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Joined 1 years ago

You accept must the frog?

Yet another bullet dodged since my move to Linux, thank fuck. Fuck you cunts at Micro$hit.

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I just bought my 6th copy of Terraria, glad the money was well spent.

Former cleaner here, most peoples bathrooms look like that, I used to tell folks to get a professional in to get it to a good state, then it's just maintaining it.

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Maybe if everything wasn't designed to be unrepairable and fragile as fuck this wouldn't be an issue.

This one is from Omicron-Persei 8

How many times do we have to write this exact line? "Piracy is not stealing, as the original remains in the hands of the owner. Piracy is simply making a copy and distributing it."

It''s not a morally correct act to be sure, however we really need to come up with a better terminology.

I do agree with your assessment of this particular twat though.

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Yep, assuming this new service lasts that long. Could be a year or less.

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Yes, I agree, I am at stage 3 and stage 4 looks more enticing every single damn day.

I love seeing my countrymen coming up with dumb ideas that work, very Australian.

I like that it exists because it keeps the CoD players playing CoD and not ruining other games' lobbies.

As a (very recently) former chrome user, they do already.

Water is wet.

Fast travel (assuming nobody beat me to it)

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Dial-up internet (and I'm only in my 20s!)

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What a fucking cooker.

Couldn't give a fuck, there's already far too much bad blood regarding any form of AI for me.

It's been shoved in my face, phone and computer for some time now. The best AI is one that doesn't exist. AGI can suck my left nut too, don't fuckin care.

Give me livable wages or give me death, I care not for anything else at this point.

Edit: I care far more about this for privacy reasons than the benefits provided via the tech.

The fact these models reached "production ready" status so quickly is beyond concerning, I suspect the companies are hoping to harvest as much usable data as possible before being regulated into (best case) oblivion. It really no longer seems that I can learn my way out of this, as I've been doing since the beginning, as the technology is advancing too quickly for users, let alone regulators to keep it in check.

Had this happen to me many times 🥲

I will be in this graph very soon, just need to load the drive into the case and hook it up 🥳 (Soon to be) bye Bill Bing(Gates)!

Agreed, especially with the urgency part.

There's a whole bucketload of TV series/anime I've not kept up with because "I'll just catch up later", and I still have yet to watch the latest "final season" part of AoT lmaooo

I knew I'd get called out some day. Bastards.

I'm still playing D3

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Can confirm, had a friend rent a room in a house I was staying in (privately rented from the owner) after months of issues, he was given a glowing referee from myself and the owner, and swiftly ejected from the house. Guarantee it got him out the door a shitload quicker.

Poorly, I left for a reason.

DragonForce is out, RIP through the fire and flames.

This conversion has my support.

Smash a tech screw in it, problem solved till the screw rusts.

Second whoever said massage gun, nail on the head.

I however developed an addiction to 3D printing, it's as frustrating as it is fun but damn have I been busy...

Didn't feel like a trip to me, more like teleportation.

I fuck up on the regular, should I be concerned about my karma scores in regards to exclaiming "ah, fuck" or classics such as "good job fuckknuckle"?

My phone always goes into my pocket with the top facing the ground, always has, never bought a phone with one on the top, never will.

In Australia we don't eat half the words, it's just too fucken hot to expend that much energy, also beers.

Rip and tear, the music industry apart

It won't be nearly as interesting or fun (as Horizon) I don't think.

If everyone's holding cameras, who's gonna hold the pitchforks and molotovs?

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Now just release the damn thing in Australia so I can buy one from someone other than the shady fb market scalpers.

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People such as yourself are the reason I'm here, wouldn't have known about the Lemmyverse without all you folks spreading the good word.

I'm paying it forward where I can, but I think I understand many folks frustration with the sheer indifference and laziness of the general public regarding these major issues.

The fact the term "affordable housing" exists is the problem, all housing should be affordable, it's a necessity, not a damn profitmobile.

This is the correct method, my tiny corner of the internet with my friends playing games and chatting in ways we enjoy.

We use the internet for us, if I have to cut a huge swath of the internet in order to maintain my healthy space, I will.

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Get my wife's name out your Kremlin!