This would be a nice temperature for Easter, not for Christmas Eve. to Mildly – 664 points –

14°C = 57°F


My best Christmas ever was in Belgium. We were supposed to go to Germany for the day to visit distant relatives. A blizzard closed everything and instead I got to stay in a bathrobe and read.

Now I would have to go and pack a bathing costume. I am not a fan of climate change.

I won’t ever forget how cold it got here last Christmas in Appalachia.

I closed the store for the 24th and 25th. When I came back the place was flooded because the heat stopped working and the pipes in the ceiling exploded. The entire store was flooded and I spent the day after Christmas pushing water out of the store.

I had to take a heater and melt the ice to finish the job.

What a nightmare.

My city is expecting the first rainy Christmas in recorded history. The Earth is so screwed.

Forget White Christmas, the next generation will celebrate Wet Christmas instead.

I love seeing these comments that completely ignore the southern hemisphere

Everyone know Australia is fake

I love this bit:

There is apparently no suggestion that South America is fictional nor has the existence of New Zealand so far been questioned.

It's just fuck Australia in particular, everything else is fine. :-P

Same here in the UK. Far too warm.

It's storming and 60 degrees where I live.

It should be cold and snowing.

I'm glad I never had kids. Can't imagine how bad it's going to be in a decade or two when the shit really hits the fan.

These are the temps in the notoriously cold Minnesota as well. I'm unsettled and upset.

Yup. I'm Northwest of you in Canada and I can see my lawn. I'm not supposed to see my lawn...

(At least until March at the earliest. We have a little bit of snow but not much, most of it melted)

Same in Wisconsin, lawn is greener now in December than it was in June because we had a drought this summer. It's really uncomfortable.

Winter mornings shouldn't feel like spring middays

January and February is when it normally gets cold here.

People like to pretend that Christmas was a time of snow and ice, but that's pretty rare. Dickens wrote about them, but his childhood coincided with the coldest decade in over a century.

Lived in my city for 37 years. Never had a “brown Christmas” until this year. It has also been above freezing every day this winter. Not the norm.

Mate what? You typically see -3 to maybe 7C. It's 13-14C today it seems. That's not normal.

The warmest Christmas in UK history is 15C. Yesterday was the hottest Christmas eve since 1997. We won't know until tomorrow if today is the hottest Christmas on record.

Quit your climate change denial bullshit.

As Global Warming slowly kills us all, try to enjoy it!:-) 😭

And reconsider if you want to have kids given the worst is almost certainly yet to come.

At least we won't be cold.

Sadly, that part comes later as well:-(.

The only bright side is that after the adjustment period, Earth is going to be just fine - no lie! (Humans living on it though... that's a bit of a different story now...😞)

The infuriating part here is that there are still people the think climate change is a hoax, even though we see the first effects right here, right now. Last year was similar. I remember it being like 16 degrees on New Year's Eve. Fucking madness...

a few years back in Sydney Australia it was 40 deg C Christmas eve and then 12 deg Christmas day. Absolutely crazy.

I don't think climate change is a hoax. But from what I hear the major cause for it being carbon dioxide alone is not really true. Now, I can't remember what evidence there was, so please, a grain of salt. But I do trust the person who said it, so, when I have more time in life I intend to find out more. But it's not like I can do anything to revert the misinformation at this point, should it turn out to be a hoax. The media has already cemented it, and any scientists going against the grain today will lose all credibility, because "the science is done" on this (even though that is very unscientific in and of itself).

That's why no scientist ever said the cause is carbon dioxide alone. Anybody who says that to sow distrust in the scientific community is the one that is not trustworthy.

? This makes no sense without further context. Where are you? Is this normal? Why is this infuriating?

Are people really this self-centred they just assume everyone lives in the same place as then and should know? It's 35 degrees celcius here in Australia, a temp of 14 degrees looks amazing to me.

Yeah, bad post.

