4 Post – 239 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As with all things - the poison is in the dose (and delivery). It would depend how much fentanyl is added to how much candy, and how much candy the kid eats. Also how old and how large the kid is.

I even have a blu ray drive

Why even show up then

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It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that they are trying to make trans people look bad.

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It's an accessibility thing. If you can't press two keys at once, then you can turn it on and press the modifier key, then the active key.

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I worked at an ISP. The DHCP server we use for our DSL offering was made in the 90s and hasn't been updated since.

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So, like, realistically, he's marrying both of them, right? I get that they can't do that legally, but... You can't exactly not, right?

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You can't buy that kind of thing by just putting it in a shopping cart and checking out on some website. You have to call, work with a salesperson for a company that specializes in the product, and then place an order. They'll send you the product and an invoice with payment instructions. This will usually be a check or wire transfer. If it's a big enough order, you also have to work collaboratively on logistics to receive it. How far they will take it and how far you have to go get it will depend on your contract. This can be as little as "you have to pick it up from our warehouse" or as much as "we'll get it into your warehouse" They might take it as far as the nearest rail yard and you have to organize trucks for the last mile.

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In 1923, Hitler and his supporters attempted a coup in Bavaria. This seminal event was later called the Beer Hall Putsch. Upon its failure, Hitler escaped, only to be subsequently arrested and put on trial. The trial proved to be a blessing in disguise for Hitler, as it garnered him national fame. Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison, but he would only serve eight months. During this time, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which became the vade mecum of National Socialism. Once released, Hitler switched tactics, opting to instead seize power through legal and democratic means.

So... fuck...

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I want something similar to multi-reddits. I want to mix and match communities to my hearts desire into one big feed. I also want to combine duplicate communities from different instances to the same feed.

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"Post-birth abortion" is an oxymoron. "Abortion" refers to aborting the pregnancy. Once birth takes place, there is no longer a pregnancy to abort, and an abortion is no longer possible.

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The Stargate movie was good, but SG-1 far surpassed it.

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I like Linux a lot, but saying you can't understand why someone would run Windows on a server just shows a lack of knowledge. Linux is great in a lot of server applications in the application realm. However, it doesn't get close to the power of Active Directory and Group Policy for Windows device management. Besides that, a lot of people are more comfortable with a UI for managing DHCP, DNA, etc in a SMB environment. Even if they prefer a command line for those tools PowerShell allows those people to coexist with those that prefer a GUI. Under certain circumstances, (mainly ones where a business is forgoing AD for AAD), Linux can be the right choice. Pretending that there's no place for Windows Server, though, is asinine.

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Right? I don't respect cops in general, but I still have a speeding ticket on my record.

The thing is that it's the best they can do, which is about all we can ask for. No one is going to do a good job at the investigation for free.

omg they made the Factorio spidertron irl

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This is why I left the Catholic Church

Nice, good

and became a wizard


with unimaginable powers of alchemy and healing.

Oh... okay... phew

A real roller coaster, that one

According to prosecutors, Pazienza attacked Gustern after storming out of a nearby park, where she and her fiance had been eating meals from a food cart.

This is speculation, but sounds like maybe she got in an argument or was angry about something and was storming off somewhere. NYC is crowded and if you're angry, trying to get somewhere, and not composed (getting into the mindset here, not what I really think) then "this old bitch in my way fuckin' move arrrggg!" shove

Obviously, there's nothing right about it and most of the time people behave themselves, even when they're angry. Sometimes, though, they don't. This isn't a justification in any sense - more of a speculation in furtherance of an attempt at comprehension.

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At this point I think we're actually just beating a pot of glue

It turns on when you tap shift 5 times in a row. It also has a pop up when it turns on giving you a link to the setting to turn off that behavior. Just turn it off when it happens if you aren't going to use it.

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I can't fathom trusting anyone besides a medical professional enough to leave any sort of "black box" foreign item inside me while having an MRI.

Slo-mo guys just show up with a fat stack of hundos

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If it was poured on the pizza and fell off, it's picked back up and put back in the bin if the health department allows it.

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It's not. People hate large companies that have a dominant position in their industry. Usually, that's fair. However, in the case of DDoS protection, you have to have a large overbearing presence to be able to have the capacity to withstand such attacks. People don't know how to see through what's typically true for what's true in this case. Do I like having a dominant player in an industry? Not particularly. Do I understand why it's necessary in this case? Yes.

It's worth mentioning the advantage of why they do this. There are several reasons, but the two most common are:

  • Seeing the data means they can do a better job at detecting attacks and fending them off.

  • They can issue certificates with longer lives from their private CA which simplifies certificate management for their customers.

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I think they were making the type of joke where people will call movies "documentaries" when they're really "fiction that can kind of almost be attributed to real events"

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That's not what's going on here? I'm lost

Remember that "feeding 50 people once" is the same as feeding 10 people 5 times. With a large family, that could be as little as a week of food.

Is it just me or is this tape absolutely damning? It shows the action, the intent, and the state of mind.

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I believe the bank is allowed to prohibit it, the state isn't allowed to prohibit it.

It's common, but it's also common to require payment up front or refuse service to businesses with bad credit and/or financial reputation.

When you're actually using the app instead of having the compression artifacts of being screenshot several times, it's not as bad.

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These are the temps in the notoriously cold Minnesota as well. I'm unsettled and upset.

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I need to care for myself as well as him.

This is important. Sort of a "put your own oxygen mask on before helping others put theirs on"

Every time I think about how I'd have to drive to do this, the nicest reaction I come up with is "nah, not worth it". Also the people that draft semis are stupid mofos.

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Everyone's missing the real issue. Springs, motors, or pneumatics don't matter if there's something in the way preventing it from closing. A cheap fridge on an uneven floor will close the door itself if there's nothing in the way, but if the jug of milk is hanging off the edge of the shelf with no room behind it, the door isn't closing without something getting damaged.

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Is the air tube mechanically assisted? I'm not sure I could handle the effort of basically pumping air 6ft back and forth with my lungs for 48 hours.

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I'm guessing there's two options for adults to choose from, but only one option for children. If you're filling this out for a child, you choose the "children" option to indicate that they'll have the entree for children. It's just structured kinda funny.

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I don't care if it's needed or not. The state should not have a monopoly on violence. Under No Pretext.

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