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Joined 9 months ago

This includes Functionally EVERY state with incredibly few if any exceptions. Whens your line for when a conqueror becomes a local?

Did OP update their post? Because this post is 99% what OP said in theirs

I am currently updating a minecraft server soooooo

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Its shit like this why I want to smack the "B-BUT STEAMS MONOPOLY" types who claim Steam does nothing with its 30%. Steam is one of the only companies out their in our late stage capitalist society that actually does things for its customer base without being forced to. We have digital refunds, completely remappable controllers, a linux operating system and portable computer that functions as a console when you dont want to use it as a computer, the only DRM in the world that doesnt actively suck, built in mod database/support, VR, official early access marketplace support (I know it has its issues), user game reviews with multiple sorting options, and thats everything I can currently think of. Steam is not only the only company I dont actively hate (Ok, I kind of like Costco too), vut I actually quite like Steam as a company.

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Hence why we call them Tankies and not communists

Edit: Stop defending Tankies. If you are truly a Communist that doesnt support Russia and China, then defending the Tankies by letting them pretend ALL communists get called Tankies is only making you look bad by comparison. If Tankie was synonymous with communist, it wouldnt need to exist as a word.

2nd edit: I'm giving some of you WAAAYYY too much benefit of doubt but heres a further point, at the moment there is two options

1: You help clarify that Tankie means "Communist who Supports Authoritarian Regimes and their use of violences to suppress dissent" for people who are using the word incorrectly


2: You help create a smokescreen for Tankies to hide behind and let Tankie and Communist blur so Tankies can claim that all Communists get called that so the word means nothing. And if you are successful in that, the vast majority of us with great distaste for the Chinese and Russian goverment will just switch to telling ALL communists to fuck off because we certainly arent going to grow more tolerance for regimes that have no issues violently suppressing minorities

There is no 3rd option

Final Addition: 9 communists are sitting at a table when 1 Tankie decides to join the table. No one rejects the Tankie from sitting. 10 Tankies sit at a table

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Tankies, you can keep jumping servers because we blocked your old servers, and we'll just keep blocking you. No one is interested in your brain damage

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Since the initial push, I have not even had to reset my ublock... stop using Chrome

For fucks sake maybe part of the problem is men are ALWAYS told to shut up and that their problems dont matter as much as literally any other population. I initially responded to the meme with annoyance, but understanding, but the constant creep of aggression that it keeps coming back with has started to trigger my own baggage.

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This thread was fated to be a dumpster fire from the instant it was created

Edit: 6 people dont seem to understand what an unholy combination it is to merge: Transphobia, Misandry, AI, and somewhat silly names on the internet

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I understand that Lemmy hates Discord, but this is FAR more of Nintendo being an asshat than it is Discord. I'm so far done giving Nintendo my money at this point

edit: I just wanna point out that Corgana posted a response that was straight up false, I called him out on it with proof, he edited his response instead of replying to me to make my response to him look bad, and then when I called him out on that by putting what his original response was in my response, he deleted hos post to try and hide his shame. This user apparently has a history of doing this, and I find this HIGHLY manipulative and scummy, so I'm putting this edit here so that he cant hide his actions by deleting them because I called him out before any damage could be done

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Yeah where the fuck is the antisemitism? Fuckin dogshit takes that think one side is clean where the other isnt? Yeah, plenty of that. But antisemitism itself? I havent seen it

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Except lemmygrad users are realizing we all blocked their instance and are becoming more active in to try and evade this, and so yeah, .ml is getting more and more like Lemmygrad

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It's your ideal, we're giving communists who dont support Russia and China respect by labelling Tankies as Tankies, and not Communists, but if you want to give the Tankies a smoke screen to hide behind by letting the two terms blur, then its more your loss than its mine. Russia and China are not bastions of LGBTQ rights though, so I dont know why you'd want to help the Tankies

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Now that I've goten addicted to the block feature, I'm probably never going back to reddit. Dont like the content from specific servers while I'm browsing the top pages? Block, they stop existsing. Find myself getting baited into low effort arguements? Block and move on. I feel faaaarrr less stressed out lately

