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Joined 13 months ago

Easy, because regulations don’t mean anything anymore.

Headlights that blind you in the day and literally block all vision of the road at night, road legal trucks which bumpers that START at the hood of my car, all around limo tints on literally every car, people disabling their rear lights for some idiotic reason…

And that doesn’t even begin to mention the drivers themselves, so fucking self absorbed, tailgating, cutting you off for fun to get to the same light.

I’ve literally had a stream of cars going around me on street roads and so many dumbasses just follow the stream that I literally cannot safety accelerate because they’re all cutting me off bumper to bumper.

You should start carrying a gun if not already. The conservatives have successfully rotted western society.

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Put women in the workforce but keep the societal expectation of having them do all the housework, child rearing, cooking, cleaning, etc.

Gee I wonder why they don’t want to engage in that social contract anymore, and that doesn’t even cover how fucking expensive it is to even have one kid

Yes, if a Dem president incites an insurrection against the United States of America to illegally stay in power, I would absolutely support removing them from the ballot.

Liberals are weak fascist enablers but that take is not it lmfao

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You should have seen the fucking starfield subreddit before release lmao. One guy on there was genuinely convinced this was “something special” and would revolutionize the gaming industry.

The basis for that claim? The way Todd fucking Howard was acting, and the marketing material for the game.

It is literally human trafficking and abetting a crime but democrats are too pussy to do anything about it

My hot take: the EU is better off without them. Britain has always been a belligerent holier than thou obstacle to progress for the EU, even after they got a sweetheart deal that NO OTHER European nation got offered.

Let them rot on their island while the rest of Europe actually makes progress.

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I genuinely hope they pass the bill.

Imagine how fucking easy that discrimination lawsuit would be lmao.

If I didn’t know how fucking stupid conservatives were, this would look like an inside job designed to bankrupt the city.

Conservatives hate being alone with each other because, surprise, they’re all shit people who just lie and hate 24/7

Seems pretty simple to prosecute. Someone hired the buses. Someone trafficked these people across state lines, making them sign contracts in languages they don’t understand under duress.

Start fighting back, liberals. You’re gonna “kindness” the fascism away? Worked out real well last time.

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The lazy and religious(insane) project manager didn’t even bother to clean up the rubble.

Like, they just left a giant pile of rocks right under the faces, it’s incredibly ugly and the pictures conveniently leave it just out of the frame.

It’s still there lol

I’m glad all you fascists are outing yourselves for when the time comes ❤️




the absolute fucking state of journalism…

They really leaned hard into the fraud strategy, hoping to IPO in 2023 and run with the money.

It got to the point where the entire front page was just bots reposting the greatest hits, with the comments section literally being bots reposting comments from the first time it was posted. There were entire comment chains of bots just having reposted conversations with each other.

The release of LLM APIs was the last straw, now even the conservatives are jumping ship because it was just a bunch of fascist liars lying to each other. And if there is one thing conservatives hate, it’s being around other conservatives.

The same reason 5-6 model years of Hyundais are worth $0 now

It would be a minuscule cost to the company and they’re not legally required to implement it

Except due to the FCCs complete regulatory capture, the telecoms have now completely ruined voice calls as a form of communication to the extent that nobody even picks up calls on their personal lines anymore.

Remember when you could answer the phone and reasonably expect it would be relevant to your life?

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He also defunded 99% of American science to pour billions into a hole in Texas that never had a chance of working.

Ever notice how all major breakthroughs these days come from non-US scientists? The scene never recovered.

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They don’t think it will happen to them.

Yknow despite literally all metrics of quality of life, health, and safety being even worse in red states than the already pathetic US average.

Why is it that every conservative leaning government worldwide is currently in a self destructive spiral while socialist societies are getting better and better in all measurable metrics?


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Why are you pulling this Reddit bullshit of making obvious title errors to drive engagement?

what the fuck is wrong with you?

Also the revelation that there was verifiable foul play. Union members who had not cast their vote logged in to find someone had voted for them.

Fucking corporate scum.

