"We're not weird people."
Sounds like something a weird person would say
Our own far right leader Geert Wilders, who wants to exit the EU and limit immigration from islamic countries and central/eastern Europe, is married to a woman from Hungary.
Whenever a rightwing politician is yelling something is bad, chances are they are complicit of it themselves.
Not anymore no, the initial reaction was justified. But yeah after nearly 8 years of free content updates they have certainly redeemed themselves
The infuriating part here is that there are still people the think climate change is a hoax, even though we see the first effects right here, right now. Last year was similar. I remember it being like 16 degrees on New Year's Eve. Fucking madness...
Talking about being swamped with work
In other news, Olympic swimming champion outraged when they found out that water is wet
Non-Dutchies see this as making fun of our language. Dutchies see this as making fun of a far rightwing politician. It's gold either way.
Eewwwww. Keep that weirdo away from the children.
Not because of the drag, of course. He's just a weird guy in general.
While it does indeed kind of smell like an ad, keep in mind this is not some triple-A bullshit. It's made by a single dev and has a heavily involved community on reddit and discord where competitions are hosted and suggestions are made. Regardless of tankies reputation, that kind of behaviour is not tolerated in either of those communities. I've been playing it on and off and have over 500 hours into it by now. It is a very niche game, but for those that like tanks and military games in general, it is a real gem.
Never forget that the official Nazi party name was "National-Socialist German Labourer's Party." Fascism has been trying to get the workers on its side since the 1930's (unsure if Mussolini did it too in the 20's)
2020/2021/2022 were so bad we all forgot about 2016. The clowns, trump being elected, Harambe. It was considered a wild year back then.
Fucking hell FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE THAT GETS THEM! I really thought I was alone as none of my friends ever had it. It get it roughly once a year and yeah it's worse than calf cramps.
I even managed to get an armpit cramp once. Not so fun either.
And very weird too!
One of their last few products that was actually quite good. I bet gmail is next.
I bet you make images of stuff too then?
I hate to admit it but it seems that way. Our social systems, transport, healthcare, etc. were severely degraded by rightwing policies, and now many people voted for an even more rightwing party, as if they are gonna clean up the mess. Fucking idiots.
that is easily the cutest tank I've ever seen!
This is Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. L "Luchs" erasure
I know I'm not in a great position to give culinary criticism as a Dutchman but what the actual fuck
So now the Republicans have people who committed genocide among their ranks. At least, in their own terms they have.
Fascinating! And gross, of course.
I have seen it recommended somewhere in the comments but I want to shed some more light on this game: What Remains of Edith Finch. It is a walking simulator that should take about 2 hours and is best played in a single session.
As Edith Finch, you go back to the house where you grew up in your younger years to explore it. The Finch family has an almost genetic trait of bad luck; many of them have died before their time. You explore the house room by room and explore that person's last moments.
There is no gore or horror of any kind, but there are children that die, so if that is a trigger I would sit this one out. If not, it is currently on sale for less than €5. It is worth it.
Trafficking humans, putting them in tiny 1x1m cages where they cannot sit, force them to do cheap labour, separate their children at birth, and kill them if they are too expensive...
Fuck I love Minecraft!
Lemmy eats the beans to clear space on the plate for future additions
So juicy sweet
Absolute favourite game soundtrack? Frostpunk's OST. The soundtrack really brings home the desperation and harshness of survival in the cold. When the storm is coming and the music swells up... goosebumps. Every single time.
Divinity 2: Original Sin has a great soundtrack too. Kinda surprised I couldn't find it in the comments. Minecraft as well. It's very soothing and calming.
Aside from that, some smaller titles with great music: GRIS, What Remains of Edith Finch, and FAR: Lone Sails.
For what it's worth, it's incredibly frustrating as a European with a functioning brain too.
As a non-native English speaker I fully understand what it means and will happily correct it to football for you :P
Also the "I think A"
"Oh so you think B?"
Had a whole argument once about capitalism v/s socialism only because I stated that, while neither is desireable, if I HAD to choose, I would rather live in the States than in Russia. Somehow that must have meant that I love the US and it is doing nothing wrong in my view but they are wrong because capitalism etc etc and I was just standing there like "...I literally did NOT say anything to do with that." And then they had the gall to claim that I am the one blowing up arguments. Yeah right.
Those people are often where most of the money comes from in f2p games. They are referred to as "whales" by the gaming industry.
Not all heroes wear capes
The annoying thing is that this was already an issue in Divinity II... Probably something to do with the engine as they made that themselves as well. I love both games a tonne, but this is definitely an issue that they seem to be repeating...
The ending of How I Met Your Mother. Like, it was certainly no cinematic masterpiece, but I felt like it was a very logical build-up and delivery. I don't get the impression that they really stretched the story for more seasons either (yes I know they did add more things to stretch it, I just mean I think it doesn't show story-wise). But even a few days ago I saw people complaining about how bad the ending was, and it's a rhetoric I see almost every time the show is mentioned. And, again, it is not a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch, but I wouldn't expect that from a sitcom anyway.
My first time at what is more or less a Renaissance Fair. There were several knives and swords on display. I thought they were plastic. Found out the hard way they were not.
I should add that this is in a country with gun control, i.e. weapons for sale is very much out of the order. I really was not expecting them to sell actual daggers!
Don't forget the coconut!
Im Westen nichts Neues (All Quiet on the Western Front). A movie about WWI from the German perspective. While not 100% accurate, it does a great job of showing the harrowing trench warfare, the propaganda, and the out-of-touch militarism in the higher ranks. I highly recommend it.
A much older one: Le Grand Vadrouille (The Great Escape). A French WWII comedy about a few British pilots that need to escape occupied France. There is a little bit of English but it's predominantly French in language. While not all movies from that age have stood the test of time (e.g. Les Gendarmes are quite racist), this one does a decent job!
A bit of an obscure one is Roadwarden. If I remember correctly, it was made by a single person. The grafics are pixelated style, which is usually a bit of a turn off for me (I don't need hyperrealistic, just don't like big pixels), but the gameplay is amazing. It is a combination of a graphical novel and an RPG where choices matter. It does not have spicy real-time combat or a leveling system, but your choices in the story and of your class matter.
To give a quick introduction to the story: You start as a roadwarden, someone tasked with keeping the roads safe. You are tasked by the elite in a rich city to assess the trading prospects with a poor province up north; assess its people, infrastructure, and resources that they offer. You have a limited time to complete your task, as autumn and winter are closing in, and the nights are too dangerous to venture on the roads.
In this game, you cannot help everyone. Helping one group can condemn another, and actions that may be noble in spirit may fail spectacularly. I've had a lot of fun playing through this, and it is my recommendation if you don't really care for real-time combat.
Live fast - die young - leave a good-looking corpse
Yeah I prefer 6 over 5 any day, but there are a few small things that 5 does do better imo. I do prefer the more serious art style of 5, and I noticed that there is a lot less actual dialogue in a civs respective language compared to 5. While I do like automatic road creation, I do also miss being able to build it manually to have more control over where units can go. Finally, I think the happiness system in Civ 6 is a bit too easy, as it can be mostly ignored and very easily fixed compared to 5. Keeping your citizens happy was much more of a challenge there.
Unsure about the experience on steam deck but on my PC Bazzite runs like a charm! Installed Proton-GE for extended compatibility and have yet to run into a game that doesn't work out of the box or has significant issues. Even the very niche game Sprocket runs great!
Not everyone can resist the temptation of the brussy