Wavering Black voters: Biden is flawed — and Trump is unacceptable

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 320 points –
Wavering Black voters: Biden is flawed — and Trump is unacceptable

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This election is going to be a choice between getting shit smeared on your face or getting shit injected into your veins- you hate both options to the core, but only one is survivable.

No. Biden is like being made to eat your vegetables. They might not taste good but you have to do it.

Voting for Trump and Republicans is like eating shit for money. Everyone is going to be worse off, oh and only the people on top get paid for it. Everyone else is just screwed.

Mmmm, vegetables are good for you. Voting for Biden is not a total catastrophe, but he's not a strong leader or a great influence on the world. He's a functioning adult, and we badly need him to win, but let's not pretend that the progressives who don't love the guy are wishing we had cake and ice cream for dinner.

If you refuse to vote or vote "none of the above", that's just not eating dinner. That's not an option that's going to work.

People are still yelling about Bernie because there hasn't been a good progressive candidate for president in 8 years.

I have a challenge for everyone who says "our leaders are too old": what new leaders are you looking for? Who are you finding?

I don't mean the narcissists the media is pushing (Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Andrew Yang, etc.). Who are you finding in your local area? Yes, we have to do the work.

"We are the ones we've been waiting for"

-- Alice Walker (look her up)

I agree with you that we need a new class of better leaders, and I agree we all need to vote for Biden in the general election. Then again, I have zero interest in running for anything.

But it remains his job to win votes, and he's failing. He's failing all of us. He has a responsibility to the American people to win this election, and he's fucking it up the same exact way Hillary did in 2016, only he won't have Bernie to blame this time around.

Tammy Duckworth. If we make it, I hope I live to see that woman become president in 2028 or beyond.

Don't taste good?

Given all Biden is doing for women with abortion and ivf, he’s getting kids breakfast and lunch money, he’s helping reduce college loan disasters, Medicare is going after pharmas that price gouge, he’s the first president ever to join union members on the picket line, I could go on.

It is not perfect and it isn't 5 Michelin star quality but it definitely tastes good.

Whoever thought that was a good idea is insane. Are they trying to lose.the country to fascism?

My vegetables usually don't support, defend, and finance genocidal states.

How much food including fruits and vegetables like garlic or mushrooms do you suspect we import from China?

Not that much. The US is really good at producing food, and Mexico is right there for year round growing as well.

I had to go look it up, it’s more than I thought, but not as much as I ultimately expected. I included all food products for completeness. 2023 numbers:

| product | value | year| |——————————-|———-|———| | Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatics invertebrates | $1.31B | 2023 | | Animal, vegetable fats and oils, cleavage products | $850.73M | 2023 | | Vegetable, fruit, nut food preparations |$833.00M | 2023 | | Miscellaneous edible preparations | $670.05M | 2023 | | Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers | $358.31M | 2023 | | Meat, fish and seafood preparations | $278.46M | 2023 | | Cereal, flour, starch, milk preparations and products | $248.89M | 2023 | | Coffee, tea, mate and spices | $233.34M | 2023 | | Sugars and sugar confectionery | $204.28M | 2023 | | Oil seed, oleagic fruits, grain, seed, fruits | $171.07M | 2023 | | Edible fruits, nuts, peel of citrus fruit, melons | $131.20M | 2023 |

most all of our food comes either domestically, or mexico.

We actually export more food (soy beans, in particular) to china.

I’m aware, but I also know that we get a sizable chunk of our imports of garlic and mushrooms from China.

Like I said, it is more than I thought, but less than I expected. Given how global a lot of products are anymore, it wouldn’t have surprised me if it was more than the 2023 numbers showed.

It is, however, a very insignificant amount of our overall food; and trade is not quite the same thing as directly sending money and arms.

Keep in mind, part of why we accept their trade at all is to maintain some influence with their policies. Which historically, was the reason we gave Israel so much aid- to give us a leash.

But it has become clear that Biden and basically everyone else is unwilling to yank that leash. Which means, we’re directly supporting genocide.

Maybe I wasn't clear, as I was trying to follow the metaphor of Biden being the equivalent of "eating your vegetables". Biden has been sending arms to Israel as it commits genocide, publicly locking arms with them no matter the attrocity of the day, and actively protecting them from consequences in the UN. So he's not just some boring politician doing a good job even if he's not inspiring. He's a actively contributing to crimes against humanity. Supporting Biden, and by extension genocide in Gaza, just to avoid Trump is not like eating vegetables, which are not tasty but good for you.

it's also important that rhetoric aside, his actions are very clearly supportive. Funding, arms sales/shipments, blocking UN resolutions calling for a ceasefire.

Given that Biden could* veto any funding bill (that'd probably be suicide given the riders,); is the one who decides to use veto powers at the UN security council.... and went out of his way to expedite arms sales....

...there is zero question in my mind he's 100% israel as it commits genocide.

... That's an option? You mean I didn't have to eat the terrorist organization tabouli? What would I eat with my hummus or couscous? (they can't share a plate)

No. Biden is like being made to eat your vegetables. They might not taste good but you have to do it.

Who is "you" here? Because I could've made the same argument about candidates in the 2020 primaries about leftist and progressive candidates. Why don't the millions of people who voted for Biden in the primaries "eat their veggies" and help get a progressive or leftist candidate elected?

Biden isn't good for the people who don't want to vote for him. Biden is good for the people who are insisting everyone has to vote for him.

No. Biden is like being made to eat your vegetables.

"Supporting genocide is good for you!"

Trump is like eating a full bowl of shit. Biden is like eating a half bowl of shit. You'll still be eating shit.

This is a wrong headed metaphor. And anyone who has had to deal with actual feces would always chose the lesser of two weevils.

Aside from this whole Israel/Genocide thing, Biden has been a pretty solid leader despite a completely dysfunctional congress.

"Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

Unpopular take here on Lemmy, but when was the last time the USA didn't support war on some country inhabited by people who aren't white. I don't see Israel as some kind of special exceptional case here.

Also obviously Trump wouldn't stop supporting Israel. Or maybe he would only because he needs all those weapons to fight a civil war.

Yeah, that's totally fair, and I haven't given him a cent even though I'd normally have thrown some cash by now, and the thought of it, as an American jew no less, makes me a little sick. But before October I would have. But our government also tends to have a momentum that's hard to redirect so fast.

Dude fucked the BBB, forced federal workers back into the office, blocked the rail strike and has Yellen and Powell in an outright war with American workers.

He's a "solid leader" for people who are retired or about to retire.

And yet the people who chose getting shit smeared in our faces in the 2020 primaries have demonstrated zero self awareness or openness to behaving differently in the future.