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Joined 1 years ago

Problem is that this project is by an extremist group. It's easy to agree on things if you think everything is on the table.

Second part is that the Republican party tends to focus on making sure that people are not educated about what any of the things they talk about mean for the people in the party. Instead they focus on creating the idea that they are under attack by some phantom enemies, going so far as using totally insane conspiracy theories and such and focus on how their policies will hurt those enemies that are the cause of all their current problems. And once people think they're being attacked, they'll give up anything to retaliate.

Then looking at the Democrats, you have a party for right-wing moderates. This party has very little appeal to anyone since most of the right-wing people in the country are enamoured by the extremists. So they don't really have anything they can do that would appease their target audience all that much. I mean moderate conservatives basically want everything to stay exactly the same.

And the left wing half of the country basically has no party creating policy for them at all, and due to the electoral college and various other systems in place, there's no room for more than two parties, and it's extremely rare for a party to disband so that another can do much of anything.

The process might be similar on the withdrawal side, but they are used for very different things. Blood is used to replenish the blood of someone undergoing surgery or who was injured or whatever. Plasma is not given to people. It's used to make pharmaceutical products primarily. So it's the difference that one is a necessity to modern medicine and a hell of a lot of it is needed or people will definitely die and much of modern surgery wouldn't be possible. The other is an ingredient for for-profit products.

Looks like you got phished. Doubt that was the real bank site. Suggest you change your passwords if you logged in to that site, too.

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Edge and Chrome are basically very similar at this point. Firefox is my browser of choice these days. It's not perfect, but at least it isn't anti-adblocking and doesn't freak out when I block like Chrome and the Google devices in my house. I'm moving away from Google as they move away from not being evil. Moving to self hosted stuff as much as I can for photos, email, file storage, and soon, home automation.

Oh totally. But they don't sync that information "immediately". Nor would they ever want to because then the user would know that's where the information came from.

Or eliminate the cap on the tax so they actually pay their fair share. That would fix all the problems that Social Security and Medicare have in an instant.

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Yeah good message, but permanently ruining something that benefits society is not the way. Spray painting a wall is fine, but a book is not. You're just doing the job of fascists for then when you destroy knowledge.

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Because computers have come even close to needing more than 16 exabytes of memory for anything. And how many applications need to do basic mathematical operations on numbers greater than 2^64. Most applications haven't even exceeded the need for 32 bit operations, so really the push to 64bit was primarily to appease more than 4GB of memory without slow workarounds.

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In my opinion, the difference with Google is that Google is actively using your data and you're giving them a lot of it. For Cloudflare, what do they have exactly? Depends on what services you use, but really all they get from me is the list of servers that connect to my domains. Google does that too if you use, or if you have any of their hardware that overrides router DNS settings like Chromecast and Google TV.

I'm slowly moving away to open source, self-hosted applications where possible. Changed search to a combination of Gibiru and Yep. Email to a mailcow server I host on a vps, and I'm moving photos to an Immich server I'm setting up. Home Automation is next, I have a Raspberry Pi 5 to act as the Home Assistant server. And a few other projects in the works to split from Google as much as I can and mostly it is all better.

Firing for relatively small mistakes just means people will cover up mistakes in the future leading to them causing serious accidents. People who make mistakes learn from them and not only rarely make that mistake again, but help others learn from that mistake.

I'll happily admit when something is my fault. And I'll document and implement changes that help prevent it from happening not just to the teams I lead but as much of the company as I can influence.

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We really need some upstream minimums as well. That causes so much lag for me. Most plans are 1 up even with 100 down. I have a 200/10 plan now and it's difficult to do work with the maybe 5 that I get in practice if I'm lucky, especially after overhead from VPN.

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No one is asking for deflation. They're asking for wages that don't decrease every year due to inflation and companies not giving raises or giving raises so small that it's still a pay decrease since it's not keeping up with inflation.

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Basically, they just raised their prices by 18% and blamed it on the greedy, useless employees. I don't know why businesses bother selflessly "creating jobs" if they are so much trouble. Shouldn't those be the first things to cut to make their business more efficient under capitalism? Stop doing charity work and run the business yourself.

