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Joined 11 months ago

Haven't used airbnb in years, hotels are so much better and usually cheaper

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Here you go, have fun...

I run e/OS, I don't have google app store or any of the related service software installed. Yet I am able to use a cleaned up version of android and still have access to the google app store through an anonymous account using the in built app.

Epic won this case against google...

Epic lost the same case against apple, with which none of the above would be possible.

I'm not advocating for google, obviously I avoid them. But that's BS, I hope this is used as precedent to bring a new case against apple.

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I was wondering how badly out of context the above quote must be considering the UA isn't checked in the function. Above poster is trying to construe it as a pure and simple permanent delay for Firefox.

That being said, the solution is still bullshit.

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I still don't get this level of rage. I just have a USB C adapter on the end of my ear buds, problem solved, one less physical port to have to replace as I keep my phones until they're dead dead.

I guess you could argue you need an extra cable on you to plug direct into a HiFi system, but I cant even remember the last time that was something I'd want to do.

Aldo in the case of a repairable phone and having replaced the USB on this fp4, I struggle to see where they would have fit an extra daughterboard for a 3.5mm jack to make it repairable

Well if you believe that you should look at the times lawsuit.

Word for word on hundreds/thousands of pages of stolen content, its damming

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This is an instant addition to the weird garden maze thing I've been planning to build for my kid once they're past the crawling phase.

Any further obstacle suggestions that could be incorporated into a tunnel are gratefully welcome. I'm still trying to work out if a ball pit in a box is even a safe idea...

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Nah its about £13 retail.

Oh wait, you mean from apple... Its £200 from them.

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Yeah, bad post.

This is the current temp in south UK, been 14-15c last 2 days. Usually would be less than 0c now, often around -5 or lower in the past.

First Christmas I've seen people going from car to shop/garage in t shirts

Who doesn't have an edm cutting machine and a metal sintering 3d printer in the cupboard under the stairs?

I'm sure you can get both in a bundle on wish for 14.99

Wonder how many reddit subs this person 'moderates'

I run their OS /e/ on my fairphone 4. As someone who just uses a phone for basic stuff its the tits, no bs, no google apps required at all. The built-in tracker blocking etc is great and I like the basic interface.

Biggest bonus is that my phone lasts maybe 50% longer on a single charge. Was super easy to install too.

No paying with NFC though, but I don't mind, I always had my wallet anyway.

Also most of his reported wealth is tied up in dubious stocks and unprofitable companies, the value of which would fall faster than the speed of gravity if he suddenly needed to access a significant amount value without a stock backed loan...

Like that time a US state subsidised Tesla with a billion dollar factory in exchange for jobs most of which were never delivered. I bet in China at least they would expect their grant deal to be fulfilled.

I'm not trying to advocate for China, just pointing out how much of Tesla's current position is the result of hand outs (see; carbon credits)

Hey they didn't specify which bit, we can aim much lower

Being in your 30s really means getting to grow up though the golden era of gaming. Real life gets in the way now so I just have the games I liked, maybe buy one or 3 (non AAA) titles a year, and that's good for me. I'm still young enough to be confident I'm not being an old fart when I say, there really is barely anything worth your time or money in the industry anymore. There are of course exceptions, but man, its rough.

I hope it all fails and has to start again before 'valve, and EA company' becomes a possible timeline

Some people thought the same about Amazon, providing them a huge marketplace to sell on... Then Amazon cloned the products which sold well and undercut to force those sellers out of business before hiking the prices back up again.


Its OK everyone, we still have Cum in Ireland.

KDE connect made communicating with the couple people I know who still use SMS bearable

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The 'games prices have increased below inflation' is flawed comparison. The size of the market and number of sales has far out scaled inflation so a game sold at the same price now as 10 years ago would be expected to make a lot more money even after adjusting for inflation. Plus the large reduction in physical media cost and the risks associated.

If we were talking about a physical product, maybe, though not always as production efficiency improvements can sometimes offset inflationary costs. However games don't have a production related unit sales limit anymore.

There could be arguments mares along increasing production cost lines, but they still don't scale with the past growth rate of the industry. And when you look at recent games like starfields budget and compare with better titles, the main take away seems to be some studios are just pissing money up the wall through incompetence and dumping that bill on the customer.

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You could even argue because no one needs to buy any of their stuff, it could be a good thing, because you could tax those extra profits and put it towards subsidising something everyone needs.

