, and suppression of Hui Muslims, Hong Kong and other minorities in China).

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In my case, it was to increase the number of available job opportunities rather than any genuine interest.

A lot of symptoms associated with ADHD make procrastination more likely

Current scholarly consensus is that the Geneses are actually two different accounts, one likely originating in ancient Israel and the other in ancient Judah. It’s why the two stories are so startlingly different when you read them side by side.

It makes sense - even after the inflation numbers go down, it just means that the prices have increased by less compared to before, not that prices went down - people have seen an erosion in spending power, which leads to negative sentiment towards the economy.

Protests that are suppressed will evolve into riots that will bring change.

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Even worse, it forms a reservoir of disease that the most vulnerable of the population, those who have not/cannot be vaccinated, will suffer tremendously from.

Honestly? Old school GOP is still horrible, but not even close to Trump’s fucked up policies. Biden v Haley is still infinitely better than Biden v Trump.

It’s a holdover from an older base-12 counting system, one of many, many relics of the fact that English is an ever evolving language.

Edit: it’s not a holdover from a different base, but a different way of counting. See comment below for details.

This makes so much sense to me - Iran joining in would give an invitation to USA, EU, etc. to join in with Israel, and take away focus from Israel’s war crimes and genocide to instead focus on the new bad guy.

Considering SpaceX’s track record… I’m very eager for Elon and his other billionaire buddies to get on a rocket headed for Mars.

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Well, there are plenty of dictators that have a few spare billions laying around, and wouldn’t mind helping out their ol’ buddy Trump with his money problems, you know?

Incontinence is not uncommon amongst the elderly in any country, and Mr. PutridOdor is older than most

No, no, I can see them standing up for ask sorts of policies that destroy themselves for the enrichment of their masters.

My glitch: summon a Dr. Pepper can into Trump’s brain, then into Biden’s brain after 14.5 hrs, then Netanyahu’s, then Putin’s, then the evil Sudanese dudes’, then Xi Jinping’s, and so on and so forth.

Shocked, I tell you, shocked

In net, the transaction is for 27 sheep, with 25 being kept by the troll father and 2 by the troll sons, so 25+2=9+9+9.

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lol, looks like Elon Fuck’s brown nosing has failed miserably.

Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day, you know. But I absolutely agree with the sentiment.

Look, I understand your point. And to be fair, they genuinely are reading new ground with reusable rockets. But not only are competitors catching up, cost overruns and time delays do matter in the context of NASA, considering how their budgets keeps getting negatively affected and the Artemis project is suffering setbacks. They don’t have the scope to tolerate what’s happening.

If only we had less shitty options for the election… fuck Biden, fuck Trump even more for forcing us to vote for this genocidal maniac.

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Dieticians recommend drinking as much water as you think your body needs (if you feel thirsty, drink water) - people in environments with less sweating will need less water than those in environments with high sweating, not to mention dietary sources of water.

That’s not correct, it’s not a snake, it’s a multi headed hydra with heads in Russia, corporate USA, China, Saudi Arabia, and anyone else with a buck to spare.