
17 Post – 242 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

15 årig scout, tycker om nyheter, politik och datorer (FOSS)

The Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian news satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and public figures. It has been referred to as a Christian or conservative version of The Onion.

From Wikipedia - the free Encyclopedia

Just a clarification for anyone like me that thought you were postning fake news

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I'd also very much like someone to explain what this is

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I find that "carefully included extra margin" outrageously ugly

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I don't necessarily think I'm a bad person and I have meet very few people who I think are "bad persons” even if people can act very badly in the moment.

And for you, I think it's kinda bad for your mental health going around thinking your a bad person and that you therefore deserve that bad things happen to you. But of course it may very well not be a problem for you so you do you. Being able to realise that your not perfect and maybe even flawed in some sense can also be a good trait for someone to have. Too self confident people can be really annoying

It's very much possible and indeed such a problem that it may be done by mistake if a large enough data set isn't used (see overfitting). A model trained to output just this one image will learn to do so and over time it should learn to do it with 100% accuracy. The model would simply learn to ignore whatever arbitrary inputs you've given it

That probably doesn't count as "AI" do... It's more a very bad form of compression (that may very well make the image file larger)

Please define "we". This is a international community so you can't assume that everyone lives in the same country as you.

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In case of an infringement, the Commission can impose fines of up to 10% of the company's total worldwide turnover, which can go up to 20% in case of repeated infringement.

Okay, this good! It seams like they've created a (very good) law and also a way to enforce it

Truly nobody knows, it's an open research question. And to complicate matters more we know (as others have mentioned here) that everyone doesn't think in the same way.

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This is just a small thing and I don't know if it's exclusively Swedish (or even done in the entierty of Sweden) but anyways. In the grocery store all customers generally turn all products so that the barcode is facing forward, aka the way that's the most convenient for the cashier. Partially done to pay respect I guess but also makes the whole thing go faster.

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That so called "company mascot" on page 1 is so cute (-:

EDIT: the penguin, not Linus

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I thought it looked like some form of artilleri but apparently it's just a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggning (in swedish) so nothing to dangerous.

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Not really? It has alot of icons which are all driven by nerd font. Also you can basically use any font you want, neard just addes some extra glyphs

Great! If the spikes weren't inclusive trans people might feel excluded from the ban of sleeping on them


I'm going to guess that he is American, only Americans think the world is flat and oddly shaped US

Also if the code was run through an optimizer (which all modern games should be) the code is even harder to make sense of as it doesn't necessarily have the same structure and the same variables as the original code

Hey! Have you heard of this OS called Linux? It's like windows apart from that it's nothing like windows, it's free and never ever hard to use at all!

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I just use the yellow one as I feel like they already represent everyone. I would definitely not feel any better about using a white emoji, I'd just feel like a racist trying to convince people that I'm better. I also like the yellow ones as it makes the standard to be anonymous about your skin colour. Or you could just use the outlined one for everything 🫥. Also the hole emoji is awesome 🕳️

And that was a way longer ramble then I intended 😀

And finally, good by 🖐️🖐🏻🖐🏼🖐🏽🖐🏾🖐🏿

P.S. Typing them all out the yellow one is also by far the most readeble. The white ones work very good on the black background I'm viewing this on but they probably just blend in to the background if your using a light theme. Maybe we should just type out all the variants? 🤷🤷🏻🤷🏼🤷🏽🤷🏾🤷🏿🤷‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

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A typical quantum entangled hyperbolic non-linear file system, or QEHNLFS for short. This was first described in Einstein's fourth relativity theory. I states the following:

In any QEHNLFS the perceived storage space (used and unused) may vary depending on the reference frame. All reference frames are equally valid and therefore the absolute storage space of the QEHNLFS is not well defined. QEHNLFSs generally appear around a central supermassive black hole, typically located at /dev/null in the QEHNLFS

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who needs imagination when you have algorithms to do the thinking for you? 😜

This was chat GPTs attempt at writing a funny reply to this post.

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Generate a painting of a orange frog in a realistic water paint style.

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What's up with the wonky language?

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Yes, I'm indeed a traditional Swedish troll. Here I am, I'm the one to the right with red hair on this image:


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Rot ist süß

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It doesn't matter if it's a Huawei or some American phone, China, USA and others will spy on you no matter what phone you choose only the means differ. If you buy a Huawei china will have backdoors in your phone and the USA will buy all your info and if you get an American phone the USA will have backdoors and china will buy the data.

Also I find the focus on china kinda weird. I ultimately don't want anyone stealing my data, not even the USA. Just like china the USA has been involved in mass surveillance and a lot of war crimes. For example American soldiers have been found guilty of rapping and killing children. From Wikipedia (United States war crimes > war on terror > Iraq war):

On 12 March 2006, a 14-year-old Iraqi girl named Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi was raped and subsequently murdered along with her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah Taha Muhasen, 45-year-old father Qassim Hamza Raheem, and 6-year-old sister Hadeel Qassim Hamza al-Janabi.

After all of that I want to ask you one question, do you really want the USA sterling your data?
Also what you answer that question with doesn't matter since both china and the USA will be stealing your data no matter if you want it or which phone you buy.

As a final note I should maybe mention that I'm not American if you haven't figured that out yet. Also please don't accuse me of spreading Chinese propaganda. I'm advocating against the USA and the CIA, not for china.

Also sorry for being so political in a kind of not that political thread.

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I love putting words together! I'm Swedish but we do the same thing here. It makes new words easier to understand and is amazing in general. Also, here is a long word

Socialdemokratiskaungdomsförbundets talarstolsupsättarsmössasemblem aka The Social Democratic Youth Association's pulpit setter's cap emblem (also pulpit is literally named speakers chair in Swedish)

Everything shrinks and expands as you heat/cool it. It's called physics and it's a fucking mess. The more you learn the weirder it gets 😵‍💫

I found this blog post were the author tries to use chat GPT to generate theatre manuscript/narrative. It's based on the paper "Co-Writing Screenplays and Theatre Scripts with Language Models: An Evaluation by Industry Professionals". In the blog post they outline their narrative generation procedure in this chart:
Fig. 1. Dramatron's Hierarchical Coherent Story Generation. Dramatron starts from a log line to generate a title and characters Characters generated are used as prompts to generate a sequence of scene summaries in the plot. Descriptions are subsequently generated for each unique location. Finally, these elements are all combined to generate dialogue for each scene. The arrows in the figure indicate how text generated is used to construct prompts for further LLM text generation.

I also found this GitHub repo with links to more resources on this topic.

I'm not OP so I can't be completely sure what thing that is but as a Swede I can recommend Ikea's blåhaj

(Also could you please explain the whole blåhaj thing, I'm confused)

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I'm trying to think of complaints about how this is really stupid but I can't come up with any so I will have to install Wayland and try to get this working with my Nvidia graphics card (or not that seams like a big pain)

I am now in the trash can

Now the trash can doesn't seam so lonely anymore

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Except that everyone doesn't use dollars

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jeans memes in garbage bin

After 60 it's very unlikely that youhaven't lived half of your life so then you can stop having a crisis

May I ask were you live? I live in Sweden and would personally trust our medical system not to abuse such tools but depending on were you are I do understand that you might be worried.

Anyways I don't really see it as a problem with assisted death but with the system using it

Yeah the 2024 edition was kinda lame

...brings joy for my daughter who recently upgraded to GNU/Linux from Windows 7.

Okay, amazing writing (:

Maybe... Hope someone sues YT :)
