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I used to watch his castle videos and found them interesting during the pandemic, and i hadn't heard he was a deranged and hateful person. It's really a shame, but i went ahead and unsuscribed and blocked his channel

I suppose it depends if you are using it correctly or not. I've used a bidet all my life, and where i live bidets are a separate bowl from the toilet, made from the same materials, and virtually every household has one. I've never had a problem of it not cleaning enough

EDIT: Here's an image. You can see the bidet has a kind of jet of water coming upwards with force, exactly below where you would sit. You can regulate the intensity and if done properly you can clean yourself completely

I've already commented this down below, so i'll just copy paste here.

I suppose it depends if you are using it correctly or not. I've used a bidet all my life, and where i live bidets are a separate bowl from the toilet, made from the same materials, and virtually every household has one. I've never had a problem of it not cleaning enough

Afterwards i'll just dry a bit with a towel specifically used for that

Here's an image. You can see the bidet has a kind of jet of water coming upwards with force, exactly below where you would sit. You can regulate the intensity and if done properly you can clean yourself completely

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I'm sorry, i didn't know i could insert images directly, thanks!!

Well that's the neat part, it's by design. It's not a coincidence that now when we are more connected to each other than ever, now that instant communication would make it possible to coordinate globally, the powers that be instead focus on divisiveness above all else, on misinformation and contrarianism above all else. A nation divided is too busy fighting each other to realize they can make it over the mountain.

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Watching from an outside of the U.S. perspective, it leaves me speechless seeing how staggering the transition was from 'bastion of democracy and the free world' to 'increasingly malfunctioning society with russian-like values'

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Totally agree, steam is one the big players that stills offers a quality service both for consumers and for developers

Who cares about the environment when we could be hoarding more money. Can anybody please think about those poor CEOs? :(

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That's what happens when the people running your government are paid by Russia

The golden rule of the internet. Anything hated at release has a high chance of becoming beloved once those who grew up with become adults.
Truly bad stuff at release simply ends up forgotten.
Nostalgia is way more powerful than rage

Not that I doubt the scientific accuracy of space Dinos coming home in a rocket, but technically speaking monkeys didn't exist by the time dinosaurs went extinct, so the space Dinos wouldn't have known about them. We were all the size of rodents

I haven't watched that video, but Mu has never existed. It was a thought experiment theorised by some victorian antiquarian and has no tangible evidence associated with it

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The Southern hemisphere's temperatures in winter (jun-sep) aren't as cold as the northern hemisphere ones, so it makes sense the global average coldest temperatures are when the northern hemisphere is in winter .

For reference, only the Southern tip of south America gets snow in winter in the souther hemisphere

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Yes, he probably was a real person. No, he wasn't magical, he was just a regular dude who managed to form a cult of personality

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We have our own version of him here on lemmy as well

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The god I believe in is Nicolas cage and he already has a human form (allegedly)

An image is worth 3.5 BILLION words

Well now in Argentina the only viable way to play games legally is through gamepass, after steam changed its prices last month

I know that channel and I recognised the video, I just haven't watched it. I was just replying to the comment where they said it existed as it was fact. And sorry, I didn't mean to sound aggressive if it came out that way.

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I've seen at least 2 usernames that submit A LOT, and if you search your feed i'm sure you'll be able to spot them easily. They also comment on rising posts quite a lot and personally mod a few communities. I've not seen them repost content that doesn't get traction, but they do repost content taken from reddit

This article is behind a paywall

cries in steam is no longer a viable store where I live

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Let's hope he doesn't win

I would hardly consider 'power users' the ones who download via the API. I used to download them via BSPlayer, where it will prompt you in a nice user friendly interface if you needed subtitles for whatever you were watching. Well, that used the old OpenSubtitles API, and now that it's gone it's not gonna work anymore

Honestly I don't really care, I'm more inclined to strategy and 4x games.
If you don mind me recommending a game, check out against the storm, it's a city builder with rogue like elements, and it came out recently out of early access, it's reaaaaally addicting

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I understand where you are coming from, but the context necessary for it to make sense is that you don't have to operate following the assumption that the seasons work the same for each hemisphere, one actually has a colder winter than the other, so that would affect the global average with a bias for the colder one. Think of it this way: the average winter temperature for the Southern hemisphere is not as cold as the average winter temperature for the northern one, so when taking them both into account for the global average, the temperatures in the north are going to skew the results (the Southern winter is not enough to offset the high temperatures of the northern summer, so the global average of the earth in its entirety is colder during the northen winter)

As to why that happens, well you are right that distance to the sun is one of the biggest factors for temperature, but it's not the only one. Global climate is a dynamic system, with a lot pf variables interacting with one another. Things like ocean currents and the amount of landmasses play a big role in regional climates. For example, thanks to the ocean currents Europe enjoys a milder climate than it would given its latitude. In this case the Antarctic cold is unable to go north due to being sealed by the Antarctic current, which encircles the continent. Also, the Southern hemisphere has a lot less landmass than the northen one, and water is a temperature regulator, so that affects the climate down here as well.

Laughs in Argentinian with regular +40°C Christmases lately

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I'm sorry, I read that wrong! In that case I still think the problem in this situation is NOT fast food workers being compensated fairly, but that teachers are not. The point about being a clickbaity title still stands. One could also argue if the possible shared workforce pool overlaps between those two markets, but that's a discussion for another day

Indeed f, indeed

Do let me know what you think of it!

I don't mean to start a discussion here, but this is your interpretation and it's valid. But galadriel's character has contradictory history depending on your sources (even regarding the kinslaying). And it's debated even between Tolkien's scholars the extend at which she can 'sense evil'. After all, she herself was deceived by saruman after his corruption during the third age.

In your last paragraph you say 'nothing about her character in the series has any respect for Tolkien's work'. That's simply hyperbole, and arguably not true, as even a surface level reading can prove otherwise. Such words are not Tolkien's way.

Anyway, I don't want you to change your mind, just want you to be aware of the possibility of other interpretations. Take care!

Re-reading their comment now and the way they phrased I don't think I'm able to interpret it that way, but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. Glad we are on the same page now!

I wouldn't say naive, but definitely reckless. And I would 100% say they portrayed her as strong in the tv series. Hell, it begins with her on an incursion on the remains of angband, which if you know the lore I'd say it's pretty badass. Her arc in season 1 was about how she was so blinded by revenge and recklessness, that she couldn't see the evil in front of her. Which is pretty fitting for a noldor elf. It shows that even trying your hardest to make good, your actions can and will have unintended consequences, even 'evil' ones. Which perfectly sets up her eventual rejection of the one ring, during the mirror scene in fellowship of the ring. She knew then she'd have good intentions using it, but she also knew more evil will come with that

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I haven't played the gollum game, but rings of power was actually good tho

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Yeah that'd be a bit worrisome I reckon lol. I do want to experience a cold Christmas someday tho

Schools don't 'compete' with industries. School is a service that parents and their children participate in, in order to better society. And the priority for children should always be education before entering the workforce. If more people decide to work in fast food now that they feel their value is compensated fairly, then the responsibility rests in their parents to help them make an informed decision based on their economic brackground. A fairly compensated job is NOT the problem. I feel this article is biased in its title in order to generate more rage/engagement or maybe to push a political agenda.

Edit: someone brought to my attention that I read that wrong, so I apologise. But the point still stands in that case: the title makes it seem that the fast food workers having a fair wage is the problem, when the problem is that teachers are underpaid.

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Have you read the dev diary or watched the video before leaving a comment?