Can we please just go back to using smaller wheels and tires? to Cars - For Car – 78 points –
Can we please just go back to using smaller wheels and tires?

“And now, a rant about wheels and tires that are too big.”


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By 'modern one' I wasn't necessarily specifying the same model but I definitely should have been more clear. It's small compared to many of the new models I see on the road.

Also just comparing the totals like that isn't exactly a clean comparison. The whole car sits lower to the ground, it's actually low enough it doesn't have a "Risk of rollover" warning on the windshield. Also the design of the hood and windshield itself push further back than newer cars with sleeker designs, it's more space efficient in general, just ugly.

Haha, I agree with you on the height difference, I have a newer one but prefer the low stance of the older ones.

I do appreciate your opinion on it as it is a fair take and not to the extent that I perceived it.

I just feel like people tend to generalize something that, while in some aspects is true, but not to the extent that some people express.

That being said, I'd be much happier taking a train or bus provided we had better services for it. I lived in Japan for some time and I loved it, it was so easy to get anywhere and I got much more exercise out of it.

I'm stuck in small town nebraska unfortunately, there's no bus service, the trains shut down decades ago, and the nearest airport is an hour drive away.

And most of the roads here are in disrepair, so much so that the sidewalks became lawns, you can still see the bricks of when they originally paved it 100 years ago. And forget about bike lanes, a couple of our towns are only accesible off the highway.

I would kill for a bus to take me from the town over and back, it would save an hour of driving each day and lots and lots of gas money