
2 Post – 315 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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At the bottom of the page (in a browser) click ModLog and search for your username.

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I just checked BestBuy, which is obviously not the best source of information, but all of the floor speakers they have come with grills. They show them without the grills, but there's always a picture at the end to show that they come with them.

Edit: just browsed crutchfield.com and grills galore!

I don't hate Reddit. I was just saying that reddit has so many more users that enforcing rules that restrict content is more necessary.

Lemmy doesn't have enough content to warrant the enforcement of rules that were taken from reddit.

Take a deep breath...

If they let everyone upload, the place would likely go to shit really fast. Poor quality uploads, unseeded uploads, uploads that nobody can download because the seeder doesn't have a decent internet connection, viruses, illegal images, you name it.

So of course there's a process. It's up to you to figure it out, so figure it out. The website that I found isn't loading for me right now, but the last time I was looking at it, it was very easy to find the post explaining how it all works, and I don't even have an account there.

I don't care.

I help moderate a community that tries to mirror how things were done on Reddit, and over time we decided "this isn't Reddit, we don't have nearly as many users as Reddit, so there's no need to run this place like Reddit".

Eventually this community and others will reach a tipping point where there's a need to cull posts and have stricter content guidelines, but for now I think it's ok to be a bit lax.

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I helped my father remove old sash, pulleys, weights etc from a house in PA. Old windows are really cool.

Devil's advocate:

That's $24.85 before tip. I don't know how much tax was or if you tipped on top of tax.

I was curious so went to their website for where I live. I live in a high/average cost of living place:

Small Pizza w/2 toppings - $13.49
Stuffed Cheesy Bread - $8.99
2 sauces - $1.58
20% tip - $4.81

Total for me without tax would be $28.87. Add tax (call it 7%?) on the subtotal only (not the tip), and the total (including tip) is $30.55.

Food - $24.06
Tax - $1.68
Tip - 4.81

I guess the question is, is $13.50 expensive for a small pizza? A local joint near me charges $22 for a small with two toppings. The pizza is $14, and toppings are $4 each.

A small pizza and a cheesy bread is a LOT of food for one person, so you could argue that even though you didn't order food for yourself, you'll be able to eat some leftovers, so that's a plus.

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Dang, that picture would have saved me a lot of time satisfying my curiosity haha. It didn't load at first.

Well at least you can see that yes, your location is cheaper than mine.

Basically you paid $8+ for something to drive to your house. I usually place pick-up orders for that reason.

Just checking. Anyone can create an account, but uoad privileges there require an application. They have some basic requirements like upload speed, ability to leave things seeded after upload, etc.

I don't know any details because I don't have an account there. I just read whatever is available in the FAQ.

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They probably assumed you lived a little further away since you mentioned living outside of town in sentance 1 of qualifier 3. An understandable mistake.

I guess it takes a little bit of "incel loser" attitude to balance out the simps.
Some people love to be victims.

Why don't you type the things instead of making us watch a click-bait video?

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The worst part is when I spend time replying to a question, later to realize the OP will never see it.

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Your comment got me thinking... Is this a big deal, or even a small deal?

I think it's a deal of some proportion. If someone is trying out Linux for the first time and stumbles across how Flatpaks work and starts exploring Flathub, maybe their initial impression will be good enough to consider switching. If something appears to be polished, then maybe it is.

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Let it be an exercise in critical thinking. I knew from a young age that Santa wasn't real. Kids talk. Mom still gives us presents from Santa, 39 years later.

Off site storage is off site for a reason, though.

Not all landscapers can "landscape". Hired a guy to build a pad for a shed which included a small retaining wall. The guy doesn't own a level, and the end result is visibly not level. I showed him with my laser level what was going on, and he didn't believe me. He started adding MORE material to the high spot.

He was aggressive about needing to be paid. Very aggressive. I paid him since he knows where we live. Unless we sue him and win, we're out $4800, and to have it done correctly (with a fancier wall) will be $6500.

TLDR: Don't hire a lawn service company to build anything.

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I don't think the world admins really care if users transfer away. That's just federation in action. Good stuff.

That's not that much of a swing, and stuff like this happens every year to be honest. Climate change is real, of course, but lets not water down the valid points with stuff like this.

I was so nervous that it'd get sucked into the grate at the bottom. I'm happy to report that it didn't.

Immich is the only thing I run where I check the change log before doing any sort of update. It's worth it, though. Great software.

This update broke my janky little raspberry pi "photo frame" which uses MagicMirror and a plugin. I probably just need to rename a port in the plugin or something (or wait for an update).

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Wow, and here I am struggling to sleep for 8 hours.

About 12 years ago I moved from the US to Vietnam. Moving there was exciting. They do things a lot differently. Modern conveniences are sparse, the people are happy, infrastructure is poor, and most people have mopeds instead of cars.

Moving back it was hard to come to terms with how excessive most things in the US are. I think time is the only way to get used to it.

I got a huge kick out of this. Superb.


I help run the place, so I'm biased.

Anyway, the instance is wetshaving focused, which is to say we use all sorts of nice shaving soaps, razors, blades, etc, and talk at length about it.

A mini event is in the works that most of the regulars are taking part in. Everyone is being mailed a small sample of the same soap, and on July 17th we're all going to use it and give our thoughts.

It's niche, and we know it, so we're open to answering questions, etc.

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Every time this comes up people mention Porkbun and Namecheap, amongst others. I transferred to Porkbun and I have no complaints. Here's their page on transferring. They aren't located in Europe.

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No, it opens without delay.

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I would separate the two -- Prom isn't necessarily theatrical in nature. It's usually the first time a teen gets to dress up and do something special with friends, but the type of thing you're seeing sounds like pretty typical "lets see if I can go viral" narcissistic behavior.

I haven't seen anything like what you're talking about, but Prom isn't the only target of this type of thing.

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Welcome, Dave.

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Fiber: Promotes healthy pooping.


Moderators get all the good scoops on quality products.

Interesting. Where I live anything over an hour can result in a pretty drastic weather difference.

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I guess my thought process is if they placed the line a tad further forward where you can see crossing traffic, including pedestrians, more people would actually stop at the designated spot. The way I see it most often now is people ignore the line completely (boy who cried wolf effect maybe), further endangering pedestrians.

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I'm not a pro at Docker, but I've spun up over 30 different services using Docker Compose so I'm more than a novice. I would say that Lemmy's documentation is the worst I've ever seen.

The website points you at that compose file which is (I think?) designed for Ansible. I think there's another example somewhere without all the jibbery joo, but I can't search for it right now.

Edit: here it is https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/blob/main/docker/docker-compose.yml

No idea why they don't link to that one in the first place. I'd fix it if I knew how.

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FLACs through PlexAmp, either to nice headphones ($500 range) or two channel stereo into some decent speakers with a decent subwoofer. I'd like to upgrade to "full range" speakers one day and save the subwoofer for movies.

PlexAmp does FLAC when connected to Wi-Fi but I have it set to transcode if I'm using mobile data.

At home it gets played through Chromecast Audios (R.I.P) which keeps it all digital until it hits my receiver.

Just because you're not into that sort of thing doesn't make it weird.

"Weirdness" is a strange concept, honestly. People probably thought you were weird for not going.

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Does wikipedia have pictures of the characters?

Lidarr is not a Spotify replacement. There is no way to play music, just like you can't play movies in Radarr.

There is no way to discover new artists, it only knows the artists you tell it about.

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