2 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

That's interesting.

Here is a better link for it that isn't pushing Google products. Not implying you are doing that, just wanted to provide a non Google link is all.

ITT is "in this thread"

I didn't read the article so I can't speak on point B lol.

When Citizens United gets overturned (i.e. never).

Again, it is not a "Custom OS" you aren't installing it as an OS from an ISO. You are still required to have your own licensed version of windows and install that prior to using AtlasOS. Using it does not cause security and instability issues as long as you understand what you are doing. Yes it is stripping things from windows. It's also open source so if you were so inclined you could see exactly what is being done.

If you equate using an automated solution to do things that you could do manually albeit with a bit more work involved, then every single OS is custom the second you change anything on it.

I do use Linux for what it's worth and have been for around 20 years. I've also been working in Tech for the last 15 ish years. I wouldn't be blindly recommending something that would wreck someone's security.

Please do some research.

There's a link to their source code. They even state that you have options to what security settings get messed with. So again, as long as you READ and understand what you are doing, you aren't necessarily breaking your systems security.

I just want to point out that Bernie Sanders did condemn them for their actions. While he admits that they have a right to defend themselves (which is fair) they absolutely do not have the right to outright slaughter innocent people amounting to a genocide. Which is what they are doing.

That being said I agree with everything else you said.

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Dual boot, and use something like AtlasOS to clean up the BS that comes with windows.

I have a separate drive with windows for solidworks and a few online games I play occasionally. 99% of the time I run Linux though.

That being said I understand if you game online a lot and those games don't work in Linux then that really isn't an option.

At the very least though I would check out something like AtlasOS, it works for both W10 and 11.

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I primarily run Linux but absolutely understand the need for things that only work with windows so I dual boot. That being said I use AtlasOS which cleans up W10 pretty good. I don't have any of the crappiness that is currently hitting users.

Also here's another site that has some information on AtlasOS as well as some other tools.

I know it says for gaming but I use solidworks as well as some other software and my idle resource usage has went way down and it runs so much better.

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I'm on 121.0 mobile and have no issues accessing Not that I use it anyway but figured I'd test.

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Parasite Eve

It's not a custom version of windows.

Please make sure you do some research before you implicate things.

AtlasOS modifies a fresh install of windows to help get rid of bloat ware and some of the security concerns that MS puts in their OS.

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It's probably a demand/cost offset. The demand for it probably doesn't outweigh the increased cost of adding that component. Simply not worth it for them in the long run.

At the end of the day they are still a business and there to make money.

+1 for Connect app on Android. Got booted out and unable to log back in.

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If I overdraft it pulls from another account that I have. I still get hit with an overdraft charge even though there was money in the other account to cover it. It's not necessarily as simple as you say.

You could bring up the argument of changing banks, but aside from that one issue, the bank I use has done really well by me, to include reversing a debit (not credit) card charge when there was a bad charge.

Realistically, the overdraft charge should be eliminated and banks just shouldn't allow the charges to go through unless there is a separate account that has money to cover it.

I didn't at first, but after the response from @mranderson17 I ended up doing just that. Which seems to have resolved that issue.

Prior to enabling testing/unstable repos for access to Plasma 6.1, CM was working fine on Wayland. However after the update it seems to have broken it but changing to X11 fixes the issue. So it's likely a combination of me messing with my system and something with Plasma 6.1.

Nothing is wrong with me. You've just probably never been beaten half to death or shot at unprovoked.

I have.

I hate feeling that sentiment, but having experienced thing things I have in the US, and having lived in other countries and felt safer than ever. I truly wish we didn't have the problems we have today in the US, but we do.

30 seconds doesn't sound like much, but it only takes a few seconds to lose your life. Cops likely aren't going to be there fast enough to save you if something actually goes wrong.

I don't really have much else to say. I have personal experiences to back up my reasoning for self defense.

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You're right even though you're getting down voted.

Doesn't make Uber or Lyft any less shady of a company but so many people have no idea of the overhead it takes to "run an app". They think that it's just some computers talking over the Internet that they pay 100$ a month for and not the possible 100's of thousands of dollars they pay monthly for the infrastructure to support those apps.

It's not an offline game that someone can just download and play, it's a live service that is running, plus all of the data whether financial or otherwise that is being stored on multiple levels of backups not to mention the security infrastructure that needs to be maintained etc etc etc.

That being said, I'm not defending these companies in the slightest, but for someone to just say "run an app" is a massive understatement.

Thank you for that.

It didn't help but it definitely got me moving in the right direction. I remembered that I recently (yesterday) enabled the testing and kde-unstable repos in my system so I could install Plasma 6.1 to check it out. Prior to this change I had CM working properly but was having issues getting CSP to work. Well, I figured out a workaround to getting CSP to work (after this change) by just copying over my install directory from windows on top of the install in Linux. However since I had already updated to Plasma 6.1 it came with the new issue of the drop down menus.

I was using Wayland. Just swapped over to X11 and it's working as intended. So something with Plasma 6.1 on Wayland is causing the issue.

So mostly a bunch of messing around with my system is probably what is causing the issue and for whatever reason disabling the testing and unstable repos isn't allowing me to revert back to the previous version of Plasma. Not really sure why but that's a totally different issue.

I really appreciate the time you took to give me such an in depth response.

Haha, I agree with you on the height difference, I have a newer one but prefer the low stance of the older ones.

I do appreciate your opinion on it as it is a fair take and not to the extent that I perceived it.

I just feel like people tend to generalize something that, while in some aspects is true, but not to the extent that some people express.