Oh wait we live in this world. My bad everyone.

Also went this way, now stick almost exclusively to indie titles and everything is just better

I run /e/ OS on my FP4, super easy install. Been loving it.

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Lol was pretty much my first thought.

Only buy a couple or so games a year these days, been really enjoying an arena fighting game I came across a little while ago. Only just started putting a few hours into it but always appreciate a game that makes you have to work on skill to progress.


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The most obvious explanation to me is that following so much success running pump and dump scams on his followers in some stocks but mostly unregulated crypto, he decided he was untouchable. Then tried to run another such scheme on twitter stock, but this time threw in a legally binding contract into the manipulation because he's too dumb to realise how dumb he is.

He got so used to fucking around, he thought he'd never have to find out...

Been running KDE on fedora for the last 6 years after giving up on everything Ubuntu based back then. Haven't thought to look elsewhere since as its been just fine

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I've steered away from these as a hangover of trust issues back from the old XP 'lite' ISO days. However since Microsoft is clearly the main source of malware on windows these days I think its time to let that go..

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I wouldn't say there's much in the way of management, its short fights mostly. Something I like about it are the fairly strong modifiers for each character type and how it pushes you into using them all so you get forced into different types of play.

I'm also trying to mainly support small dev team games these days and I think this made by one person which I find super impressive. You die and restart a lot, which I also enjoy

126 hours is probably the total time the writing team gets budget for per title in most 'AAA' studios now.

After that its down to chat gpt to fill in the gaps..

Yeah I was just pointing out the insanity of their pricing, using sarcasm. Its the main way we communicate over here.

The price difference between the first 2 models where 8gb ram is the only change, is £200. Post 2025 I'm going to need some solution to replace my windows install which solely runs CAD/CAM software. If it wasn't for this scumbaggery I'd buy a Mac to replace win10, but at present apple are such a shower of cunts I think I may have to put up with win11.

What a fucking choice...

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I used to be into weed, so ended up having a bunch of stoner 'friends.' They're really shockingly obnoxious people in general (with exceptions of course) for a group who mostly claimed to be into peace etc. As long as they could be stoned 24/7 they were tolerable, but ask them to do anything and be sober... What a bunch of dicks

Its not just artists

I'd be surprised if he could liquidate more than 40bln today, look at Tesla stocks P/E, its a house of paper cards. Spacex is always reportedly on the edge of bankruptcy. Last evaluation I saw of twitter value from its lenders was around 17bln, subtract its debts, that's about 4bln.

He really has bet the house, it now a question of how long he can keep going on Tesla stock backed loans and if the stock price holds.

Save us phosh, or something similar..

Of my messages and contact numbers? Not doing that

But its easy to find, just click the 3 bars next to the connected device and select SMS messages. KDE connect requires the app installed on the device to pair

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It has been very good & stable over the last few years. I switched because kbuntus ancient kernel caused me issues so I needed something more current, and its worked ever since so I never looked elsewhere. Running Linux isn't a hobby for me, these are my work systems, so I don't hop without a push.

Edit: I've just rolled out fedora 40 and plasma 6 is running great

Kingdom Come Deliverance is easily in my top 3 favourite games ever, counting as far back as home world 1 (which also ranks in those 3.) If you give KCD a go be warned though, it will relentlessly punish you for any foolishness early on. It'll make you work for every thing, no starting out as some warrior running down mobs of bandits. But it pays out with a true RPG experience that rewards incremental skill progress.

In the last decade, apart from the witcher 3, only Indy studios have produced truly memorable experiences for me.

The only legit media service I pay for now is YouTube. Before I get Amy lectures I am well aware of the issues with it, but also people still keep paying for Netflix as it cancels shows just as they start to grow, so... I'm a legacy google music sub, so moving over for me was a tiny cost increase to no longer mess with adblock on the site, though recently I do feel the YTM 'radio' algo is not as good as legacy google music. Self employed manufacturing stuff in my workshop all day either video or music is always on so its a bargain to me. My point being, that's the only streaming sub I find worth paying for, out of everything. Maybe I'm an edge case but I just don't see 4/5 of these services still existing in 5 years, its too much. Unless they can all survive on people subbing for 2-3 months a year

If you kept it long enough... The last update made it unusably slow, was the only phone I ever destroyed and sent for recycling as there was no way I could sell that thing to someone.

Also last Samsung phone I ever bought for that reason. Actually could be the last Samsung anything I nought come to think of it