
2 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There's no better ad for piracy than the greed of corporations. Don't let ads shit in your head. They disrespect you, you disrespect them.

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Walled garden platforms doing what walled garden platforms do I suppose...

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Walled-gardens are fundamentally bad for communication. Discord is not a solution, it’s a problem.

Exactly. Steam figured this out early on and it's how they have maintained their dominance in the game distribution business. It's the same lessons the entertainment streaming platforms must learn - your value is convenience. Add more walls between consumers and content? you will be cast aside.

It’s just so bland and formulaic. Against deep RPGs like BG3, it just pales in comparison.

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Greedy capitalists believe line must always go up. They will sacrifice every moral principle to their invisible hand god.

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It's taken longer than I expected, but more and more people are realising streaming services as a model are not good, by any measure.

They cost more in the long run, you are made powerless as a consumer (perpetually increasing costs and removing your favourite content), and you can't even get 'everything at the convenience of your fingertips' cause the market is fragmented and they remove things periodically. You own nothing and pay more. Absolutely stupid model that deserves to die.

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Yeh, I'll wait until the bugs are ironed out and my distro (mint) determines it's stable. No need to start asking for troubles when everything is working smoothly.

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Related to the recent reddit mobile site update that straight up breaks the website perhaps? (Cant scroll, can’t interact)

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Others did it and faced no consequences. No government step-in, no mass customer loss. When there are no consequences for greedy monopolistic behaviours, greedy monopolies act greedily. Welcome to market capitalism without proper regulation.

I am hopeful that a sizable chunk of people are smart enough to see the writing on the wall with corporate owned media and will inevitably follow to the non-corporate-controlled places (like the fediverse model). The danger will be the model falling over as the temptation to centralise, control, and exploit becomes higher. The lemmy model only works if there isn't a dominate server with a large proportion of content right? What happens if lemmy.world gets big then just decides to de-federate? It's just reddit all over again.

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A shady company that I had to fight tooth and nail to get my money back after literal years of false promises and moving goal posts. They've burned any respected reputation they had.

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Yeh. The Librem was a classic example of overpromise and underdeliver. Borderline scamware by Purism. Will never go near them again.

Because they welded the one consumable that needs replacement to force you to buy new every few years: the battery

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Man… we can’t have anything nice… damn capitalists fucking every thing up

Why bother with making any apps these days when you can just build a web app and have it work across platforms.

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Made a complaint to the California Dept of Consumer Affairs. I used the way back machine to show at the I purchased the phone, their policy was "full refund, no questions asked" which they silently changed a few years later and then hide behind as an excuse to deny refunds. Turns out that's illegal.

If the system can't protect itself from being overwhelmed by the cancer of corporate interests, then it's never going to survive. New wave internet needs to learn from the downfalls of its predecessor. The design must have protections built in to prevent capitalists from capitalising, or else it will inevitably fall.

People keep buying big tech products and subscriptions then are shocked when they fuck you over? shocked picachu

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Boycotts work in luxury markets with strong competition. Necessity markets with highly concentrated monopolies? No chance. Without legislation to protect consumers, they are powerless to defend themselves against the greed and exploitation of corporate interests.

Exciting. Hopefully Steamlink for Quest on Linuz might be working soon.

Having to install a dual boot to windows again after many years has been such a horrible experience. Modern windows is now just openly hostile to the user, fighting you every step of the way, telling you it knows best and "if you would just submit to it, this whole experience would be better for all of us". Like some nightmare monster created by combining an NSA agent, a control-freak abusive ex, and power hungry dictator, all rolled into one operating system...

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Since when did innocent until proven guilty stop being a thing? Not defending anyone here, just seems that principle is all but forgotten in modern society.

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I presume mint will eventually overtake ubuntu as it's just a most stable, user friendly, and sensible build.

Anything that helps bookwyrm grow its knowledge library of books (missing a LOT of books that goodreads has) is a good idea. I fear however that combining anything which points people to where to pirate the book might not help the popularity/reputation of bookwyrm as a good OS alt to goodreads.

Cursor. But yes. HOMM3

I think you must have it set to america mode

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A lawsuit waiting to happen... someone needs to class action MS for systemic breaches of privacy. Think of all the critical infrastructure, government, medical, policing, etc. systems processing sensitive, private, and in some cases classified, information.

It seems lemmy has discovered bob katter. A comedy goldmine.

Frog, meet boiling water. This is standard play, like adding ads in the first place. First it’s one short, then slightly longer, then two in a row, then interspersed… eventually it’s commercial TV, just one big ad. Give em inch, they take a mile. Advertising shits in your head, don’t let it.

The point is that virtually every mobile on the market has a non-replaceable battery, and that's a huge factor driving over-consumption via planned obsolescence.

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Apple literally admitted it engages in planned obsolescence practices and has been fined in multiple jurisdictions for doing so.

Not sure why you feel the need to support shady business practices. There are designs that achieve waterproofing/dustproofing while still enabling replaceability. The obvious question then is why would the majority of manufacturers choose a design approach which restricts replaceability?

Nah, the cans are so old, this is just his stuff before he got his PhD

Have they ever tried using their own website? It one of the most confusing experiences

An incredible game. If you are keen on trying a modern take on it, Songs of Conquest is an about to be released spiritual successor which is very enjoyable.

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After trying to get into this game, twice, I always felt it would be made so much better with PvE instead of PvP. Like all MMO’s, if you didn’t get in on the ground floor, it’s ultra confusing and punishing to try to work your way in now, with so many unexplained mechanics and just getting griefed over and over.

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My theory is that it's just the fact that there is always a new generation of people around the corner who haven't learned the lesson of how capitalists work. Therefore, there is always a market vulnerable to being swindled. They can keep using the same tactics, there's always a delay in people figuring out the grift, then by the time they do there's a new group of suckers ready to fall for it.

It’s a real shame. Monopolies in any industry/product inevitably lead to fucking over consumers… time we broke em up I think

Almost as if the value of art can't, nor should, be measured by it's monetary value.

Is that true? I didn’t realise this.

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Punishing people based on accusations isn’t just.

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