Veterans Burn Their Uniforms at Vigil for US Airman Aaron Bushnell to – 811 points –
Veterans Burn Their Uniforms at Vigil for US Airman Aaron Bushnell

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No tankies, we dont call all left leaning people Tankies, its specifically those of you that suck off Russia and China

Tankie has become shorthand for anyone who believes in Communism, Russia isn't Communist China is.

I don't know that I'd call them communist honestly. They have a pretty equal blend of capitalism and communism.

There's capitalism and communism in both, but first and foremost they're dictatorships.

Russia is more capitalist then we are.

I don't see how you could say after 'shock therapy' that Russia is still a blend of communism in good faith.

Like, I'm not trying to say Russia is a democracy, because obviously it isn't, but the communist party is explicitly banned in Russia.

It's quite understated just how much worse capitalism is in Russia. They have outright oligarchs, who make US CEOs look like equitable angels.

You can use them as a litmus test for Western politicians who claim to be leftist. If they rail against domestic billionaires and corps but have no issue dining with Russian oligarchs, they're just trying to trick you. Jill Stein is the foremost example that comes to mind.

jill stein did not dine with russian oligarchs, and she has been critical of them. so you're kind of making things up.

She was at the RT dinner with quite a few big names.

none of them were eating at her table.

Michael Flynn and Putin were however. I don't blame her for who was at her table, but who was there overall.

so? do you think she chose who was sat at that table?

No but she certainly chose herself to sit at that table.

you're right. she paid for travel and a ticket to the event, and then sat at a table. the fucking horror.

Its shorthand for those who suck off Russia and China. If you are a communist who understands that those two countries are the exact opposite of ideals we should shoot for, you are not a Tankie

Oh look... a liberal who doesn't know what the term tankie means. Do they churn you out in a mould or something?