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Joined 10 months ago

This reads like a lemmy version of a shittymorph post

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I tried Solus once back in 2019-ish when I first learned Bash at work because I found it cool. Then came the games that were incompatible with Proton / Wine, and the many painful hours of trying to debug why Mass Effect Andromeda kept crashing after 30 mins of runtime (no solution found). In the end I just swapped back to Windows because I didn't want to do what I already did at work during the weekends.

I like Linux, but until a majority of game developers prioritize development for Linux I'll stick to Windows. I could dual boot Linux and Windows, but I suspect I'll just do everything on Windows in the end lol

Yes I've noticed this. For the sake of my mental health, I don't mull over such issues for too long. I used to be angry at injustices I saw, but now I can't be bothered (I stopped caring to be angry).

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I too had dyshidrosis, but like you it was only on my right middle finger. I assumed it couldn't be from washing dishes as I thought it would affect more than one finger, but I was wrong (I started using rubber gloves for the dishes). Skin is weird

Singapore. 32C Daily Temperatures 70% Humidity Year Round send help my skin is peeling

I had 3 so far in my 5 years of working.

Someone shared on my local Reddit group that their boss actually prefers people with more jobs under their belt as the candidate has much more varied experience.

What about this hypothetical scenario:

Suppose the objective is to review highway cam footage of the day to verify that a (non-speeding) car with a particular license plate drove past the area / used this route. The route is used 24/7 by many identical cars throughout the day and night, and that our target car is one such identical car, with the only difference being the license plate. We know on average cars that drive past this camera only appear for 3 seconds on the footage. How can binary search be used to find the car within 24 hours of footage, if the target car only appears for 3 seconds within the 24 hour video?

Apathy is death

In the past I remember feeling my heart racing whilst asleep (in a dream?) I am not sure if I should check for sleep apnea

What about old.reddit; would that have tracking? If not it would explain why the new Reddit UI seems so slow on browser