
3 Post – 274 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

🌈 sex 🌈

Unironically... Look it up

but the room two rooms down is always occupied, for eternity. If you were to instruct everyone to pack their bags, exit in exactly 10 minutes and move two rooms up, you're always going to have people being late and not vacating the room, so you'll be dealing with people at reception complaining that they don't have a room, or that there's someone in their room. If you're telling people (or indeed boulders) to move into occupied rooms anyway, then just tell sis & boulder to move into the first two rooms without moving anyone. If you're not, then wait for someone to check out, as they'd have to wait for a nondeterminate length of time anyway.

Dependant on location of course

Do your research - if you have native small cats and few large predators (ie Europe, North Africa) it's probably fine. If you don't (ie Australia, America) then it's definitely not

I don't think you understand how it works... An upload:download ratio must average (not simple mean, but that's because ratios are nonlinear - I can't recall the mean type but it's the nth root of multiplying them all together) 1 in a system where all uploads and downloads are logged in the same tracker. It doesn't matter who the uploader or downloader is or how recently they made their account. That's what I meant by a closed system.

An open system would be where you download parts or all of a given torrent via another tracker, and the same with upload. The private tracker only logs what you downloaded and uploaded though it, so your ratio from the perspective of that tracker is different to in reality.

Even if you ignore the first 5 files or 15GB or whatever for new users, if you have those files then great but do you really want to turn it into a betting game of seeding supply and leeching demand?

Docker fan mindset

Are those the trackers which demand you have accounts with other private trackers before you join or the ones which demand everyone have a >1 ratio to download anything which is impossible by definition, so everyone either gets huge seedboxes, cheats the ratio or has to download niche but big files from other sites and switch out the tracker to artificially up the ratio?

I'm sure there are actually good private trackers, but I've found there are open/effectively open (sign up only with no verification/requirements) trackers with better communities than any restricted one I've found

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Intel Arc also works surprisingly fine and consistently for ML if you use llama.cpp for LLMs or Automatic for stable diffusion, it's definitely much closer to Nvidia in terms of usability than it is to AMD

I was referring to ones which explicitly require you to have a >1 ratio to download files, which do absolutely have leniency when you sign up, but the average ratio is 1 by definition assuming a closed system and so it's infeasible for the majority to get >1. Often they have freeleach days but that requires you to be around on that day and also download stuff you don't want to seed it, rather than just slightly reducing the required ratio (also IMO having a required ratio of any form is bad as it encourages people to turn off seeding after that point, generally I'll seed stuff which has <5 seeders or low availability of parts I have, as seeding them to 100x is way more valuable than seeding 1000 files which have hundreds of seeders all with 100% availability to 1x)

I accept they want to keep leaches out though, so if they required a ratio of 0.5-0.75 that'd be fine, but from my experience most "entry level" private ones don't, and most non-entry level ones either have closed signups or a requirement to be signed up with an existing private tracker in which things are either ridiculously over or underseeded with no inbetween, so it's hard to build up a ratio.

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LLMs have a very predictable and consistent approach to grammar, punctuation, style and general cadence which is easily identifiable when compared to human written content. It's kind of a watermark but it's one the creators are aware of and are seeking to remove. That means if you want to use LLMs as a writing aid of any sort and want it to read somewhat naturally, you'll have to either get it to generate bullet points and expand on them yourself, or get it to generate the content then rewrite it word for word in a style you'd write it in.

As much as Meta shouldn't be relied on for news, Canada creating legislation which stops Meta showing news then crying when Meta doesn't show news is frankly laughable and I don't know how their government didn't see it coming

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Critical support for every coup in Africa

Hurr durr Western imperialism bad Russian imperialism good

Why don't we get France (a democracy) to pressure their leaders to set up free and fair elections then get the fuck out after they're done (simplifying things here as it's a slow process to not create a power vacuum) rather than supporting a like-for-like swap of France for Russia or Chinese control of the country through debt?

I'm not against the premise of the post, just the caption which reads like mindless Russophilia

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I had to call the electricity company to resolve a fucking clusterfuck of their making the other day (long story short my electricity meter is faulty), and after 3-4 calls I got to someone who said "jesus christ" after I explained my situation and how they'd made it worse trying to resolve it...

She didn't fix it, it's still not fully fixed after a further 4 days including 29 hours without power, but gee did I feel like I was speaking to a fellow human who was trying to help in that conversation above all others I had with them

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CO2 is 72.7% oxygen by weight, and 27.3% carbon. 2kg is 28.5% of 7kg, so with rounding it works out even if that is assuming that the coal has no impurities - it may be closer to 6kg but essentially it takes oxygen from the air and adds it to the carbon in the coal to form CO2

If at least 1 person in the room of 400 is shot per day they'd be dead in just over a year...

Last I checked the population of the US wasn't plummeting, so what else is wrong here?

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Pay a bunch of tax on it then wonder what to do with my extra 580€ a month

Oh no I see the point, but I'm hardly going to believe a point that's surrounded by obvious mistakes or embellishments

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A real gentleman would probably say "conjecture" or "unfounded information", but a less explicit word is "nonsense"

One reason is that Epic are very dismissive of Linux, while Steam go out of their way to be supportive and GOG are supportive when it's convenient

Another is trying to lock games into exclusives with them, which other distribution platforms don't do so much

That said, if you don't play games without cross platform multiplayer and don't care about Linux support or see yourself caring any time soon, there's not a huge reason to push you towards steam and away from epic. GOG is more of an anti-DRM thing, however barring sales the price and the cut for the devs is identical on all of them and it's the same game aside from DRM.