Keep taking away avenues of change, I can’t wait to savor the shock in the suits eyes once the final option is used.

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TIL neurotypicals literally just go about their day and work life just assuming everything will go right

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Seriously what a fucking unhinged Zionist rant, and people here are just upvoting that garbage?

Really shows how deep the propaganda goes. No, Israel does NOT have a right to annex Palestinian land. Genocidal fucks.

Everyone sane quit loooooong ago

I think the greatest irony are the redneck ancestors of current conservatives, who even then were not known for being nice people, looking down with disgust as they grovel for scraps at the feet of con men from the city.

These were real country folk who were willing to literally die for fair wages. Now they just gargle, swallow, and ask for seconds.

It’s financial damage, by intentionally causing third party controllers to be unusable when they otherwise work just fine. This gave the manufacturers a consumer impression of being shit when, again there was nothing wrong with the hardware.

That’s the thing, taxes would be lower if it was spent on society, education, healthcare, infrastructure, etc instead of stadiums and police. This is proven fact, not some ethical debate.

Uplifting society means everything gets better.

Almost like socialism works.

Remember when GOP leaders flew to Moscow to hand deliver Putin a letter on the 4th of July like the good little dogs they are?

I remember when we used to hang traitors.

Literally every aspect of him fits the biblical antichrist description, even down to the part where followers of Christ would worship him as a false God.

Religious people are fucking pathetic.

This is what liberals pretend to not understand.

Thomas is perfectly ethical in the eyes of conservatives. He protects his donors and fucks over the nation.

These subhumans will not stop until the Fourth Reich is established.

Good fucking luck voting them out, that has totally worked even once in the entire history of oppressed peoples struggling against fascism.

Sounds like a brother is about to get PAID

Once for the ADA suit and once for the ACLU suit

The day they try to bandwidth cap or piecemeal my internet service, I am becoming a Japanese terrorist

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I’d be more annoyed at having to plug all that shit in to recharge every night since I doubt there is some complex magnetic drive system under the flooring

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Most importantly. Where the fuck are renters supposed to charge these fucking things?

This is why mass EV adoption is not going to happen. Good luck convincing landlords to install chargers.

I’m not dicking around for 2 hours at a station every week waiting for a charge, let alone multiple times a week.

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Ah this must be the incredible conservative business acumen I keep hearing about

That’s nice sweetie, now let’s get you back to church where you can foam at the mouth and rave about other mens genitals all you want

Fuck Trump and fuck you too 👍

Since it sounds like you don’t have much experience with how conservatives work, here’s a tip:

It’s not going to get better.

The early model PS3 had a literal PS2 crammed inside of it for the sole purpose of backwards compatibility which was fascinating. The death of physical media (blu ray) and high price kind of caused it to flop that generation. Look who’s laughing now though!

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Also why the fuck are people working for free lmao

A phone generally doesn’t have a crazy terminal velocity. If it landed in a lawn with soil and grass, that’s about as soft a landing as you can get for the situation.

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Wanna know a fun fact?

Air conditioning stops working effectively around 120F and decreases in efficiency as it gets hotter because the condenser cannot effectively discharge heat into the air.

Freshwater sources are drying up worldwide with absolute proof and nobody cares.

Take a serious look at moving somewhere moderate. The ultra wealthy are all building fortified compounds in the Michigan peninsula. Why?

A likely reason is that not only will plug and brick sizes vary by region, but if storage was internal, people would just start throwing their shit inside and closing it.

This would scratch the screen to shit, if not outright break it. Additionally, people’s wires and cloths and earbuds could crush the analog sticks or other inputs. Which, analog sticks famously hate.

Shoving the charger in the little sack and having it protrude covered by elastic is an elegant and slim solution to all of this.

I don’t think you people understand how much of the human population are mouthbreathing morons. They treat their expensive stuff like shit and wonder why it’s broken after two months.

I’m not some case freak either, I use my SD with zero third party accessories and my phone is nude as well. It’s fine because I don’t treat my stuff like shit.

Meanwhile, people in eSSenTiAl industries: “there’s a holiday?”