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Joined 10 months ago

Lol, have you seen a Republican recently?

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Are they aware that even an almost-corpse could follow their advisors and therefore end up having an effective presidency? As long as Biden doesn't start doing random senile shit (and be realistic, he's far from that)

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Leftists who aren't completely brain-dead will of course vote for his administration.

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If he loses. Maybe the complacent non-voters learned something. No thanks to the Ds, but neither Trump nor Biden winning is a done deal

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Why would it? Biden stands for the policies they want. He's also the more capable president, since he is actually able to correctly remember and cite statistics unlike Trump who is only interested in golf and polemics.

[citation needed]

Just use a formatter. It'll show you that the second one is two statements:

  1. {} (the empty block)
  2. +[] coerce an empty array to a number: new Number(new Array())
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It's how dishwashers work: more cycles = more rinsing, then later rinse it all off.

You could do a quick pre-wash, then a long cycling of water, and lastly a rinse with clean water.

I haven't read anything this cursed in a while

The both-sidesing was already telling. Sometimes the only “controversial or alternative viewpoints” are just idiotic conspiracy drivel and should be presented as such (or not at all)

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No, don't do that. That modifies the commit hashes, so tags no longer work.

git clone --filter=blob:none is where it's at.

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Have fun sailing off the cliff.

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I'm German. I really hope you guys don't vote for the fascist this time, but seeing comments like yours make me extremely happy that my partner emigrated from the US instead of still being there.

The Arch wiki made installing it very painless for me. Zero problems. Install it, remove PA, activate systemd service.

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I mean, teachers are not practicing the science they teach. They only need a textbook level understanding.

Rockbox was the shit.

Breathed so much life into my iRiver. And I always had to defend the thing: “it's older than iPods! It can't be an rip-off”

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You obviously have no idea how bad it can get.

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Yes. He's smart enough to mostly back the right R&D horses, and good at generating hype. That way, he almost manages to offset the damage he does when his ego gets in the way or he thinks he's qualified to make engineering decisions or to know which corners to cut.

KDE had that pretty much since the invention of the mouse wheel.

Arch was never affected, as described in their news post about it. Arch users had malicious code on their hard disks, but not the part that would have called into it.

They probably didn't label their axes properly. FPS is a clearly defined metric, and there, more is better. This indicates that the conclusion (Linux is faster) holds. Since frame times have an entry with value “100” and all other values are lower, I assume that's in percent, i.e. Arch Linux is the fastest and picked as comparison point, and the others are shown with relative performance to Arch.

I've heard nothing but good, and replacing Pulseaudio was painless. It was Pulseaudio that people hated on in my experience

How do slightly higher latencies impact any of that?

You don't even notice those unless you play a FPS. Last I checked, pwning b00ns in CS isn't vital to a good education.

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What's “here”? Here in Germany, mine has it for maybe 10 years or so. Basically since launch day.

And new ISPs only have v6 since all legacy (v4) blocks have been sold years ago.

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Spherical? We don't know if the universe is of finite size.

As far as we know, it could just as well be infinite, and the expansion happens everywhere.

Everything is relative so the only thing we know is that the distance between galaxies increases. But we don't know if there's a “border” of the universe or not.

I hope things like this will take off:

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IIRC, they're too big to have formed in one of the ways we know and then continuously lost matter at the the rate they should have.

So one or more of the assumptions about how they could have formed or how they lost matter over time is wrong, right?

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Testing superscript syntax: 10^-9^


Nothing. It fixes the myriad of horrible hacks that are required for ipv4 to somehow still hang on.

Of course companies are sad because transition costs money, even though as usual the open source community did most of the work for them.

What an asinine take. I choose to live in a city because I can meet many different friends in many different interesting spots, where we can e.g. eat excellent iterations of different cuisines.

All without sitting my ass in a car and driving for an hour to meet a single couple that lives in some other hamlet. Or having to plan the exact amount of drinks and food to consume before the evening starts. And I can do that multiple times per week if I please.

You like living in the countryside, I get it. Don't pretend that's somehow objectively better lol

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Lather some soap in to a flannel and scrub every part of your body

That's not recommended by dermatologists. Soap destroys the acid layer on your skin that keeps bacteria out. As a regular thing, you should therefore only lather on soap where the bacteria buildup is high enough, i.e. under your arms, in your butt crack and other skin folds.

Unless you got super sweaty, you shouldn't soap up your arms and legs every day.

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They are already. Antisemitic violence has been on the rise here since October 7. Antisemites see Israel do a thing and think “I know, let's hurt some Jews”

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That's a lot of compassion for someone whose hurt and confusion makes him wield the disproportionate amounts of power he has in a disastrous way.

I don't think I “hate” anyone really, but in the case of fragile billionaires, I care more about the people hurt by their actions than them. First priority is to remove them from power, a distant second is to get them some help.

What do you mean, “support”?

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Time to change that tarball thing. Git repos come with built in checksums, that should be the way to go.

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No, read the link you posted:

Arch does not directly link openssh to liblzma, and thus this attack vector is not possible. You can confirm this by issuing the following command:

ldd "$(command -v sshd)"

However, out of an abundance of caution, we advise users to remove the malicious code from their system by upgrading either way.

This is AfD, our resident fascist clown party. At least we have a coalition based democracy, so it's unlikely that they take over the less fascist “center”-right party.

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I was very sad when KDE reintroduced the concept of “primary screen”.

It used to just be the current screen, which meant that when I wanted to game or watch something on my projector, I just dragged steam or the folder with movies to the projector screen, then launched whatever I wanted, and it appeared on the screen I wanted it on.

Now I have to jerryrig kwin and a custom steam-in-gamescope Launcher to have games launch there. As a side effect, steam thinks my PC is a steam deck and therefore can't be exited from inside of it, I have to right click the tray icon.

Horribly kludgy compared to “click launch game button on screen x, game opens on screen x”