1 Post – 204 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Because in America we believe strongly in our rights: specifically the right to tell people they don't have the right to speak any language they want. It's called freedom man!

Wouldn't the phone have to have your fingerprint stored in order to compare it to the one scanned?

Sure is. Thanks.

Don't know anything about this from personal experience, but I thought I heard a report a while back about a fairly large number of hikers in the UK injured or killed by cows. So I'm guessing, not as dangerous as crocodiles but still best to be careful.

You've got to love the irony here. He complained for years that people entering at the southern border were criminals and shouldn't be allowed in and now essentially other countries are saying the same thing about him.

And moments after its efficacy was proven, Louisiana banned it.

Like a phone would last 50 years.

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Went on a 3 week long trip to the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Denmark with my girlfriend. The majority of the time was spent in Norway and one night we took a gondola to the top of a mountain to watch some kind of show. I don't remember if it was a laser show, concert or what, but when it was over, as you can imagine there was a very long line to take the gondola back down. Not liking to wait so long we noticed that there were a number of people heading down the mountain, on foot. So we followed them. What could possibly go wrong? I mean it's a mountain. . . in town. . . All you have to do is go down and eventually you'll be back in town, right.

I started to get a little warm, so I took off my leather jacket and carried it in my arms. This is when I found out that even a 5 pound load can get heavy if you carry it long enough. Also, downhill, while easier than up hill, still isn't easy. It took forever and when we finally spilled out onto the street, we were in a completely unknown area. We'd somehow circled partly around the mountain and come out a different side. All of the people we were following had magically disappeared, like in the movies when the Vietnamese just step off into the forest before the bombs start falling on the soldiers.

We found ourselves standing in what appeared to be a suburban neighborhood. No one on the streets. No cars. No taxis. It was late and there were no busses running as far as we could tell. We had no idea how to get back to where we were staying. We didn't really speak the language. At that point we just looked at each other and said, "How did we get into this situation?"

In the end we found a bus terminal with a driver sitting in his bus, after his shift. We asked him and he told us which bus was still running and heading our way and that we couldn't get on at the terminal. The funny thing is when we finally boarded the bus, the driver was one of the passengers.

In my opinion, if sufficient time has passed... it was never rude. It's rude to not pay attention and cause the last three cars to miss the light.

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Yup, exactly what I think. So I used to sit in the gate area until the last possible moment until I found out that if you wait too long, they'll give away your seat. Plus since they are charging people for checking luggage through, you have to get that overhead bin before it's gone, unless your carry-on fits in front of you, which it doesn't if you're on a bulkhead. So, now I stand in line, frustrated by that and all the other crap we have to go through when traveling by plane these days. Looking at you TSA.

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I think I'm missing something. So the insurrectionists, yell "charge" as if in battle and say to pull all the Democrats out into the street and have a mob trial, but what they're being charged with is interfering with a government proceeding? Like that's the only thing wrong here?

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I wonder what the to- do lists were.

  1. Pick up milk.
  2. Drop off dry cleaning.
  3. Thwart election.
  4. Order KFC for staff and POTUS.
  5. Write 5 tweets about how great I am.
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It sounds like THEY chose the bar as a meeting place. It's not your fault that's where they chose to associate. Did anyone say, "Let's meet at the bar to hang out, but only those that buy bar stuff?" I doubt it. You shouldn't feel pressured at all. It's her problem. In fact, as far as I'm concerned SHE should be the one to leave if she's uncomfortable. Or here's an idea, she could offer to treat you to some onion rings or something, instead of complaining. If I sensed that someone in my group was not buying at the bar we meet in, every time, I'd start to think that person either had a drinking problem or didn't have the money to buy there. Either way, I wouldn't bring it up. I wouldn't want to embarrass the person. I'd probably just buy an extra large something, or "accidently" order two of something and offer it up to that person.

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Do they not taste good or something?

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I know it's BAD business to ask one person to leave his group of friends because he isn't buying anything.

Do you know what a shill is?

