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Joined 8 months ago

Almost like the west isnt funding them the way they are supposed to. To anyone in the US, this is why you need a democratic majority in the house. Russia has already called Ukraine a stepping stone multiple times, but US news is a awash with nothing but news on Gaza and israel despite the US policy on israel being unfortunately decided for 70 years now. So instead of pressuring our govt to act on Ukraine, we have protestors wasting their effort on the wrong genocide, one which the US was never going to stop, and is much smaller in scale. Its a dismal way of looking at things, but it is not incorrect.

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We didnt spend billions on Ukraine. We donate old arms worth billions that were due to be phased out anyway to Ukraine. Crappy media reporting has really done on number on everyone who believes otherwise. And guess what? That weaponry was doing the trick. As predicted, giving Ukraine an absolute fuckload of our outdated shit is held russia back.

But sure. Lets let Poland, Finland, and Lithuania fall next -___-

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And once again, as the foreign trolls that are busy courting our youth want, not one comment in this entire thread mentions that Europe is on the brink of open modernized war should Ukraine fall to vlad "Ukraine is just a stepping stone" putin.

Gaza is a genocide, but that is not the critical geopolitical stage to be paying the most attention to. Once again it is completely ignored that the heads of hamas who attacked israel on oct 7 knowing exactly what they were about to cause are friends of putin.

The Gaza genocide was provoked precisely to pull western eyes from the Ukrainian front where russia was more than underperforming to ensure their victory in a sustained war of attrition.

You want to avoid a world war? You vote for biden whether u do it proudly or do it holding ur nose the way most of the sane will.

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You wont get to pull dems anywhere if trump enacts project 2025.

The older generation is at their tipping point before the youth take the reins. Its no coincidence those trying to push for another trump term want u to either abstain or vote third party, i.e. the spoiler effect.

I hate opening this way, but, as an "artist," DL everything. Art deserves to be pushed away from profit motives and i hate hearing, "but your fave musicians wont get ur money!" Theyre not getting money off of record sales anyway, they hardly ever did. Ill put out what i make for free download. If ever ppl seem crazy enough to wanna donate, ill look into opening up those avenues, but its not like thats happening anytime soon. Way i see it, its not like i could stop if i wanted to. Why ask for money and limit how many ppl i can reach?

I dont like biden. I approve of some of his policies. I dig forgiving student loans. I like the updated infrastructure plan, esp that it specifically targets the state that just had issues with their roads floading and is in desperate need of more jobs (VT). And i like the Texan high speed rail idea. Texas being annoying as shit aside, a high speed rail between two massive metropolises is exactly what we need. Not to mention the big 3 cities in TX already historically vote blue in the general so trying to energize that crowd ahead of the election seems a little optimistic, but not as misplaced as some would have u believe.

Biden is still Status Quo Joe to me. He still represents the continuation of neoliberal policies that keep us from addressing the climate crisis, but he does not represent a disruption to the democratic process but rather its continuation. With the youth being more aware of the climate situation, the draconian foreign policies we hold, and on the whole supporting a wider array of left leaning policies than any generation prior, biden is the only sane choice.

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Its not, but plenty of Lemmy accounts are running around with a vested interest of convincing one and all that Biden and Dump are the exact same candidate and not voting is the answer. Its why theyll spam anything and everything about the Gaza genocide to the front page while not so sneakily inserting comments like this or, "gEnOciDe JoE" in the middle of it all.

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For the GOP voters? 50+ yrs of highly concentrated, and pointed propaganda.

For the nonvoters? Bc their favorite social media sites (this one included) are full of russian bad faith actors working to make Status Quo Joe seem somehow worse, or, at the very least, more ineffectual, than ronald mcdump.

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Thats what i did. Day one, and im already banned from world news on Lemmy as well now. For calling out russian talking points when they came up.

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You, i like you


Ive gotten righty whities to agree with me on all sorts of wild leftist ideas, its about finding the angle and humanizing the problem.

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Got banned after calling out russian propaganda for being just that. Literally happened on my first or second day on lemmy.

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Ditto. Ive met countless older people now who kept up doing the work they were passionate about, even if it in time became a hobby that they did at a loss. People like to work. They like to see the fruits of their labor take shape before their eyes, and they like feeling like theyre doing something that benefits someone other than themselves.

As it stands, the rules we live by only reward the infinite pursuit of profit, but that doesnt align with the values people find themselves holding whether they like it or not.

Oh, so now they say they won't attack Poland? Come on pooty poot, its getting a little hard to keep ur narratives straight! Whatever happened to the denazification plot you were talking about some time ago?

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Over in Eastern Europe it has been known for a while (read: centuries) that the russian state weaponizes rape and torture of women and children. I dont mean, "oh war is terrible and leads to rape and torture," I mean, "the russian state specifically weaponizes the rape and torture of women and children."

The idea is to demoralize the native populations and spread their "superior" russian blood.

Source: am Polish-born American. My fellow Slavs have villified the russian state especially despite having a long history warring with many many more enemies.

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Youre not going to get a chance to vote third party again under donnie dump, tho.

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Of. Fucking. Course.

And theyre still the minority party.

DNC is reserved for the party leadership. The democrats i encounter in the real world may or may not identify with the party leadership (e.x. the democrats i meet over the age of 65 tend to identify with Kennedy, not Schumer.)

Fucking! Preach!

This is my experience as a Polish-American. There was nothing leftist about the USSR. Breadlines, famine, genocide, blaming us for their tanks in Prague, etc. are not leftist policy. In fact, theyre kinda the fucking opposite.

