1 Post – 385 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What is requiring you two swipes and two taps?

You think area code is hidden? It's not!

"Nah I was in the network driver section"

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There is one more person whom the OP seriously censored. More than their area codes

Its not. Its the part of navigation button gestures

Open source ≠ Source availiable

Example of non open source programs with source code

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Pro tip: add old. in the beggining of url. Reddit still has such answers for niche questions

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Wait untill OP says you are paid by mozilla

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"Non-free download manager"

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The new all new outlook(new(yess realy new(fr)))

All rights reserved by......, except the right to commit to this repository.

Being a legal license it requires much more rigorous and clear statement

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Nope. Its not the definition of open source. Its the defenition of "source availiable"

Real open source defenition :

Real Free Software defenition :

Have a good read. If you want tl;dr, here is it

Open source is a developement methodology in which software is licensed with the permission for everyone to vollavorate and develop it. Anyone has the freedom to modify and contribute to it.

Free software is a matter of freedom. It refers to the 4 essential freedoms a software should have, that is freedom to use, modify, share copies and share modified copies for the community however you want without restriction.

FOSS is software that fits both theese defenitions. While practically almost all free software are open source and almost all open source software are free software, but there are few exeptions

There are different factors. One being accuracy of the scale, then there is loss of weight due to moisture loss, and also there are greedy companies. It can be any of theese(or a combination of theese)

It's more of a crappy design than mildly infuriating

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Today's EA is quiet opposite lol(Electronic Arts)

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One of the most popular instance. This is why federation is necessary and people should create accounts in different servers instead of pulling everyone to one server calling it tge "official" or "main" server

That kinda looks like volume control lmao.

Heart or even thumb icons for likes and dislikes are acceptable. This looks stupid like if it belongs to c/assholedesign

Not to buy a house but to get a house for free?

Add KDE connect

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Termux yeah. I use it everyday. So here is a (long) list

  • Use ffmpeg to convert videos or even edit it(with current 6.x version, mediacoded hwaccel is availiable)

  • yt-dlp

  • Use vim and emacs, maybe code something

  • Integrate it with other plugin apps like Termux:API(lots of system apis), Termux:Boot, Termux:Float(floating terminal), Termux:Widget, even Termux:X11 For running gui apps

  • You can run gui apps with other X servers like XSDL

  • Compile and run programs that is not availiable for arm(Worst thing, but i still does it. Much hassle and error prone, but fine for smaller programs)

  • Use ssh to connect to other devices

  • Install x11-repo and thus install xfce and firefox desktop(for fun)

  • Install proot-distro and use distros like debian, arch, ubuntu, manjaro, void, fedora, etc. which is cli only by default but you can install any DE.(You can combine display server from XSDL)

  • Use git, clone a repo, make changes, use it or push commit, whatever you do with git

  • Use your normal standard linux commands to browse thru your filesystem and make changes

  • neofetch, cpufetch, rxfetch, htop, gotop, cmatrix and hollywood for lolz

  • tmux, byobu or gnu screen

  • Tar, gzip and all coreutils

  • cryptomining(DON'T do that)

  • Test your webpage locally (php -S localhost:port)

Ahem I wasted a lot of time making this list i think i have to go now lol

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[Reject all]

Imagine chatGPT beliving trolls in its training data and suggesting users to sudo rm -rf /*

That doesn't make if foss though. That doesn't make it either Free or Open Source.

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You mean "I was right* or "i wrote*"?

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As an indian, Fuck india

Edit: nvm, its just because how corrupt the government is and we suffering from it, not against indians personally or so

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He is gonna make every window 75% transparent now😌

  1. I have aux earphones and it needs to work with some extension on new phones.
  2. Earphone while charging
  3. Enabling OTG for usb eaphone

I bought refillers for ball pen to "reduce plastic" and its packing has plastic equivalent of an entire new pen

Absolutely they can un-unpublish since the programmer has given everyone the rights to use his code wherever they want, with its open license. Npm can actually use the older version of the code and give it to everyone. Its actually a good thing

Since unity they did try to support touch so i'm pretty sure lick works as well

Linux kernel

Nah bro, chrome OS is fucking ridiculous not to mention android too.

We need the other linux not just kernel.

Its called sid for a reason

I wondered why I was getting notification from that repo after pretty long time. At least 3 people commented after this post

Unknown proprietary blobs intervening his free-functioning body

There will always be websites for us. Better websites who care about their users. Websites that still support firefox. So we only need to stay away from the hellhole websites and chromium based browsers

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I think he is talking about this

The majority of those visits were to sites that allow users to download the audio from YouTube URLs.


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Wtf thats completely valid

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Useful if your gui breaks or if you uninstall all your terminal emulators