Don't quote me on the exact time but I heard somewhere that they run so close to schedule that a bullet train arrived something like 18 seconds late and the company apologized for the delay. ( might have been a minute or two but I recall it was really, really short. )

An e-bike. I used my regular bike for errands but the e-bike just made it so much easier to pedal in high winds or when I was hauling my trailer full of groceries. Plus it increased my range because I knew I could go farther in the same amount of time. I bought a class 1 e-bike so I always have to pedal, like a normal bike. Because I use it more, I think I actually get MORE exercise despite the assist. I really love it.

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Maybe because he has expressed his admiration for Putin on more than one occasion, has sworn to pull all support for NATO, which was founded to defend against a Russian threat, around the time of the election the Russians hacked email accounts of prominent Democrats thus helping Trump's campaign efforts, or because Trump chose to believe Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agency in the matter of Russian influence in the 2016 election, Trump's national security advisor was forced to resign after he had inappropriate contact with Russia to discuss sanctions then lied about it, and because there is a boatload of circumstantial evidence, like relations his family has had with people close to Russia. Maybe for those reasons or it could be people are just really unfair to poor Mr. Trump.

I have a very small car so I make sure to park toward the end of the parking spot so people don't pull half way in before realizing it is occupied. Your welcome.

My cousin Vinny.

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Was at the house of a relative of a friend. When the phone rang he asked me to answer it. Suddenly realizing I didn't know the name of the home owner and lacking anything beyond "hello", I simply said, "Massachusetts."

  1. I found navigating overly complicated at times. The command window uses all the little archaic squiggles around the edge of the keyboard and one missing space will do you in.

  2. For me, the wifi connection always seems sketchy. I currently still have a Linux PC connected to my TV. It's only used for surfing the net and every time we use it to exercise to a YouTube channel, I might as well walk away and do something else before it can get in. I really should change my distribution on that and see if it helps.

  3. When I got really serious about it and was having all kinds of issues the community asked for my hardware list and when I posted it, the response was, "Oh, all that stuff is too new, you have to wait for someone to write drivers for it." I always build my own computer and I don't like the idea of a let down when I turn it in for the first time.

There's a lot to like about Linux and I always want to free myself from the Microsoft shackles, but every time I do, it just doesn't work for me.

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Actually, I would go one further and say Star Trek is axon of almost ALL people.

To be fair, the OP did say "some brands" not ALL bikes. Also, I have one of those Walmart bikes and I pity the foo who owns one. On my very first ride, my pants tore the chain guard off. Pretty sure it was there to protect my pants. Then when I came to a stop, the seat exploded. Springs, nuts, bolts and washers went flying. I had to gather them up again and try to piece it back together to keep the seat usable. It's ridiculously heavy too. If you can't afford a nice new bike, I recommend buying a decent used one at a garage sale or something. I don't agree that they will serve the vast majority of people just fine.

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Oh no. Not falling for this one again.

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Yeah, I feel real bad for them. Google made $13.9B last quarter. Perhaps if the greed wasn't absolutely bottomless I'd be willing to pay a small fee. But wait, aren't they selling all my private information? I thought that's how it works. If you don't pay for a product, you are the product. No?

I'll say it and I'm not a liar.

Upvote= needs to be seen more. (I could disagree strongly but feel others should see it. )

Several. Three dimensional characters. No one is truly all good or evil.

Eliminating overused tropes. If I see another scene where the woman screams at the man for getting her pregnant while giving birth or a timer display on a bomb, I think I'll just stop watching.

And finally a little more actual humanness. By this I mean, many action movies have heroes that just move along when someone dies. There's no reason a person can't disarm a bomb, because he/she HAS to, but is crying during the act, maybe has to wipe tears away to properly see. People can have a breakdown, but still run away from danger at the same time. And afterward mourn the loss for more than 10 seconds. Even larger than life action heroes, would be made more relatable if they had nightmares about what they had done in the name of doing the right thing.

I probably have a lot more but can't think about them at the moment. All I can say is I absolutely hate how often I can predict what is about to happen. I want to be surprised without the plot going completely off the rails.

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I've been using ad block for years now and today I started seeing the message. I added an overlay blocker extension as per another user here and so far that's working. Didn't have to uninstall anything.

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Yeah but...'re on the OTHER end of all our guns. No one is safe from our craziness. says Tesla profits over the last year were $16.8B. So is this jack-hole really worth three years worth of profits? Seems like a bad financial decision to me.