Theres very good reason why us Slavs hate their shitty state, its 800 years of imperialism, their insistence that they are our big brother, their misinfo/disinfo that theyve always weaponized, and their constant claims that all the rest of us have less claim to our own countries than they do. As if Poland wasnt 200 years older, anyway.

Italian beef - wet

Ahh yes! The only correct way to eat ur Italian beef.

Excellent points, truly.

Esp on congressional v presidential power/responsibility. I must admit im rather guilty of this, too. Its easy to hate on our cultures authoritarian tendencies that prevade in the stupidest fucking places, and yet i still consistently think, "wheres that marjuana legislation, Joe? Why arent you passing executive orders to prevent the intellectually challeneged baboon heading Texas from busing his responsibilities to my state? Or at least offer more executive support in handling the influx of ppl? Maybe something to give out more work visas, no?

Reading this tho reminds me, most all of that is legislative tasks. weve just all been brainwashed by years of executive encroachment to where the broken parts of our system behave extra broken.

Keep fighting the good fight. Your words hit hard.

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Oops! I am dumb, by the way.

And of course this will reach far too few ears, but this is a commendable effort by the biden admin.

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God i fucking hope so. Theres a massive push to convince folks to stay home or vote third party. The best hopes seƱor racismo has of winning is low voter turnout. Id like to think that the shrinking republican base, coupled with their continued attempts to appeal to their fringes, will swing the election to Status Quo Joe, but i cant help feeling worried.

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Holy shit!!

please set a precedent, please set a precedent, please set a precedent

Bc the left has a really hard time coming together and we wont get another election if we dont.

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"Too late to stop him(trump)"

Really? Bc it sure seems like it aint.

The spoiler effect means voting for third party is essentially a vote for trump, so we must vote for the lesser evil. Look to the Spanish anarchists. Theyve a politically engaged political party since the late 1800s bc the second tenet they list is to make life more tenable under the current (in their eyes) transitory system.

We must pursue direct action, establish systems of mutual aid, and we must vote to keep the russian agent from criminalizing leftists for thoughtcrime.

Every available avenue is to be taken, bc we dont get to be picky, and every leftward push should be embraced regardless of how far or little it pushes. Its the sum of parts that counts. You think MLK jr would refuse to stage disruptive protests bc the man standing next to him might not yet be disillusioned with capital as much as he? That is what solidarity means. Solidarity to even those that u disagree with.

Nothing new here. Russian subterfuge is a staple of their government's external workings for most of their history. I say this as a Pole whose country has a history of being preyed on by russian propaganda and covert ops anytime the russian state decided it wanted to go imperial.

Its all performative. Theres no shortage of 20something yr old leftist idealists that are ripe for the brainwashing. Just discovered The Dunk Tank, which i guess is more of the same.

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His first term didnt have a project 2017 courtesy of the federalist society.

The onus is on us all to keep democracy alive.

It is on us to take all available paths towards alleviating the situation. Voting is the easiest and least u can do. Past that, theres mutual aid and direct action. Take as many paths as u can, but any and all leftward movement must be embraced.

The "moderates" u mention are the future right wing of the country. The gop is on a sinking ship. Their base is dying (of old age and at twice the rate due to covid), and the youth lean increasingly left. Our time is upon us, but right now trump represents an existential threat to life as we know it. He is a hostile foreign agent and those paths open to us will suddenly close under him.

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He has forgiven student loans, reunited children it their families at the border, and he is the first president to so openly acknowledge and put forth anything towards climate change.

The other option is daddy big boot stamping down on anyone who doesnt think like he.

To push left, all increments of change should be embraced. Those who stage disruptive strikes will get the majority of my respect, but by diversifying efforts we reach further ends.

Ppl on this site sometimes act like war doesnt need to happen if they just dont believe in it, personally. I get it, im a pacifist, too. War is evil and hellish. This is a fact.

It is also a fact that russia invaded Ukraine and has on numerous occasions now called it a stepping stone. If u dont want a war, youve already got one! If you dont want it at your doorstep (bc thats the closest youll get to avoiding it), then Ukraine must be better funded and equiped.

We're not the only ones with wants, we're not the only ones with plans. Countries have them, too, ans some countries happen to be much more hostile towards ppl who like having their wants and needs free from government intervention.

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Thats a great read, and echoes what ive been seeing at my own workplace. Those who even remotely follow news (outside of Faux News) are all voting biden. Those who dont, hear that bidens old, that hes out of touch, and want trump to win out of spite for how much they hate the political climate.

That whole, "vote for trump or abstain to stick it to the man" thing is trending like nothing else. Even here on Lemmy, but esp on reddit.


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Or calling out russian and chinese talking points. And then they have the same 10 users popping up whenever the instances are criticized saying "akshally privacy and no tanks..." (see above)

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They use Poland as an example of why voting is bad but ignore Tusk being one of the loudest European voices in backing Ukraine. Sounds convenient for a different major world power tp argue against that...

Bc theyre sooo totally gonna be able to get the proles to their side to overthrow their shackles instead -_____-

Chapotraphouse seems to be buying into it...


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"First they came for the trans folk, but i remained sitting bc i thought their rights were inconvenient for my other political aims and they were mean to me that one time way back."

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Theyre already unappealing to most voters we just need to make sure enough of those show up in just the right spots.

Looking at u rust belt.....

In the way things are, we are capable of taking direct action. Under dump, itll be much harder when we are a de jure dictatorship with anyone left of reagan criminalized.

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