China blames Canada for ‘malicious, provocative’ moves after close midair intercepts over South China Sea to World – 220 points –
China blames Canada for ‘malicious, provocative’ moves after close midair intercepts over South China Sea | CNN

China has accused Canada of carrying out “malicious and provocative” actions in the South China Sea, after the Canadian Navy said Chinese fighter jets endangered a helicopter in two close intercepts above international waters.

The comments come after CNN revealed last week that a Chinese warplane fired flares in front of a Canadian military helicopter on October 29, an operation that Canadian military officers said was reckless and could have resulted in the downing of the aircraft.

The incident was the second of two “unsafe” encounters the Canadian chopper had on that day with Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy J-11 fighters, which got as close as 100 feet (30 meters) from the helicopter, Maj. Rob Millen, air officer aboard the Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ottawa, told CNN in an interview on the warship.


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China has been fucking around for a while now. One of these times they’re going to step over that line and start something they wish they hadn’t.

I kinda hope they do and the US decides it's had enough and declares war and launches the fleets to force Xi to apologise or get him ousted by the rest of the party. Obviously don't want a real war, just real looking enough to freak out the CCP into backing down.

The outcome of that would more likely be war than a restructure of Chinese government.

And such a war would certainly make WWII look like babies at play.

Almost seems like china wants it. Their pilots are trained, their pilots act like infants.. its a safe bet they're trained to act like infants.

They are just like the playground bully. Acting all tough but they can't back it up.

Look at their aircraft carrier:

China wouldn't stand a chance if the US really wanted to swat them down.

Major Cracks Spotted On Chinese Aircraft Carrier Fujian

I'll have you know that Major Cracks is a highly decorated member of the PLA!

(PLN maybe?)

Does anyone understand the impacts of this (genuine question)? I doubt the crack actually goes very deep, and is probably just in the deck armor. But that's probably very expensive to replace. I assume the point here is that it's ridiculous their carriers are cracking on their own while in active service, probably due to negligence.

Also, is it possible that's just water or dirt? Or are we sure that's a crack?

it’s ridiculous their carriers are cracking

That's the point, I have no idea of the full impacts, I am not a crack expert. Well, not in these kinds of cracks at least.

Considering how bad modern Chinese construction can be, it wouldn't be surprising if the whole thing just snapped in half.

It’s their playground. We’re on their playground. Imagine if China had bases in Cuba and Bermuda and were flying near our airspace. Geez, the liberal brain rot is real.

That's no excuse for doing shit like this:

This is fucked up! Planes crash at lower altitudes from wake turbulence from much farther away, and that's from being behind passenger jets! Not only do they crash, but they sometimes rip planes apart where they stand! This is an act not just of warning/bullying but of blatant aggression.

It’s the best excuse. If China was flying off the coast of South Carolina you don’t think our military would do that? GTFOH

In international waters? Sure maybe they would fly close to keep an eye, but they wouldn't buzz helicopters or fly dangerously close to other air craft. Your brain rot is real.

Sure. I give links with evidence. You insult me. And I have brain rot?

Yes you did provide evidence of China being a dick and potentially causing international issues. I don't think that's the point you were going for though hahahaha.

Beijing responds by condemning Washington’s ‘frequent’ military reconnaissance activities as ‘root cause’ of maritime security issues

From their perspective, America’s the dick. Surely that can’t be true. Hahahaha

In international waters? In international air space? Around their ally Taiwan? China can get fucked they are going to cause an incident. Not saying the US isn't a dick because duh, they are, but China is at fault here, hahahahaha.

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It's not "their playground". Besides the fact that the South China Sea is a crucial international trade route (and thus shouldn't "belong" to anyone), it is also bordered by many nations other than China, like Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines. And these nations are very bothered by the way China is using its size to bully them out of their own coastline. That is why Canada is there, to prevent China from dominating the smaller states. Obviously NATO has more than one goal in the region, but they are not uninvited guests and, in a world as globalized as ours, the South China Sea might as well be Canada's playground.

The united states navy is also working in the south china sea for the same reason iirc

Find a Tankie, block a tankie!

I’m not a tankie, I could just be an old man with a warped world view.

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We need to figure out ways to reorient China's ambitions from an impossible ask - Taiwan, the 9-dash-line, and the South China Sea, and point out the obvious low hanging fruit, that wouldn't require force projection / airborne and naval landings, and a world class navy to oppose literally every other country in the pacific, and invest those resources where they could gain massive ground, repatriate ethnic chinese and repatriate Chinese cities that they were forced to give up and still want back, like Vladivostok. Russia is sick. China is already pushing for greater influence in the -stan countries - the move only requires a will for China to head north, capturing enormous amounts of land, resources and new citizens / customers for it's industries. And unlike the Pacific, I don't know that many will want to save them after the last few years... I don't see Belarus scrambling resources to send to defend Irkutsk.

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