This is the current temp in south UK, been 14-15c last 2 days. Usually would be less than 0c now, often around -5 or lower in the past.

First Christmas I've seen people going from car to shop/garage in t shirts

So is OP complaining because they think it's too hot? Where I live, people would complain that this is too cold.

Just wait for Easter either with -10°C or with 30°C...

That Polar Vortex tilting off the center, catches you by surprise and suddenly every road in North Dakota is closed for 5 days.

Laughs in Australian with regular +30°C Christmases

Laughs in Argentinian with regular +40°C Christmases lately

Not that 40+ is close to okay but I think I’d still be a little worried if you or op were having christmases like what we used to experience up here until like the late ‘00s

Yeah that'd be a bit worrisome I reckon lol. I do want to experience a cold Christmas someday tho

Yeah, we had 27 yesterday (Christmas eve) and light rain all day. Very uncomfortable for New Zealand. At least today is a tad cooler

I honestly wasn't expecting such humidity in an el niño summer

Meanwhile here in Adelaide...A drizzle of rain and a top of 18C

What. The. Fuck.

Similar in the Capitol, unusual weather. It's gonna get bad the next few years I reckon (assuming we get through this summer unscathed).

It is 20C where I am. I don’t remember it ever being over 5-10 in this area, during December. I’m still wearing shorts, while usually going outside without a thick hoodie and a scarf used to be a stupid idea.

And on the flip side of that, the summer was so hot, that we all had to bunker inside, to avoid high humidity heat.

This is the coldest Christmas you'll have from here on... It'll only get warmer.

Not really how climate change works. While the average global temperature will trend higher, there will be colder and hotter seasons, each getting more extreme as they go back and forth. There will be hotter heat waves and colder cold snaps.

Wanna know a fun fact?

Air conditioning stops working effectively around 120F and decreases in efficiency as it gets hotter because the condenser cannot effectively discharge heat into the air.

Freshwater sources are drying up worldwide with absolute proof and nobody cares.

Take a serious look at moving somewhere moderate. The ultra wealthy are all building fortified compounds in the Michigan peninsula. Why?

It's possible to engineer a condenser that outputs 60-80°C using exotic gases/coolant blends, but you're right, the standard residential A/C is going to be operating at around 48°C.

Oh, of course, no doubt! I'm a child if late middle 80's, growing up in a western coast in Norway. There was always snow during winter. The last 15 years has shown MAYBE a day or two of snow, then warmer again.

And then we had the sudden cold for a couple of weeks, which postponed the construction of a new parking lot with about two months due to the frost in the ground (there was something like a sudden 2-3 weeks of -10 Celsius).

Then we have the summer of 18 in Europe. Even Norway was so dry everything turned yellow.

It happens, but I do think that in some climates, like Norway, it'll mostly get warmer with the freak occurrence of cold/heat (depending on the season). My previous comment is for the general term, not to be taken literally.

And thank you! I've missed having a constructive discussions on the internet. Happy holidays!

Had a discussion with the wife about the last winter. That there will be a last winter with meaningfully cold temperatures was something that she had not considered at all.

There won't be, climate is more complicated than that

Its complicated day to day but it's not that complicated. We have a giant heat sink in the form of the arctic ocean. Once its ice free I expect freezing temperatures to be rare. There will be a point where this area(north west north america) no longer sees the 80 degree C swings in temperature that it has seen historically. Expectation is closing the temperature gap biased high.

Yeah, no. It's much more complicated. If e.g. the gulf stream changes significantly winters in Europe might get much colder. It is not as easy as Hollywood movies portray it.

Globally we will have warmer temperatures, that much seems to be pretty much confirmed. But locally the results will vary very much.

You may have missed the point. Even if the haline circulation is over turned with fresh water, Europe will still trend warmer on a wider delta and different places will see an increase in seasonal delta but as it stands there will be a last winter for everywhere. Full stop. It is a time horizon question that remains.

It's 70 F here in Houston, Texas. It is also wet and disgusting outside.

