6 Post – 1086 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not even billionaire, but millionaire too.

Well I'm sure that Zionist organizations are also behind it like in the US and Canada. And putting a lot of emphasis on what happened in the past.

No I don't think that's what they meant.

They meant Germany is so far up Israel's ass, that's probably the title you would see over there.

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Nah, I think it's more the crushing guilt of what happened in WWII. And this has been exploited by the very founders of Zionism to their biggest advantage.

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So all TeamViewer apps right now should be considered compromised?

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Yeah I don't know what the hell the Dems are going against this obviously dishonest and opportunistic, corrupt opponent.

Like why the fuck would you go soft against a party that's literally become the new Nazis.

They're very big on open-source software in France.

Probably why they have such a huge community on Lemmy.

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😐 😑 😐

Oh crap.

Ok. What's a good alternative then? It's for helping my parents and their computers remotely, so it has to be easy to use.

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Hey man. If it looks like a Nazi, walks like a Nazi and quacks like a Nazi, it's probably a Nazi

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Probably because of your DNS configuration?

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You missed the part where the cop husband beats you in the Bahamas after you get married.

The worst possible kind.

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I still remember my number. It was 7 digits.

Someone described to me in detail how your computer resolves hostnames.

That's what I came here to ask. Isn't -core kind of the same but only for aesthetics?

And there I have my answer.

I thought it was terrifying because this was a footprint of someone who was lurking around your house, looking through your windows.

Absolute GOAT of all RPGs without a doubt.

My 1998 Honda Civic SE hatchback was all manual. Manual windows with the canks, manual door locks, manual steering (no power steering), no braking assist, no assist of ANY kind in fact, and a manual transmission. It was basically an engine, four wheels and a steering wheel.

If EV manufacturers could make cars that are closer to my old Civic, with the only difference being the engine being swapped for an electric motor, I would switch in a heartbeat. For now I'll stick with my 2010 Mazda 3, which I barely use except for the occasional trip to my family or friends who are out of the city or to do my groceries once a week. Until cars start using manual controls for essentials like door handles and locks, audio systems and temperature control, I want none of it.

I'm already having trouble with touch screen tablets when I'm not driving, let alone when I need to focus on the damn road.

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Buy a fountain pen. They require you to write shower and be more careful.

Second, why write in print when you already write cursive??? It's much more practical. Just try to focus on writing clear readable cursive instead.

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Thanks for the great explanation

Huh. I guess I didn't fully understand how DNS works.

My understanding was that DNS servers propagated their listing to other DNS servers and you just had to point your computer to the one you want and it would just query that one. And if a URL can't be found, then it's probably because

A) it doesn't exist

B) it exists but hasn't been fully propagated yet

C) the DNS server listing is outdated

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Nobody becomes filthy rich by being honest. You can only become this rich by exploiting people and having absolutely no fucking empathy whatsoever.

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Just saw in another post that Microsoft is pushing their copilot AI into Windows 2022 servers. Windows 11 will become a data syphoning ad-riddled spyware. And Microsoft office will send everything you type to some AI learning machine god knows where.

This will be a huge privacy concern for governments very soon and may force them to switch to Linux and libre office. Germany is not even the first one to do this. French police already use Ubuntu on their desktop computers.

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We don't know what Biden is saying behind closed doors, but I'd be willing to bet my left nut that he's really angry at Netanyahu.

Bibi knows he would get full support to wipe out Gaza from Trump.

Biden is still trying to help within a certain frame by sending aid and asking Netanyahu to stop killing civilians. But that's only as much as he can do without completely pulling all funding, weapons and ammo. But there's risks associated to that. Especially with the threat of Iran in the middle East. He doesn't want to lose the support of one of the only allies, if not the only one, in the region.

The whole thing is very complex. There's lots of things at play here and it's all a bunch of shades of gray. Nothing is black and white.

However, there's only one thing that's really important here. Trump must lose. A Trump win would be devastating for world peace. I don't think Americans understand enough how much their country is a central pillar for world peace. The Gaza genocide could be nothing compared to the world wide cluster fuck we could be in if Trump wins.

So get your heads out of your asses, swallow your fucking pride and do the world a fucking favor by voting for the only candidate who still has a chance at not bringing a third, and possibly ultimate, world war.

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My first job out of university.

Company is going through financial hardship. Boss cancels our collective insurance without telling us. Then the president of the company does a meeting in a shady motel reception room to announce to everyone the company isn't going well and we all need to take a 10% pay cut. Ends the PowerPoint presentation with a photo from our major client's ads with a lady on a beach with a laptop. President says "oh that's going to be me in a few weeks. I'll be going to Greece!"

The whole room just say there silent.

That's not fair to Google+.

I actually liked that platform over Facebook.

It's a shame they had to cram it down people's throat. It would've been a fantastic alternative to Facebook. I especially liked it's friend organization feature with circles.

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LoL!!! You do your job as just because you're doing what's required you're called a quiet quitter? Man fuck that noise.

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LoL no shit. You don't even need to be an employee to figure this out. Even as a customer I feel that way. I'm looking to leave Google altogether.

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Loblaws is the largest grocery conglomerate in Canada. Its owner, Galen Weston Jr., the chairman and CEO of George Weston Limited, a holdings company that owns so much shit in Canada. And also executive chairman and president of Loblaws Companies Limited.

Weston jr is the figurehead of food price inflation in Canada. He's basically responsible for starting the trend and everybody else followed.

Food insecurity has become a serious problem if Canada and food banks have been solicited like never before since the pandemic.

This is doing to be a hot topic issue in the next federal elections. But already, Loblaws lobbyists are already courting the main party leaders to ensure they don't do anything to decrease the control they have on the food industry and the profits they make.

It's disgusting. I approve of this steal from Loblaws day. But it shouldn't be limited to Loblaws. This should be every major grocery store like Metro and IGA.

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So... he created his own safe space?

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Sometimes I feel like Microsoft is just a little too early to the party. Apple is about to release their VR/AR product and even they do it's probably going to be crazy and become popular. Then Microsoft will have missed the wave.

The same can be applied to their Windows phones. Had they suck around a bit they would have had a better market share I think.

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Imagine graduating in medecine and your employer respects you to be an expert at everything all at once that is related to the human body and being able to perform open heart and brain surgery and doing x-ray imaging and MRIs and being a gynecologist and an an optometrist and a pharmacist all at once.

That's what being in IT is like. You're expected to know how to program microcontrollers to mainframes to fucking VCRs and knowing every programming language ever created since electronic computers exist as well as networking and cloud technology and databases, etc. AND you have to be certified in all these things to prove you know them on top of your degree.

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What kind of awful title is that?????

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Fucking hell. Like it's actual hell. God damn. Those poor families.

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I really REALLY hope someone at some point starts a gasoline to electric car conversion company at some point.

I love my car because it has just the right amount of technology: Bluetooth connectivity for calls and music. That's it. That's all I need.

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