7 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hi! I'm Nikki K. Nikki!

What do I do?

I'm an artist and programmer, I'm currently rekindling my creative drive

What do you use to draw?

I draw on a Huion Camvas and I use Krita for the software.

Repost policy

Please do not repost my artwork

Some of the conservative psychopaths are so adamant against them because they are "too big", or think they make noise? Like do these idiots think that the turbines make wind???

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Can relate, when I start infodumping or talking in depth about stuff I enjoy I can see their eyes glaze over and they want to leave.

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Feel this, I was lucky(?) enough to have a mechanic living at my house who basically told me to fix it myself, he guided me through of course but he emphasized how important it is doing these things on your own.

That guy cannot figure out how youtube works and he's only 45.

I'd say it all depends on how much you had to use something, while the hurdles in software may seem small to someone experienced. those who are first trekking through see it as a huge wall

A raccoon ran straight into my window at midnight, that was spooky as fuck

Now I want to know what the configuration is

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"Your battery is low, please plugin AC adapter, or refill with type AB+ blood"

Throw them out the window

That family crap is awful, I would be blessed to never speak a word to my relatives ever again. Luckily though, I'm on a 2 year streak

They're all aight, but avoid asus like the plague, they don't last very long and have tons of incompatibilities with linux. I've only had mine for 3 years and it already needs a new mobo as the pci lanes for wifi and bluetooth suddenly died

1999 Subaru Forestur

Pros - it runs

Cons - barely

Purgatory is a perfect description of living in Nebraska

lemonade proceeds to get concerningly solid and cold

Windows has a hell of time with certain hardware, and with the introduction of windows 10 they tried getting you to login to a microsoft account at every turn, it became a huge hassle since half the time I had shitty internet that would drop out for hours at a time. While windows can be easier to use, I break those installations constantly and have to reinstall frequently. I've been using the same /home directory on my arch install for the past 5 years and have only had to reinstall when my new laptop had a smaller NVME drive than the raid 1-0 setup I used before it

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Freakishly warm today in the midwest too, raining warm rain too, very odd weather for winter season

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Nice, getting pretty iffed with the way neafotch refuses to align the category titles without special bash scripting

I find it very entertaining. No clue if it will work or not but now reddit is emailing me pictures of John Oliver constantly and it's always a coin flip if it's actual porn or not since it's always marked NSFW.

I've been wanting to learn how to work with metal for a while now, my current long time goal is to get good enough to make a rotary valve train for my Subaru motor. I've been absorbing a lot of information about how engines work and how these parts interact I'm just missing all the practical knowledge for it.

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By 'modern one' I wasn't necessarily specifying the same model but I definitely should have been more clear. It's small compared to many of the new models I see on the road.

Also just comparing the totals like that isn't exactly a clean comparison. The whole car sits lower to the ground, it's actually low enough it doesn't have a "Risk of rollover" warning on the windshield. Also the design of the hood and windshield itself push further back than newer cars with sleeker designs, it's more space efficient in general, just ugly.

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Being kicked out of my family > Barely avoiding homelessness for 3 years now > helping a friend out when their family passed > managing to stay employed > getting my gf away from her abusive parents through a skilled mission of infiltration and gaslighting towards the abusers (used their own tricks against them). Now I'm just trying to scrape out of homelessness again as the housing market where I live is just godawful terrible. I'm 21 goddammit, I didn't expect to be thrown into new game + right off the bat. I still wanna go to college so I'm at least proud I kept my ambitions.

Not common in the US I believe, or at least I haven't heard or seen one of them.

You just gotta "guess" what's correct and then feel the water coming out

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Multiplication and division have the same priority, whichever one comes first LTR is the one that gets resolved first, so it's (8 / 2) * 4

A custom head + rotary valve train, the EJ25 uses standard valves with a standard cam design, this is fine, but rotary valves have their own advantages and disadvantages that I think would be fun to tinker with. Unlike a regular valve, rotary valves don't have springs, therefore they don't experience the "valve float" that standard valves experience at higher RPM's, allowing you to rev to very fast engine speeds. They also give better fuel economy since they are much lower resistance, standard valves have to overcome the force of each spring in order to open, rotary valves are just a hole. Rotary valves are also non-interference, and if I blew the timing belt, it wouldn't destroy the engine

I'd also just like to be able to make shit out of metal, it's a brainworm of mine I've had forever

I already switched to Gitlab when Microsoft bought GH out. Been using it for years and have never had an issue

Wanted to make games as a kid, got way way waayy too into it, now I just make my own programs when I need to

now I want one

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Threat Level Midnigt*

Stardew valleys' music gets stuck in your head

If you think Super Meat Boy is hard oh boy do I have one for you.

The End Is Nigh is also an Edmund McMullen platformer, but with a much higher emphasis on precision. The game is technically short, but there are just so many easy ways to die that you have to get good to beat it.

It also has a little modding community that has produced some even more nightmarish levels to go along with it.

Fucking UPS with the same garbage, the form for changing your address was broken and would display an error, the phone call support refused to help and told me to "just use the online form". I wocked around it by opening the form, pressing the back button, opening it again, and then it would display properly... Just to change a single fucking number in the apartment unit category. Those are 2 hours of my life I'm never getting back.

Better skills

this. My 99 forester SUV is half the size of a modern one, but is still a 5 seater with plently of space in the hatch

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Transmission is slow on startup (especially when cold) so the first shift always takes a while to engage, and I have to watch the lights to see if I still have enough coolant (fun leak)

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I failed math 3 years in a row in high school and I made plenty of minecraft clones using nothing but logic and basic algebra. Math isn't as important to programming as people say, I still can't do division or multiplication on paper, but in a program, I can make it do that for me.

I have dreams where I'm stressing so much that I grind my teeth, and then they start crumbling and everytime I chew I break my teeth apart more

No matter how hard you try, you'll never be more famous than cheese

I think I actually just got this, got home from work yestecday and my stomach was feelin a litte upset yeah? I kept thinking it was just gas buildup but no! I started blasting liquid ass and projectile vomiting at random. I tried drinking a glass of tapwater this morning, and it all just came back up.

Not fun at all

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I just got myself very sick by forgetting to turn the heat off while sleeping, so no

I was thinking about taking a break from my job but I'm currently training a few new people so I have to wait a little bit longer -_- And it's very difficult for me to be unproductive. There's this itch in my head i can't scratch unless I'm working on some project or thinking hard about solving a problem I have.

Though the hardest part would be trying to 'disconnect'. I'm pretty heavily relied upon for my own job, and my SO works out of town so I usually have to check in to see what she needs. Social media can probably go first though, was already thinking about deleting the big apps off my phone.

trying to set my mind into the 'shut up, stop thinking so hard idiot' mode will be a challenge as well. Though recently I've enjoyed some of the brain dead times since I could just have silence.

it's an odd.

Been absolutely fucking freezing in small town nebraska over here, got to around -35 the other day, we have snow drifts up to 10 feet high on some backroads too. crazy stuff