27°C at not quite 8am xmas day heading for only 36° thankfully.. Standard not a cloud in the sky,

Its a reminder to exercise to lift that bottom, the sweat has begun

Melbourne can go either way for Christmas Day.

This year pissing rain and thunder, top of 21c and 75% humidity round my area.

I'd rank it 3.6

Not terrible, but not great.

VAI BRAZIL NUMERO UNO 🏆🥇🥇☝️☝️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

Even in winter you'll hardly ever see snow anywhere in Brazil yet our christmas decorations would make you think this is Northern Canada lol

Vamos todos morrer cozidos nessa merda

It’s been like 10 degrees Celsius in my town and my parents‘ basement has been collecting water all day. Seems like perfect Christmas weather.

It was wet and cold (10°C) during the day, dry and warm (12°C) at 23:15 when I walked the dog yesterday. It hasn't happend very often that in winter the night are warmer.

I have to admit, we had a christmas 2-3y ago where we worked in the garden, as it was the only dry and warm day for months.

It's ~20C year round where I live. There are Christmas lights on the palm trees. That's how we tell the season. Welcome to SoCal near the coast where the deep water shelf and upwelling dominate a microclimate within a couple kilometers of the coast while technically a desert with only a few weeks of rain in total each year.

Freakishly warm today in the midwest too, raining warm rain too, very odd weather for winter season

Today i got up and walked my dog at 9am. The sun was shining and i was wearing shorts and a long sleeve shirt, it was super nice. 20ish years ago at this time, i was skiing through the streets of the town i live.

We had a nice blanket of snow earlier this week here in NEOhio but it was gone 36 hours later

11 in my neck of Tokyo. The last few nights have dipped below freezing, however. This probably isn't super weird for the time of year here, however. Going up to visit the inlaws for the end of the year, and it's currently 0 up there. Last year, I think we hit -15 whilst we were there, but this year it looks like the low is going to be freezing (which is rather warm for northeastern Japan in December).

Well its 30°C here yeah.

Need context about how much your area have temperature usually

Used to be minimum 2-3C when I was growing up. With temps as low as -5c. Now it's 11C

Where I live in the USA, that's not a particularly unusual day time high for this time of year. I always like when it's not bitterly cold at Christmas and New Years, and some of my favorite childhood Christmases/holidays were spent in shorts and t-shirts. I don't think I've ever experienced snow on Christmas, perhaps a flurry at best around New Year's Eve is the most I can recall off the top of my head.

Granted, I live some place where that's been the norm for the past such and such number of decades since the age of the brontosaurus which is what they were called back then.

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I feel bad for you, hope you have a nice Christmas anyways. But here (Gutenberg, Sweden) we have ~0°C and snow outside. That's not exceptionally cold, but we still have snow *-<|:+)

Try the same temp on Christmas day...

Where's my Australian Scorcher of a Christmas?

I dont understand why people immigrate to Australia from Europe. Christmas here is more like mad max fury. Fucking 45°C !!

It's 16°C in Melbourne at 10:30AM right now.

Currently 34°C in Perth and Darwin. For some reason god is showing mercy on us because its Christmas but not sure about coming weeks. 😪😪

I miss Melbourne :( Fucking Perth is entitled boomers Paradise. Anywhere you look its fucking old people everywhere. I am actually thinking about moving back to Melbourne. Perth is an absolute shithole

The Melbourne demographics has changed wildly in the last 15 years. I'd suggest visiting first to make sure it's still what you're expecting.

Is that usual? Isn't it summer in Melbourne?

That's not that bad, depending on where you live. Seattle rarely gets below 0C and 10C is pretty normal for a high in December.

Today I'm working outside in a t-shirt. Comfortably. It's even fucking raining and I still don't need a jacket.

It's slightly colder right now in the SF Bay Area where it doesn't snow

It's always disconcerting when I go somewhere it's supposed to snow in the winter and it's warmer.

