Scientist Discover How to Convert CO2 into Powder That Can Be Stored for Decades to – 211 points –
Scientist Discover How to Convert CO2 into Powder That Can Be Stored for Decades

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So just carry on like normal people! We can keep kicking this can down the road indefinitely, allowing the O&G tycoons continue to rape the planet.

Fuck me.

Yeah, my first thought is we found a way to stave off catastrophe so the deniers can say they were right all along. 🤬

I get the temptation to feel that way, but this development should be seen as a really good thing.

1st we have started to electrify everything which is fantastic but it's a Pandora's box, no one can just put that technology back in the box and we'll see continued development and improvement which reduces CO2 output.

2nd we needed a way to remove the extra CO2 from the atmosphere without overtaxing the environment, this should help us do that and get the planet back to a healthier position.