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When the features are actually anti-features making you pay subscription fees for things that are already part of the car, and everything is buggy as hell, of course no one wants it.

I wish people would just abandon X. Nitter was just extending the inevitable. They don't want any of us, only fascists. Let them have their own place and leave the rest of us out of it. Better for law enforcement if all the wannabe terrorists are all in one place anyway.

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American "Libertarians" consider liberty as self-sufficiency, not just freedom from a government, but from being required to contribute to society as a whole.

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It will look bad on people who try to look ethical, but it will have no effect on those who don't. So the Clinton's would take a hit if Bill was on there, but Trump wouldn't be affected.

The right wing easily draws in one-issue voters since their primary issues are usually about taking away something from someone else, and so they don't require many resources and generally are accomplished more easily using unethical means than ethical ones. "It's just business," and all that.

Leftists tend to be more about building something rather than tearing it down. That's both more work and requires a lot of shared resources. So ethical practices are required to keep those resources from getting misused.

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I mean, if people can't afford to get the content they want, and you make shitty products with limited content, then piracy is the only way to get some of the content. So why not just get all of it that way, especially since the services are more user unfriendly than pirating is inconvenient.

Yeah, I mean it totally would improve my collaboration if I, a software architect, went into a small sales office near me even though no one in my department, not even the same division of my company will be there, so I'll still be using the same communication tools.

Plus the pay cut I'll be taking by having to pay for another car, gas, and downtown parking. None of which the company will cover. And the building is only open from 7:30 to 5 Pacific Time, but all my meetings are Eastern Time, so I'll be missing morning meetings while I commute and wait for the building to open, and I sure as heck won't be bringing my laptop home, so they get that many hours out of me and no weekends.

Yep everyone benefits.

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It is overrated. It has a few uses, but it's not a generalized AI. It's like calling a basic calculator a computer. Sure it is an electronic computing device and makes a big difference in calculating speed for doing finances or retail cashiers or whatever. But it's not a generalized computing system that can basically compute anything that it's given instructions for which is what we think of when we hear something is a "computer". It can only do basic math. It could never be used to display a photo , much less make a complex video game.

Similarly the current thing that's called "AI", can learn in a very narrow subject that it is designed for. It can't learn just anything. It can't make inferences beyond the training material or understand. It can't create anything totally new, it just remixes things. It could never actually create a new genre of games with some kind of new interface that has never been thought of, or discover the exact mechanisms of how gravity works, since those things aren't in its training material since they don't yet exist.

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Nah, Bethesda will just do the same as they did with the Creation Engine. Let the community patch their crap and never fix it.

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If everything you're measuring is lower than expected, you should check the calibration of the scale. Weigh 2 or 3 things you know the weight of that are at different ranges of weights, light, heavy, medium, and see if any are off. Often a scale will be accurate at only within a certain range and get progressively less accurate as the weight increases or decreases from that range.

It's all just rigged gambling. That money won't benefit the company at all. The investors just sold all their stocks to the hedge funds and retirement funds for them to lose money on, like always. The IPO was just a way to pay off investors and let executives cash in their stocks. I'd love to know what restrictions on selling came with the stocks that were given to regular employees and users/mods. Like are they allowed to sell right away or do they have to hold it for some period of time?

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Be anything other than a macho straight cis white male without being hunted.

Not own a car.

Go out for fun that doesn't involve alcohol and/or sex.

Go out for a drink and not have to drive drunk to get home.

Because it was designed for very specific tasks. A specialized tool will always be better at the things it's designed for. Just like a graphics card in a computer is better at processing graphics than a general use CPU even if the CPU is running at much faster speeds.

But if you didn't care about those specific tasks or utilize those specific services, then it wasn't that useful.

I just saw a Jaguar that actually looked pretty nice. I hadn't seen a decent Jaguar since Ford bought them out. So I guess Tata did something right in allowing some style back rather than them just looking like a Ford. But I can't vouch for the rest of the car, just that it looked nice, which is something the original Jaguars always had going for them. That unique style.

