
0 Post – 319 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

OP doesn't understand the difference between piracy and drm-free.

But hey, looks like the advertising is working on you to promote GOG so good on them for a successful tweet.

8 more...

But I thought Apple was the good guy, looking out for us folk and doing privacy-focused things!

What? That's just marketing garbage? Nah, surely Apple wouldn't just be a shitty company just like everyone else. Better buy some more overpriced products to support them!

13 more...

OP blaming their shitty decisions on others. Why are you buying something without knowing its dimensions?

Fuck I hate people like this. The answer btw is pretty obvious. From a weight distribution perspective it's easiest to have two feet as wide apart as possible.

39 more...

Games were definitely buggy and I honestly think people forget how much better the quality is nowadays.

I also think there is something to it just being the 90s or so and not having much choice. If you only have one game to play then of course you're going to replay it to death. If I have a steam library of 1000 games then I'm much less likely to.

A lot of this is just nostalgia for the past and the environment as opposed to games being any better.

30 more...

Apple can easily pay to license the technology and utilise it, and has had multiple chances to over the years at reasonable prices.

This result is only because Apple is run by some absolute morons who were happy to try and steal the tech but got caught with their pants down.

As for making it available to upper middle class, there's plenty of devices out there already for monitoring blood oxygenation for under $100.

Lmao. This article is junk. Yew I'm sure millions of people are going to suddenly dump their PC's because they don't get security updates. Most people don't follow this at all and don't care.

And no, they're not going to magically jump to Linux as much as the Lemmy circlejerk loves to believe. If they know enough about security they probably already have looked into Linux and decided against it.

6 more...

Such a remarkably overvalued company. I'd be surprised if it's still around in a few decades. Feels like they're the MySpace of today - they're big and have first mover advantage but have nothing interesting down the line and newer companies will and are supplanting it.

9 more...

Crazy, with such a stable guy at the helm I can't believe Tesla would have exaggerated or made false claims.

2 more...

Great. Can you fucking release it in Australia now? Fuck Valve and its support here.

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Aaaaand it's gone.

Wouldn't trust Google to keep anything long term at this stage.

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He was very much the Elon Musk of his times, and it's very possible he would have gone down the same route of extremist views and decisions that completely failed because of his egoism.

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So Tesla's entire strategy Elon was working was just abandoned.

Continues down the pathway that Tesla is just going to fade to irrelevance.

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Apple purposely will not integrate this to keep a walled garden around their ecosystem and make messaging between apole/Android a shit experience.

In a perfect world everyone would just adopt rcs, it's better for consumers but Apple only gives a shit about branding/$$$.

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So many dumb Americans here not voting. Cutting off your legs so you can hold the moral high ground. Moronic.

14 more...

You make it sound like they're being assholes to Apple when in reality, Apple is the bad guy here. Apple was going to license the technology but instead tried to hire all the engineers and people who developed it and then make their own version in house. Genuinely just thought they could steal the tech and then out lawyer the smaller company.

In this case Apple clearly is in the wrong and is now fucking customers over because of its shitty practices.

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It is pretty arbitrary as others have said.

But tbh, never understood why Apple is so highly valuable in the first place. Consumers are stupid.

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The crap people write nowadays.

It's surprisingly easy to live without any subscription. I don't have any. If you're tech savvy you can either block most ads that subscriptions give you, or bypass the service entirely and get free premium or just dl videos/music etc.

And as the services get worse there's little incentive to actually keep a subscription. Netflix is becoming pretty dogshit for example.

Nice. The porn streaming wars have begun.

Enshittification continues.

I wonder when Steam will go.

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Fucking insane a 16 year old kid figured it out.

It's always wild to me thinking how good kids are with tech these days to be able to crack something like this (assuming it's true).

6 more...

Yep. As soon as you read the title you know it's useless.

Either too expensive, or it only works at a microscopic level but doesn't scale, or just doesn't actually work.

It's like all the cancer cures you hear about that unfortunstely mostly don't pan out. Just clickbait headlines.

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Sounds like there isn't anyone able to use the 3nm technology anyhow so not sure how big of a deal it is.

I do wish they weren't tied to Apple technology but if they're ahead of the game they're ahead of the game.

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Welcome to 5 years ago? This has been around for years...

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It's frustrating how easy boomers had it yet how many still seemed to screw up their finances. I am significantly more financially literate than many I know yet I will never see the stupid returns they did on things.

And this guy is a frontrunner for president in the USA. Lol what a fucked up country.

? This makes no sense without further context. Where are you? Is this normal? Why is this infuriating?

Are people really this self-centred they just assume everyone lives in the same place as then and should know? It's 35 degrees celcius here in Australia, a temp of 14 degrees looks amazing to me.

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Subtle arrogance? It seems like a completely reasonable and well thought out post. People read way too much into normal posts.

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Yes, anyone over 30 is super old omg lol. I can't even imagine how horrible it must be!

This sounds a lot like the one party "they're all the same" bullshit that right wingers like to propogate.

Because make no mistake, one party is at least trying to push laws through that help (democrats), versus the other which just openly fucks people and doesn't give a shit about helping out.

29 more...

Jesus lol.

This is probably true for big games, but I wouldn't get angry at any small developer for not supporting Linux. It's just not worth it/still such a small base.

6 more...

PSVR - fun for a week but otherwise useless.

6 more...

Yes. Unfortunately people who buy Apple don't care. This is what happens when you prioritise brand and design over functionality. You end up paying more for the brand (worse shit, but hey you can feel good about buying such a great product!).

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Just be aware Lemmy has its own share of issues and extremist views. It's not as simple as Reddit is evil and Lemmy is good, both have their pros and cons at end of day and realistically they both probably have a role to play for people.

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And someone recently told me the Xz exploit doesn't matter because no developer is stupid enough to install beta releases to prod systems lol.

Laziness and/or low skills leads to a lot of IT failures.

No, it's just an overhyped game that doesn't deliver.

Eh the problem here is that nfts are a scam. At end of day celebrities will just move on the next endorsement, pay a small fine who cares.

Nfts have scammed millions from people who can't see pay the get rich quick pyramid scheme.

This makes no sense. He himself was a billionaire who fucked over both rich and non rich people. Just because he failed and took other rich people down a peg doesn't make him some sort of martyr.

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My reading of chip wars and similar chip fabrication places is this stuff takes decades to develop and is insanely expensive. Is that not the case here?

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What a garbage article. I assume this is a bit reporting, otherwise please don't post crap like this from bad news sources.

Wow. I feel bad for the company that employs you. Some very biased analysis going on there.