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Joined 1 years ago

It's funny how out of touch with reality Americans are.

Here in Brazil I'm paying around 20 USD for fiber optic 1000mbps down and 500mbps up without data caps. Brazilian law also only considers piracy a crime if there's profit (i.e. trying to sell a movie I've downloaded), so there's no need to hide anything.

Editing for more information:

My home internet speeds almost never drop below 90%, there's also a law that requires ISPs to deliver at least 80% of what was paid for. You can easily port forward, there are no blocks or anything. We also have dynamic IPs, but you can easily get around that by using a DDNS.

My mobile plan is around $15, I get 45GB monthly with 5G at no extra cost (5G gets around 300-600mbps down depending on the time of the day), unlimited calling to any number in the country, unlimited SMS (nobody uses SMS though), and for roaming I get 1GB daily internet and 1 hour daily calling with no extra cost.

All of this is cheap and very accessible to everyone.

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"More reasons to Avoid the Raspberry Pi"

I didn't know we even had reasons to avoid it

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Up to a month ago, people were irritated and would constantly complain about having to use "too many chat apps" to talk with people. The EU then demands messaging apps to be interoperable, now people are irritated and will constantly complain that they do not want to send messages to X service or participate in Y service group chats

It's comical

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And there's NeoWin again with the Windows 12 clickbaits. This "leak" is just Windows 11 IoT Enterprise Subscription, and there's absolutely nothing nowhere that even mentions the number 12.

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With the number of people concerned about privacy, it is a wonder how privacy is still a word in the dictionary

CS GO (now CS 2) has constantly been on the top 5 most played steam games globally for a decade now, so yeah, I think people are still playing this game.

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I really appreciate you saying "if your situation and use case allows it". I'm sick of people "suggesting" these kind of things by just saying "don't do this" "stop doing that" while completely ignoring that not everyone has the same use cases, preferences and possibilities for such.

Affinity Photo is $60 once and you own it forever, with free updates. It's pretty much the only actually good Photoshop replacement.

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That Blizzard is selling their games on Steam at all speaks volumes about how poorly they are doing.

No, it doesn't at all. All of this was just preparation for the Microsoft acquisition, by having Actiblizzard games in a third party platform as a way to show that they're "not creating a monopoly"

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Why don't tech reviewers every talk about gamescope?

Because tech reviewers only read spec sheets and call it a day. They usually get the product for free and use it for a day or two, which is not nearly enough time to make an actual review of the product.

Watch out mate, you're going to bring out the deniers

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The man, the legend, John China

These things exist exactly because whales pay for it. Letting them keep whaling is not a solution nor a workaround, it's just being complacent to the issue.

Okay, you lost me there now buddy!

There's manifest V3 and WEI though.

In the end, Google just keeps one upping themselves in creating a worse web for everyone but them.

How is this a trend? It happened with two games and you can still play one of them (CSGO).

EDIT: it happened with 4-ish games, actually, and the Blizzard games are the only ones we cannot play anymore.

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This will probably work like Matrix already does, you're not linking anything to a service. They're just demanding that every messaging app use the same protocol (and encryption) instead of different ones.

Exactly, people forget that most of the well known engines today are as old or older than Creation Engine, they're all patched/upgraded as it fits, though Creation Engine has no apparent version numbers and it's made by Bethesda so you get free internet points and a feeling of superiority for hating on the popular thing.

If you took these folks opinions as truth you'd think Bethesda games are massive flops that barely sell 10 copies and are a study case on how not to develop a game, but the real world is very different from the echo chamber...

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I hold my bets that it's going to use the Matrix protocol and keep using Signal's encryption, this is pretty much what;;s out there already.

About too many apps, I never got bother by it really, but recently I discovered Beeper, which is a fancy frontend for an ansible playbook with matrix bridges for many popular chat apps, and I really liked the convenience of having everything in one app. The playbook they use is FOSS, obviously, and you can self host it, which I did. I use the Element app and I have bridges for WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Discord, Instagram and Messenger. There are some flaws and quirks still, but in time they'll be patched out.

If you're into self hosting, I recommend checking out the playbook, or if you just want the work done for you, check out Beeper (and for the American folks, Beeper has SMS/RCS integration and can use iMessage on Android, Windows and Linux)

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I've googled and couldn't find this anywhere, and this user's comments are quite in line with what they've posted now, so I'd go for stupidity and gatekeeping over copypastaing

The problem is that LibreTube, NewPipe and others do not login or sync with your account. I really miss being able to save a video to my watch later playlist on my desktop, and later on watch it on my phone and it'll be marked as watched everywhere

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Still unable to call 911

It wasn't to avoid epic, it's because there's no crack for the game yet and the only way to pirate it is to play on a switch emulator.

You can absolutely play CSGO and it only takes a few clicks from the CS2 entry in steam. You still have community servers, which were always a big thing in CS.

You cannot play Overwatch 1 or old Warcraft 3 at all, doesn't matter how many clicks you try.

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The rule of thumb for comments like OP's is that either they've last used a Samsung phone back in TouchWiz days and still think that the software and hardware are the same, or they've never used a Samsung phone and just hopped on the Samsung-hating bandwagon for internet points.

Either way screams of Pixel fanboyism and gatekeeping

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I think one of the biggest issues with FOSS-minded people is that they automatically consider open source software private, safe and having good intentions in mind, but they never actually go beyond the surface to check if it actually is.

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Apple makes sure there's no shortage of reasons why we have these weekly posts

I love seeing these comments that completely ignore the southern hemisphere

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Because everyone else is there, that's how it works. People don't give a rat's ass about privacy, they just want to be where their friends are.

The “Quick Panel” [...] in terms of the look, it’s a pretty shameless copy of iOS’ Control Center

What is the penchant for these journalists to say everything looks/is copied from Apple? The quick settings menu looks nothing like iOS control center, unless they're talking about both having buttons and a blurred background. Also I believe Samsung's design is older than Apple's, at least first iterations of it.



People who park forwards into a parking spot: why are you making your life more complicated?

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The galaxy watches are pretty good, and as usual, Samsung carried Wear OS on its back while Google was planning on killing it, up to a point that Google then decided to have their own smart watches.

Apple will do something to ensure only batteries from them work right, mark my words.

They tried doing this with the upcoming USB C cables but EU stepped in by making sure that every cable will work without any limitations on transfer and charging speeds.

I fully expect Apple claim that the EU is an environmental terrorist by having "disposable batteries being thrown out after their charge is depleted" and that somehow having batteries being certified by Apple prevents that.

This seems to be an Intel issue rather than a Bethesda one

Google does not take anything as seriously as they should.

It is never about saving space, it's about saving costs.

Not. Everyone. Has. Easy. Access. To. A. Local. Library.

Ownership is not why Stadia failed.

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Hold your horses, they only said "ad free", "tracking free" is beyond the scope, making this essentially a double dip.