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Mostly pisses me off because it blocks disabled people. I wouldn't blame them for knocking it down.

It seems it's not so much they stole the domain, it's that they are using the same name with a different top-level domain. This is a common shady practice in malware. Most people can't afford to purchase every TLD or their domain and so just pick one or two. Problem is that search engines will find the bad TLDs and suggest them over the real TLD if the malware providers do proper SEO manipulation. A FOSS author is unlikely to be able to or afford the time and effort it takes to manipulate search results and most popular search engines are not doing much to fix the problem, and instead relying on "AI" to reduce the costs of maintaining their search results, which does a pretty bad job, IMHO.

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Can't unionize a workplace when you're the owner and only employee. That's how the law treats "independent contractors".

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When cops don't know the laws they are enforcing and thus telling your rights is not only seen as demeaning since it's their job to know, but makes them actively hostile and more likely to violate those rights out of embarrassment, it's a no win scenario. Better to just go along with their security theater and say as little as possible outside of answering direct questions.

You only have rights if you survive the encounter first.

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That electric bill, though. 🤣

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I mean I don't disagree with the headline, but the article is just an ad.

Yeah, problem with the fremium model is that they usually still collect and sell information on their premium users just the same as their free users. The premium just add some semi-essential features that they cut out for the free users. And finding truly 100% premium services that don't sell personal data is rare these days because that's where the money is for now, information. I don't mind paying for a good service, but I won't both pay and share my personal information, that's just paying twice.

There better be a big noticeable sign at the entrance telling you this. Otherwise, this is a bait and switch scam. Advertising one price, giving the service, and then changing the price. You can't advertise a price and then charge more for it without ensuring that the customer is informed about it. The only exception is tax, since it is something the average person should already expect. Even mandatory gratuity for large parties has to be communicated ahead of time. And this specifically says it's not gratuity, it's a charge for the service.

As soon as a customer is served something, it's too late. You can't just put it on the bill. Doesn't matter what they say it's for either. It's not your responsibility to pay the servers anymore than it's your responsibility to separately pay for the ingredients of the food. Unless they want to detail it all out up front. But then you'd see the huge profit margin.

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If it was free, conservatives would put more effort into killing it off like they did in the 60s and 70s when they killed off trains and subways in a bunch of cities, killed off the trolley systems in several cities, etc. Otherwise their donors would lose too much money on people switching from driving. But yeah, it's almost entirely funded by taxes anyway. Would be logical to make it 100% funded, but keeping a small fare keeps it a smaller target of conservatives.

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Yes, this is exactly what it's for, as well as Winnie the Pooh in China, LGBTQ+ materials in Florida, or any other ridiculous laws. As fascism is taking over many countries, including the US, UK, and other Western countries, they are pressuring content storing companies to add backdoors to allow hunting down dissidents.

Oh, and also this is a way to allow selling the content to train AI since it's less obvious that it is allowed with this kind of vague wording.

That has been his goal since he got forced to actually buy it rather than just boosting the stock so he could make a profit, which like most of his antics was really the only goal (publicity and money)

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If they had just listened to the feedback, realized their mistake, even if it took a while, and then backpedaled to the current compromise, they probably wouldn't have hurt their business much. It was the disdain they showed for small developers, basically saying they weren't going to address issues like reinstallation and other things that would make a big difference to smaller projects. And then quietly altering their TOS, to make the small developers that made the platform able to exist, have to start paying even if the contract at the time protected them from the fees if they didn't upgrade.

This kind of disregard for the people who made your company what it is today, just to make some short term profit is exactly why Reddit, Twitter, and so many other tech companies are falling apart right now. It's just happening to such extremes that it's not just let's price gouge our customers and patrons, but let's actively commit fraud to squeeze out every possible dime from all but our biggest customers and throw them away. Fortunately, places like Lemmy and Mastodon are here to catch them. Hope they can make it.

I don't trust the numbers anyway. And although Musk pretended to be angry about bots inflating the user stats to try to get out of buying the company after the gag got real, he hasn't exactly discouraged bots from inflating the numbers now.