3 Post – 506 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Don’t buy HP printers. Buy Brothers instead. They’re a better product anyways.

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You keep raising the prices and I keep not buying.

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Ah yes let’s talk about what Margot is wearing as the lead in for this garbage article.

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Cruise ships really need to disappear if we are gonna keep this planet somewhat livable. Mega polluters.

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“It only took us three years, but we’ve finally achieved the full game we should have delivered on day 1.”

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Do we really need to explain why an oil company trying to cozy up to the younger generation is a bad thing? Really…?

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Maybe stop electing Republican orcs and your state will improve.

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China has been fucking around for a while now. One of these times they’re going to step over that line and start something they wish they hadn’t.

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Daily reminder that Texas sucks. So do Republicans.

I didn’t say anything about going to the police.

OP has evidence. Go to your local municipal government and file a complaint. Add the photo. Now it’s documented.

Or do nothing at all about it and make overused statements on the internet. Idgaf

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Report them to your local government.

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It doesn’t change the fact that they over promised and under delivered and still raked in pre orders.

Until consumers figure out how to be patient, this is a trend in gaming that is going to continue. To NOT criticize it at every opportunity is doing yourself and every other gaming enthusiast a huge disservice.

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Friendly reminder that Texas sucks. Republicans suck too.

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Daily reminder that Texas (and Republicans) sucks.

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You touch anything from Meta with a 10 foot pole, you deserve whatever comes your way.

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Research from Cybernews discovered an unprotected database using Elasticsearch belonging to French service World in HD (WiHD).

The Supreme Joke, more like it.

Sounds like yall need some counselling.

Stop using Twitter. Stop talking about Twitter. Stop publishing articles about Twitter. Stop keeping Twitter relevant.

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Shareholders need to be fired into the sun. All they care about is money, and it’s destroying society.

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It’s why it must exist.

Stop. Preordering. Things. How many times do people have to learn this lesson…?

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It should be noted that the burnout this person is talking about is due to conservative governments cutting funding to health care, resulting in less healthcare workers to spread the hours around.

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I wonder how many of those bag lickers that volunteered refused to get the Covid vaccine.

Add another to the “win” column for TST.

They’re incompetent bullies with shit-for-brains.

Did the patch make it interesting? Cause that’s what people deserved.

Shocking. Everything Republicans touch gets cancer.

Meta is poison.

This is a bad take. This law’s intent is 100% to hurt trans people. Don’t go looking for reason and justifying it.

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People watch this?

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An awful lot of them did, though.

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Reminder that Texas sucks. Republicans suck too. They’re a pox on humanity.

I’m watching you Wizowski. Aaaaaalways watching you.

So just carry on like normal people! We can keep kicking this can down the road indefinitely, allowing the O&G tycoons continue to rape the planet.

Fuck me.

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Who wants to watch a bunch of mentally ill psychopaths talk over each other? I sure don’t.

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Could he just fuck off to Mars already?

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Don’t ask the internet this. Talk to a real doctor.

Look at your name and ask yourself if anyone in your life takes you seriously. Go play with play dough

That’s exactly why many of us dislike cloudfare. They’ve maneuvered themselves into a “too big to fail” position. Seems to be the goal of big corps these days.

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