They bypassed paying $8, getting full access on the nerfed free version

Oh no, are you having hallucinations? Because last I checked the majority of coups in former French Africa were Russia/Wagner backed so there's no strawman in sight.

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Exactly... The issue isn't spotify taking a very normal cut, it's the record labels taking a majority cut and it seems this bill misses that entirely

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If there's a gold rush, you want to run the railroads, build the houses, sell the shovels and open the general store I guess

Your car also isn't a private space when the kid you just hit goes through your windscreen because you were doing 10 over the limit while looking at your phone

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People I know who work in consulting have said they charge an outrageous amount of money to speak to factory line workers and say what they've said to the factory managers because the managers are too up themselves to do it

"we want to reduce e-waste by forcing everyone to throw out their wired headphones and buy a new set of wireless ones every couple of years when the battery goes dead"

The hypocrisy enrages me here

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It makes sense for Microsoft to support Linux though...

They tried their hardest to kill Linux under Steve Ballmer but now they're moving (or in reality have moved) to a model where Xbox and cloud are their main income-generating industries. The former is unrelated to Windows/Linux and the latter is frankly more dependant on Linux than it is on Windows - Microsoft have been supportive of Linux through Azure for years now and it doesn't exactly make sense for them to be developing two different operating systems, so it's not far fetched to imagine they'll drop DOS NT as a backend for windows entirely in the future and move to a Linux backend, with Windows just being a closed source DM with tracking etc added on.

This covers embrace & extend, but I don't think the extinguish part makes sense - sure they may add features the FOSS community disagree with, but at worst we're in a similar position to where we are now with things being released separately for Linux and Windows

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Thing is, GDPR also applies in the UK and CCPA applies in California where Threads is active so legally they have to delete your profile regardless of what they say in their FAQ

Many places including Japan allow foreigners to register and bring a reasonable supply (3 months or so?) of most drugs that are illegal there but legal in their home country with a valid prescription (most of Europe and North America, Japan & Singapore all do), and the places that don't let you register them to bring them legally often let you bribe your way out even if you are discovered with them (eg Uzbekistan/Uganda/whatever)

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In Europe it's not uncommon, Apple only really have a monopoly in the US

And free on PlayStation at the time, but sony thought it was so good they'd copy it

Who uses RARs who doesn't use 7z though?

I think using anything other than deflate zip for things like sending to teachers or whatever isn't very wise, and if you're not then you won't need to apologise anyway

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1000 bugs isn't that big, especially when it's the same bug surfacing in different ways or bugs you either barely notice or look past (but do notice, eg an alignment issue on the ui)

They told Meta that they had to pay to so much as host links to news sites on their platforms.

ie they had to pay to literally direct users to news sites, where news sites would make money off advertising to them, allowing the news sites to double dip. If anyone's got good PR, it's the news sites (would you believe it, the news sites have good connections with the press?)

There were ways to stop Meta from scraping news sites, but they decided to effectively stop them from even sharing news. They could've stopped the bill at purely "reproducing" news, but no, they got greedy and decided to make them pay for the privilege to give news sites free advertising. Why on earth would Meta agree to that, and why is it surprising that they just turned around and said no?

Helico means spinning and pter means pter

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*Rail travel

Air is generally cheaper than rail for the cheapest ticket, but more polluting and for journeys under around 300 miles slower, if you're flying from city centre airports like Billy Bishop or London City, or 500 miles if you're flying from larger out of city airports. Additionally it's even safer than flying and you can take way more luggage and bikes.

People don't tend to have a fear of train travel though, it's just that NIMBYs, those who would rather pour money into a pit than make investments and corrupt politicians (those last two often being the same people) who tend to dislike it.

River x is the standard form (river ganges, river thames, river nile) it's only really when a river is named after an existing place that it's different (LA river, Chicago river), where the location is used as an adjective. The same applies to oceans and seas generally, where they're named relative to an existing place or concept and so the adjective comes before, rather than the name coming after.

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Thing is when your system is dying and nothing is responding, you can almost always trust task manager to respond because of its privileges, simplicity and the fact it's built into the OS rather than using APIs, even if explorer.exe crashes.

Given there's no "ctrl-alt-f2: Imma go fix this mess" on Windows, having at least something you can rely on to not die is super valuable even if it is bad.

I'm not saying this tool isn't better for system monitoring (but I would like to see something like KSysGuard), just that Microsoft absolutely shouldn't touch task manager to fix whatever's wrong with it's resource usage monitoring functionality to avoid breaking something else in it

Ok but a branching story is far from the same as a tv show

If you prefer point-and-click shooters or FIFA or whatever that's fine, but it's not like good RPGs are any closer to cinematic games/walking simulators than them - RPGs & walking simulators share a story, whereas point-and-click shooters & walking simulators share repetitiveness and little to no replay value

For the latter there is an argument that they're more of a sport than a media form, but why not just go to the gym or join a sports team? It follows the same logic as why not watch a movie instead of playing a game with a story

I mean if you can get it from actually good sources (solar, geothermal) where that type of energy is in excess then use ships powered by it to transfer it around the world is that a huge problem?

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Same, there's more music than spotify and the max quality isn't too dissimilar and notably both max out above "CD quality", which is what 95%+ of albums are released at

Also the recommendation algorithm (IMO, as this is where it gets subjective) is far superior to any alternatives - it's actually a really good deal especially when you use it a lot - I've averaged 3.3h of music per day for the past 3 years, so I have no issues whatsoever paying for it

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