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I disagree. I think it's more helplessness than apathy.

I don't approve of all the spying, but I don't "own" any congress critters, so what can I do? I can't even opt out of the spying by cancelling my Internet plan and smashing my phone -- there's still tracking through CCTV, face recognition, license plate scanners, etc. I'd have to move to some remote middle of nowhere and live as a subsistence farmer -- and even on the way there, I'd be thoroughly tracked. There's no escape, it's like we're all in a giant digital cage.

I just hope they actually have their social security card. A quick googling told me that you need a current ID to get the social security administration to issue a replacement card. Talk about a vicious cycle!

Huh, I had the opposite reaction. I see your point about satirizing racism, but I couldn't get past the gratuitous n-bombs every other line.

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Hmm, and what about fish?

Primitive Technology

Low volume (not even 1 video a month), high quality, highly entertaining.

Beware of the copycats, though.

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I enjoyed the story arc leading up to Endgame, but since then, they've filmed so much that I just feel like I can't keep up. The last movie I watched was Multiverse of Madness where I spent about half the movie going "Huh, I feel like I'm missing stuff from the Wanda TV show". I had never seen Spider-Man: No Way Home, either. And I guess there was a Loki show and a Marvel "What If" series, too?

Being a Marvel fan shouldn't have to be a job!

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I'm the opposite: I initially wanted kids, but my spouse was ambivalent. I've come around: We're not going to have kids, and I'm ok with that.

Jury duty stipends indexed to cost of living.

Today, in my county, you get $20 a day. That won't even cover parking near the courthouse.

Serving on a jury shouldn't prevent you from being able to make rent for the month.


I read the situation as: Expectations are so low that you can work the job for merely 3 hours a day and still get your work done. It's an indictment on the companies: Workers doing this should be making triple their current salaries in one job and doing so much more there -- but that capacity is wasted.

What if I told you both were bad?

Doesn't anyone say 'slashdotted' anymore?

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Now that is an unpopular opinion!

Fetchez la vache!

Some problems lend themselves to "guess-and-check" approaches. This calculator is great at guessing, and it's usually "close enough".

The other calculator can check efficiently, but it can't solve the original problem.

Essentially this is the entire motivation for numerical methods.

And Corsica just vanishes

are you claiming your job makes you happy? Why don’t you do it for free?

No, turn this around. Everyone needs a way to pay the bills. But there are lots of ways to pay them. Lots of different jobs.

Would you rather work at a job where you're happy or where you're miserable?

A lot of people find their jobs easier if they're on friendly terms with their coworkers.

Please note, this is not the same as being close friends with your coworkers.

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Poor access to iron, too. He's putting in a ton of effort to get like 5 grams of actual metal from the iron bacteria.

I get it. Do all that work, and at the end, it's still not working? Ugh, that's the worst :( I always feel super defeated in that sort of circumstance.

OTOH...I have to echo the others giving you a virtual pat on the back. You were super stretching your DIY skills! Kudos for going for it! That's not an easy thing to do, and it sounds like you got through 99% of the job. That's def something where you can be proud of yourself.

There's a local company in my city that offers fiber to the home. I'm so happy not to be stuck with Comcast!

Software engineer, aka glorified code-monkey. Ook!

You might say that my job fits under the umbrella of IT, but no, it's totally a different thing! ;)

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IDK, it's a far cry from "dropping support for stuff 14+ years old" to "we're going to coerce you into buying new hardware every other year".

I bought a laptop at the beginning of 2010 and used it until spring of 2021. It was long overdue for replacement by then, so even that wouldn't have been affected by this.

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Image generation requires no fact checking whatsoever

Sure it does. Let's say IKEA wants to use midjourney to generate images for its furniture assembly instructions. The instructions are already written, so the prompt is something like "step 3 of assembling the BorkBork kitchen table".

Would you just auto-insert whatever it generated and send it straight to the printer for 20000 copies?

Or would you look at the image and make sure that it didn't show a couch instead?

If you choose the latter, that's fact checking.

That said, LLMs will always have limitations and true AI is still a ways away.

I can't agree more strongly with this point!

Neither. I never order a tuna sandwich. I sometimes make myself a tuna sandwich. 😂

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It's where you find inner peace

Some people called Romans, they go the house?

Well, if anyone knows about rigging elections, Putin certainly qualifies!

I'm a software dev whose first job out of college was at a tiny company, 10-15 people.

Pros: I learned a lot. Each project had different technologies involved. I def didn't get bored! Basically no red tape. I reported to the IT director, and he reported to the owner. Nothing could really get lost in bureaucracy there.

Cons: Payscale was weak, but eh, it was my first job out of college. No room for advancement. What even is a promotion when the whole company is only a dozen people? Limited mentoring. While I had a lot of guidance from my boss there, especially early on, now years later I'm looking back, wishing I'd gotten a more varied perspective. You can only learn so much from one person's perspective.

I've seen people argue stupider things earnestly.

Shittiest comment I've seen all day

Yep. That would require a subscription to disney plus, but I'm not really interested in doing that. It's too much effort for the payoff.

What's the payoff? Well, I watched Multiverse of Madness on a flight to see relatives last year. Out of the movies in the plane's catalog, it was one of the more-interesting ones. So -- the payoff is understanding a random in-flight movie a little better.

I might just steer clear of any Marvel movies next time.

X sounds like a porn site of some kind

Ha, just like people gave you side-eye for mentioning 'hotmail' back in the 90s. "Hotmail, eh? Why do you need a raunchy e-mail address?"

I do agree that X is a stupid name.

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People talk about the peace and quiet, but...

My grandparents used to live out in the country. Simple little house on a lake. When I'd visit, it wasn't actually quiet -- I'd always hear at least one neighbor across the lake mowing lawn, running a weed whipper, etc.

Maybe you'd get some true quiet in a more isolated part of the country? I'm not sure anymore. Motor sound carries.

This one hurts. My team at work currently uses AzDO for our build pipeline. It works pretty well, making it easy to trace which build actually got deployed, plus which git branch and commit got built. The variable substitution feature is pretty slick for test vs. prod builds, too.

You can put together continuous integration with Github Actions, but from what I've seen so far, it seems so much more primitive :(

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Only a mortgage.

I had student loans, but I finished paying those ~5-6 years ago.

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I used to work in a job where we had a niche ebook reader app in the major app stores. My favorite review that someone left?

1 star, Worst game ever.

Served with pig-mammal bacon?

Did you know that there's another jackoneil on lemmy? Except he spells his name with just one 'l', and he has no sense of humor at all.