That being said, I'd be much happier taking a train or bus provided we had better services for it. I lived in Japan for some time and I loved it, it was so easy to get anywhere and I got much more exercise out of it.

Weird, I suppose it makes sense though as I only really use Google if I absolutely have to which is almost never. So I likely wouldn't have noticed it if I didn't see it here first.

As someone that has been working around weapons for the better part of 20 years, I disagree with your statement of not being blamed.

It's unfortunate yes, but whoever had that weapon in their hands and pulled the trigger should hold some blame.

If anyone ever hands you a weapon, movie set or not, it should be checked.

I do understand that it doesn't quite work that way but that's how it should be. Anyone handling a real weapon, especially during the course of ones job, should be required to go through training.

This looks like a nice road for a rally car to go down.

KDE is fine. I've been using it for some time now and never really had any significant issues that weren't caused from my own meddling.

I say that as someone that has been on and off using Linux variants for probably 20 years now.

I run my kids machine on pop os with KDE, auto login that opens steam in big picture mode. Haven't had any issues at all.

I picked up Vintage Story after seeing someone else recommend it. I haven't made it too far, but even with the lack of people, the world still feels more alive. The crafting is nice and more advanced, and it's a bit less forgiving.

Plan on putting a bit more time into it once I finish up with my No Man's Sky playthrough.


Edit: maybe I should have noted that I agreed with "Maybe "something" = "at high risk of getting stick?"" But just thought it was funny that he had to point that out.

Where was the husband during this? Not that he could have done a whole lot, but it mentioned that she was traveling with him and then nothing after that.

Ok then, down voted for asking a legitimate question. She was traveling with her husband, it says it in the article but mentions nothing else about him.

Was he there? Did he try to stop it and get murdered? Was he away and the came back to find what happened?

It just seems odd to toss in the fact that they were traveling together and provide no other context.

No it's not.

The dimensions are almost the same between the two...

99 Forester Length: 175.2 inches Height: 65 inches Width w/o mirrors: 68.3 inches Rim size: 16 inches

23 Forester Length: 182.7 inches Height: 68.1 inches Width w/o mirrors: 71.5 inches Rim size: 17 or 18 depending on trim

They are less than 10 inches different in every aspect.

I keep hearing people say cars are getting bigger bigger bigger, but they aren't. There are still plenty of normal sized cars out there. People just have this strange perception of them.

Yes, in absolute fairness there are some cars that are bigger, like they do seem to be marketing larger trucks and less of the really capable small trucks like the S10 or in nowaday terms a Ford Maverick. But this whole consensus on how cars are just getting so big is a stretch.

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I agree with your first point on how laws change. Why should we justify blocking traffic though?

The protest is about corporations giving people peanuts while the investors and C level employees take in millions. Not the ability to stand in the way of oncoming traffic. Those are two very different things.

The driver is absolutely responsible for his actions, but a group of people intentionally placing themselves in a road, be it entry/exit or just a main road are also partly responsible for their actions that led to their injuries. They know and understand what they are doing.

Hundreds or thousands of people walking out of these factories effectively stopping production speaks volumes, and definitely has an effect. Why tarnish that effect by acting irrationally and taking yourself out of the fight because you want to stand in the road?

This isn't a single person with less control of a situation. This is a group of organized protesters trying to send a message, and knowingly obstructing traffic when the walk out itself is more effective.

I 100% support the UAW but I can't openly justify either party doing what they did, the driver who is absolutely more responsible nor the protesters that were knowingly putting themselves in a position to get physically hurt. It does nothing aside from potentially hurt your message when you do that.

We are not going through a civil war, we are not at the point of people fighting with their lives (yet) over the necessity of basic survival. Both parties were wrong in this situation.


Don't stand in front of oncoming cars if you don't want to get hit. Don't be a dick and run people over.

Is that simple enough for you?

Or is reading comprehension not your strong point?

Edit: I apologize for that last line but It's quite frustrating trying to express a valid and correct point accurately and concisely while consistently being shit on and insulted. Even after going back and reading the several different comments I made, it is pretty clear what I have been saying. Both parties are at fault. I don't see how it could be misinterpreted to me just straight up blaming the protestors.

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I absolutely feel the drivers actions should be condemned, as it is surely illegal for him to do what he did. However the people blocking the road are also very likely doing something illegal as well.

The situation here is just like reddit. People are justifying one group doing something illegal, while condemning the other person.

Yes, one is much worse than the other, but the world isn't black and white. People fail to understand that at the most basic level. Commiting a crime that ends in you getting hurt often times means you have no recorse.

What if the people that got hit, have no protection because they were blocking the road?

The guy goes to jail and they are SOL. Now, not only are they out of the protest to fight for basic human rights that we should all have, they are in the hospital, making no money, with even more bills stacking up, and potentially (it doesn't seem like it in this case but it's not impossible) looking at charges.

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More putting words in my mouth.

Good job.

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Doesn't matter if it's a main road or an exit to done. It is still likely illegal.

You are confusing my logic in thinking that these UAW protesters should be protecting themselves with your logic of thinking I'm defending the corporations.

And you are putting words in my mouth.

I never said it was an inconvenience.

The UAW protesters should be protecting themselves. They are already putting themselves on the line with the protest. They shouldn't put themselves in more danger just so they can be taken out of the fight.

Try to think rationally, educate yourself on the real world and how it works.

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Do you understand that breaking the law while protesting could be more detrimental to the people that are protesting for better pay and a better life?

I'm not defending the corporations in any fashion. I'm simply noting that it could risk their numbers in doing so.

Edit: added a missing "s"

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