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Joined 11 months ago

Yeah, why work for free?

4th sign fell down. It probably said



Was that party not real? Man I must've been on a lot of drugs to hallucinate that

I'd be cool with that

In a trench coat

I think masc would go with fem, not femme. It probably started that way and evolved from misinterpretation of verbal to written word

I do like a quality blonde

How is your rent so cheap?

Assuming you didn't lose your job


The exception is if the same dev makes a variant that is not simple. Like if the same guy makes SimpleWidget, AdvancedWidget, and WizardWidget the simple one is probably actually pretty simple

It is easily readable wingdings. It doesn't say it has to be easily understood or interpreted.

A hammer? This isn't the UK. We have guns!

It would be better if you could set your preference on the browser once and never have to mess with it again unless you want to have exceptions for specific sites

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Religion aside, opening the floodgates in this way just doesn't make sense. Our public schools are already underfunded. Why would they want to use the same pool of money to fund even more schools?

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I haven't seen an argument on English grammar because yesterday

I have been using it for years and still find some things confusing. Like idk why it's so hard to figure out how to customize the dashboard and create new widgets for it. I've been a professional web dev for 8 years and if I'm struggling with it, you can bet most people aren't even going to bother. Idk what's so hard about providing simple html, css, and js like every other web framework.

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I have a QR code framed and hanging on the wall in my foyer for guest wifi access. I am definitely going to artsy it up like this so it looks nicer on my wall. People who want wifi will ask and I'll just tell them to scan that picture. They're usually impressed by that now; I'm excited to see how they react when they don't even recognize that it's a QR code.

That's not the problem. The problem is him not doing anything about all the toxic culture and sexual assault in his company, causing the best employees to leave.

"Get your cheap, reliable EVs here!" Done. You can pay me that $100k marketing salary whenever it's convenient.

Because they updated their filters so you have to clear the old cached filters

Yeah and practice is useless. Everyone knows you're either born with it or not

I was thinking Raven

Fortunately, you can still do that with a Rivian. From the article that no one read:

Speedometer, charging, backup cameras, locks, lights, wipers, and turn signals are all still functional with the 2023.42 error.

If you wanna fix this, there needs to be more incentive for people to develop open source software. It doesn't have to be created by individuals either. Organizations and nonprofits can be used to make basic services for the Internet, like utilities. Or this could be a government agency. There is already talks of classifying Internet access as a utility instead of leaving it to private ISPs. This would be a step beyond that but could be done first.

Building it is only part of the solution. The other part is making it affordable to use. The rail in Florida was basically already built, and recently. The problem is that it's not affordable as an option for residents. A weekend trip from Orlando to Miami is $120 (one way) It costs half that in gas to drive round trip, and takes about the same time too.

The writing I see on the wall is that these AI require such a large data set to create that only mega corps are going to have them. They allow some free access now, but in a few years they're gonna start enshittifying the free tier and jack up prices

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Sounds to me like it had nothing to do with Texas or the upcoming game and everyone is jumping to conclusions. It sounds more likely to have been done by another frat at the same university. It was dumped on the lawn of a frat called FarmHouse. I went to a high school that all the other schools referred to as "hick high" because we had an agriculture program (attended by maybe 20 people in a school of 3000). It's something people like to pick on for some reason.

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I see. Another reaffirmation in my choice to not use iphone.

I feel like I'm missing some Garfield lore to really understand this one. Why does he want big boobs?

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Yeah this was the entire reason streaming was successful. It was cheaper than cable. Did they think more money would appear from nothing?

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Firefox has adblockers on mobile

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He looks like a more French version of Gaston lol

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Yeah that certainly reinforces a sense of longevity. Just rub off part of the door every time you have to clean it.

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They've got the wrong idea. Mississippi is picked on for being a poor state which is a shitty place to live. Calling it a "welfare state" is just a short and convenient descriptor. Taking less federal funding will not change anyone's opinion of Mississippi.

Who shit on your donut?

What does this heat have to do with it?

And there was much rejoicing

Well time is infinite and supposedly God has always existed. So technically he procrastinated for infinite time until creating the universe which only took a week. That's some serious procrastinating.

This is true in the entire world.