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Damn, some of you must have pretty chill lives if paying attention to what level your battery charge is at DAILY is something you want to add to your plates. I mean sure, if there was a setting that allowed you to have the phone automatically cut charging at 80% this might be worth thinking about. But when I charge my phone its during times when I dont have to think about it (Aka 90% of the time, when I'm asleep)

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It really isnt getting harder to dodge past the initial recent push. "Go to settings, purge cache, refresh list, refresh youtube" is just as many steps today as it was when this recent push started

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The fact that is post got removed for trolling is exactly why my feelings towards the bear meme have evolved from annoyed to "Reminded of the multiple times women have attempted to use cops as a weapon against me"

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Ublock Origin Settings - Clear Cache - Update - Refresh Youtube

"I'm not defending police here" procedes to defend police

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Ah yes, more bait articles rising to the top of Lemmy. The guy was arrested for grooming, he was sending these images to a minor. Outside of Digg, anyone have any suggestions for an alternative to Lemmy and Reddit? Lemmy's moderation quality is shit, I think I'm starting to figure out where I lean on the success of my experimental stay with Lemmy

Edit: Oh god, I actually checked digg out after posting this and the site design makes it look like you're actually scrolling through all of the ads at the bottom of a bulshit clickbait article

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I've honestly just hit a point in life where I'm dine giving megacorps money. I stopped piracy like a decade ago because I had the means to pay for shit, but since then companies have just started treating customers with more and more disrespect, and I'm perfectly knowledgeable on how to access most of their shit fir free and with less restrictions and hassle. So Im back to piracy not fir money reasons, but FUCK YOU reasons

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You say that as if photoshopping someone naked isnt fucking creepy as well.

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As a millenial, yeet is still the greatest new word ever added, and why I personally will never be against the new generations choice of words. Fuckin Rizz is starting to appeal to me too

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I guess the silver lining of this shitshow happening right as I joined Lemmy is that its giving me a massive list of hateful idiots and servers to block right out of the gate

Tbf, I've seen what happens to indies when they're just humans in how they talk to their customers/fans. HR speak exists for a reason unfortunately

So those 15,000 children PLUS all the LGBTQ people in America is just as bad as just the 15,000 children?

I feel I'm out of the loop with the linked in part

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I've seen way too many guys who think they're uglier than they are. Confidence and Comedy really are great ways to have a shot, even if you're faking the confidence. Its a tough lesson, but you DO need to sell yourself a little

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Isreal Palestine threads are also great for finding users to block. Reeeaaallly petty and vain way to use a decades long humanitarian tragedy, but I personally dont want to listen to the opinions of anyone who'd celebrate violence and horror of that level

Not just former models claiming this, TRUMP HIMSELF has claimed that he's purposely walked into underage dressing rooms.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

This is a risky site to admit you're a landlord on xD

Cue the BUT STEAMS MONOPOLY idiots that completely ignore that Valve does nothing to stop anyone from competing with them, its just that anyone who has tried (outside GOG) has only produced anti consumer garbage

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Bud, extreme change causes extreme strife. Having a system that allows us to transition from an old system that worked, to a new system that works better is the preffered method if you dont want to cause massive amounts of damage to peoples lives. The fact that UBI allows us to change towards a better way of functioning WITHOUT completely breaking the old system is a SELLING point. First we get people away from having to work merely to live, and THEN we can take further steps towards whichever utopic ideal we believe in

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I sexually assault and murder exactly as much as I want to, and that amount is zero... ok, at least the sexually assault part

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Ah yes, this IS about the bear meme. Maybe this is a lesson that doubling down on an inflammatory meme is the worst way to attempt to get a point across, claiming that people annoyed with the meme are attempting to silence you is just trippling down.

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If they arent doing the art for themselves then nah, I dont care if they've decided they've been replaced

I wish I could up AND downvote this, as it gets the point across well, but MAN do I hate that point. Also, the fact that EVERYTHING has its own streaming service now... No, I'm not paying you a subscription to watch 1 show. If you dont want to give the main streaming players a cut, just sell each season as a oje time purchase

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No tankies, we dont call all left leaning people Tankies, its specifically those of you that suck off Russia and China

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This is wonderfully cursed