It was supposed to be snowing. It normally snows here...

Here in Texas it's not irregular for Christmas to be 80°F (26.5°C).

And even though its 72°F (22°C) today, it looks like tomorrow will be 57°F (14°C)

I would still be freezing. T. Living near the equator.

Literally living in Ecuador 20 km from the equator and 14c is perfectly fine if a bit chilly

I don't envy you...

Anything over 20° is just uncomfortable

24° is the sweet spot for me but anything under 30° is fine for me if it's a dry heat.

I'm in northern Canada, we got about a week of 30C weather and I had a fan pointed at me 24/7 and took cold showers every few hours to stay sane. Crazy how everyone acclimates to different temperatures across the world.

Singapore. 32C Daily Temperatures 70% Humidity Year Round send help my skin is peeling

Last year at this time I had survived driving home from the Oregon Coast through a hell of a snowstorm in Portland with freezing rain to make it back to snowmageddon in Vancouver just in time for Xmas. This year I'm kinda of happy for rain and a high of 7C today.

It's nice to have slightly more normal weather in the valley and coast, but the lack of mountain snow is concerning.
While it's not unusual in an el nino year we weren't really bolstered by heavier snow years beforehand.
Next summer has a good chance to be very interesting.

Same here, no snow, just a lot of water everywhere. I hope there will be another winter comeback somewhere before April, I want to go ice skating outside :(

is this complaining of too hot or too cold? I'm confused, 14 seems pretty nice to me middle of summer.

Here in Brazil, June is the cold month, and December, the hot month. So Christmas here is naturally warm/hot.

Where I'm from, that temperature is very regular during December. The lowest I've ever seen in my city is 6°C (which means we don't ever get snow). But that doesn't mean that it's much warmer, it's actually a chilly insanity for us. I'm shivering right now as I'm writing this.

That would be nice weather for Christmas here in Minnesota if you moved the letter down the alphabet a bit.

Op what are you talking about, id rather have 14°C weather than the current heatwave going on in my country

Minnesotan checking in. Haven't even used my proper winter jacket once this year. While I do hate living in a winter wonder land, definitely concern for global climate trends moving forward.

Here's hoping we get our shit together before we go full Mad Max. Not holding my breath tho'.

It's been pretty cold here in SoCal.

In 96 I visited LA. It was 70 degrees and snowflakes falling from the sky. A waitress in Johnny Rockets said the brush fires were normal as were the mild temps during that time of year.

Tell me about it, it’s way to cold for chrissy! 30 - 35 degree chrissy with some beach and bbq are the best.

Depends where you are in the world. Currently it's 5°C where I am. Which is fairly standard for the UK at this time of year.

Despite what Charles Dickens may think it tends not to actually snow at christmas, that tends to be a late January early February thing. It was actually considerably colder last month.

It was 15 in London yesterday.

Okay but I'm not in London I love that I've down voted for reading the weather app.

And it's still 9 right now, 4 hours later

It was recorded as the hottest Christmas eve in over a quarter of a century. Just because the part of the UK you're in isn't as abnormally warm as other parts doesn't mean that the UK didn't record the highest temperature in 26 years for that day of the year.

You wouldn't happen to be taking a picture of a screen from a gasoline-powered car, are you?

Gas cars contribute for sure, but so do electric cars, heating houses, manufacturing, you name it. If everyone switched to riding bicycles tomorrow it wouldn't make a huge difference. I'd like to see something like that happen over time, sure, but in this case you're wrong to accuse OP of causing climate change (assuming you're one of the anti-car bunch that's everywhere on Lemmy. Sorry if I'm wrong about that).

I'm not an anti-car person. I also understand that we live in the world we are presented with, and there is a significant systemic oil culture that is difficult and expensive to not consume. I just thought this photo was a little ironic.

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Quit your performative bullshit. This is one of the few instances where accusing someone of "virtue signalling" is completely valid.

Your life is carbon intensive too. Stop looking down at others.

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