Yeah, it's bad enough that an LG TV makes you agree to have all of your data sent to them, but now they want you to pay for the privilege as well. Screw that!

I mean, i think all smart TVs do that now. Don't know what I'll do when my dumb one breaks.

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Antenna engineer. It's a subset of electrical engineering. It's often referred to as black magic by other electrical engineers but I don't agree with that. That would be an engineer specializing in PIM testing. Anyway, it was a great career and I was able to command a higher salary at first, because if you need an antenna engineer, you need an antenna engineer. Unfortunately very few companies need an antenna engineer so, no, I wouldn't choose it again. Changing companies is too limited. Plus, due to lack of antenna engineers and the high cost of the resources needed to do the job, more companies are moving away from it, preferring to buy off-the-shelf antennas. This means there are fewer and fewer companies doing the real design work.

I got into it, because it was the first professional job I got. Sticking with it was easier than starting over.

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Well from what I heard, pigs orgasm for 30 minutes. Does that count as a heightened sense?

The airlines always complain about the cost of fuel, I'm surprised they can tolerate this. 18,000 ghost flights for Lufthansa? Just last month I sat in a 100 degree cabin for about 45 minutes before take- off because the APU needed to be turned on by a ground unit. The pilot said he called for the truck. It never came. Later I asked a pilot friend of mine and he said they can power that unit themselves but it uses fuel and the airline probably has a policy against it. Screw you Virgin Atlantic!

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Well there are a few things to say about your comment. First, YouTube DOES pay content providers. However, most earn money from multiple sources like YouTube, Patreon, sponsors and merchandise sales. Out of those sources youtube is probably the most fickle. Their rules about canceling a channel or removing monetization are arbitrarily enforced and difficult or impossible to appeal.

The same can be said for the way viewers are treated. YouTube is a "free" service. They decided to operate this way, not us. Instead of, for instance, offering the streaming service as a paid subscription, they chose to essentially destroy the product and then ask for payment to fix it ( the so called poison pill). And don't forget the notion that if you are not paying for the product, you ARE the product. I'm pretty sure that YouTube is collecting our information and profiting from it. And if they aren't the parent company absolutely is. When you couple this with the thought that "suggested" content is designed to profit youtube, its easy to make the argument that it wasn't actually free to begin with.

So bottom line is, I think people are fed up with relentless marketing and the form of marketing YouTube has chosen is the worst possible kind of marketing. This leaves those who have been users for a while and want to continue, with the choice of fighting this invasive advertising with ad blockers or paying for the service. The latter of which feels a lot like a reward for reprehensible behavior on the part of youtube.

In short, I think the chief complaint here is HOW youtube has gone about this. Anyway, that's the way I see it. I use a lot of "free" services and youtube is by far the worst type of cost. Pandora, plays ads I have to listen to as the cost for that service but they aren't nearly as bad about it and they never do it in the middle of a song, for instance. I use Wikipedia and they don't market at all, just ask for a donation every now and then. I gave up and just paid for youtube premium. But I have to say it feels a bit like I was extorted, because I feel like I have seen enough ads for one lifetime. If at any point youtube starts showing ads with their paid service I will absolutely drop them like a hot potato, which would be a shame since, like you, I enjoy a lot of the content.

Thank you for mentioning the overlay blocker. Never heard of it. I was just on YouTube today and haven't seen this. Are you in the US? I feared this day would come. Not sure what I'll do.

Do a quick calculation of what you can afford to buy with a billion dollars. Actually, I'll do it for you. At, just 6% per year, a billion dollars generates 60 million dollars each year. The numbers are absolutely staggering. Virtually nothing is too expensive for the wealthy. Which is why billionaires generously volunteer to pay more in taxes and provide excellent benefits to those who work so hard for them. /s.

Nope. I fidget a lot. Turn my head sideways and it all goes blurry. Usually it costs more money. I don't want the discomfort of wearing scratched up glasses. I think I can go on and on. It's just not a value-add to me.

That's 0.0001x their 2022 profit or 0.01%. If I did my math correctly, it's about 58 minutes of profit.