This would be a nice temperature for Easter, not for Christmas Eve. to Mildly – 664 points –

14°C = 57°F


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The infuriating part here is that there are still people the think climate change is a hoax, even though we see the first effects right here, right now. Last year was similar. I remember it being like 16 degrees on New Year's Eve. Fucking madness...

a few years back in Sydney Australia it was 40 deg C Christmas eve and then 12 deg Christmas day. Absolutely crazy.

I don't think climate change is a hoax. But from what I hear the major cause for it being carbon dioxide alone is not really true. Now, I can't remember what evidence there was, so please, a grain of salt. But I do trust the person who said it, so, when I have more time in life I intend to find out more. But it's not like I can do anything to revert the misinformation at this point, should it turn out to be a hoax. The media has already cemented it, and any scientists going against the grain today will lose all credibility, because "the science is done" on this (even though that is very unscientific in and of itself).

That's why no scientist ever said the cause is carbon dioxide alone. Anybody who says that to sow distrust in the scientific community is the one that is not trustworthy.