1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Hot Fuzz

Why? Everything's going according to plan.

“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.” - Aaron Bushnell


And we will keep allowing oligarchical tyrants like Putin to rob us and slaughter our heroes and communities. If we were better people we would've put a stop to this already, but the framers know we're pathetic, which is why fascism will take over the world. For too many decades now I've seen movements, protests, demonstrations, voting, all these ways fail us time and time again, only making things slip into worse and worse situations. We need to stop playing the game by their rules, but we can't even agree with eachother in Lemmy comment threads let alone organize to do anything that matters.

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Nobody's brave enough to start the process.

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This guy has been spouting genocide justification in other threads as well, they're a lost cause. They've written essays about how all Palestinians are Hamas and should all be wiped out, denying that starvation is even happening, etc. Good luck trying to save this one!

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And they get away with it because we let them. We have proven time and time again that we'll do nothing, so they'll keep doing it.

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"What are we gonna do, do what the commies did and kill Nazis? Commies are the enemy of the state, capitalism, and everything American. The enemy of our enemy is our friend!"

  • Americans and the leaders they vote for

Doesn't have to be the whole planet, just the top 400 richest people would do wonders though. Most of us are just trying to get by, put the blame on the one misusing "human resources".

If I were to turn on my Machiavellian reptile brain and looked at this situation (from what I've read) as if this was a game or something...

Israel is kinda like The West's attack/guard dog in the Middle East. That dog is getting out of control. The only leash that The West has on Israel is their funding, remove the funding and they remove the leash, and now we've got an out of control dog with nukes and no leash. It may not seem like the leash isn't doing much to control it but it's far better than letting the dog loose. Especially considering how powerful the dog is, how it seems to have more control over The West than the other way around, might have to do with all the religious leadership on both sides looking forward to the red cow they're sacrificing this month, maybe their prophecy of a "second coming" and (nuclear) fire raining from the sky to end humanity is kinda the point.

I'm going to stop the reptile brain before it mentions how we typically deal with bad dogs that can't be tamed, because god forbid THAT'S taking things too far.

You could win this argument if only you could link a reference to your sources. It's not up to us to look up evidence for your claims, it's up to you to provide evidence for your argument.

Dude anyone defending Israel at this point is devoid of humanity. This guy literally shrugs off aide workers being murdered with precision strikes, let alone thousands of innocent deaths. They've demonstrated their belief that 1,500 Israeli lives are significantly more important than 32,000+ Palestinians. "They're killing less every day" lie as if it's a good thing, makes me sick. The amount of time they take to write out their long-winded comments excusing mass murder is fucking shocking, and I can't believe people like them actually exist. Israel could nuke New York, say it was Hamas, and this brainwashed idiot would believe it even if their own family was killed in that strike.

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I thought it was just bots on reddit saying this Hasbara pro-IDF Nazi-esque genocide justification but there are actually people everywhere thinking like this. We truly live in dark times. IDF are engineering something worse than fuckin Leningrad in WW2, and there are soooo many people openly defending it, I can't believe people can be so simultaneously heartless and brainless just KILL KILL KILL. It's like a nightmare I can't wake up from.

It's been the plan since the West rescued top Nazi officials after WW2.

Where is the proof that there are thousands of UNRWA employees that helped Oct 7th happen? I tried looking it up and couldn't find anything.

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I respect the effort. I feel like these conversations are many drops but are creating a collective tidal wave, I just find the concept of defending mass murder over learning something new is such an alien concept to me like I can't have conversations with people who are so bad faith, like, to a point where its homicidal. It's scary.

People like you = cops. Murderous arms of the state. The people who the founding fathers warned us about when writing the 2nd ammendment. The people who treat civilians as if they're worse than Taliban. Who "protect and serve" rich white people while happily shooting at black 15yo "adults" or whatever excuse you want to be a murderer. You resign your humanity when you where a gun and badge, and most of all you relish in the permission to resign your humanity. You execute civilians then go online to argue with people who don't like murderers like you. I cannot wait till Americans finally get a grip, for the whole planets sake, and start treating cops the way they deserved since the MOVE bombing of 1985, since the Tulsa Massacre, since the Pinkertons invented you cops to protect white people from black people. You stand against everything America is supposed to represent, and stand against everything humanity, peace, love, wisdom, and compassion is supposed to represent. I bet you beat your wife too, because statistically ya'll are also domestic abusers who hit women, no wonder you're so afraid of prison because you'll be KOS and rightfully so. "20 a day" should be for cops, not our servicemen, but cops like you are PROUD of your tyranny.

No but she certainly chose herself to sit at that table.

Because as a cop you dehumanize yourself and other people, therefore are undeserving of humanity. Ya'll have been killing black kids long before that time ya'll dropped C4 explosives on their homes in 1985. Cops are irredeemable fascist pigs, gun-wielding arms of the state, whom the 2nd ammendment was written to permit shooting.


The only two candidates available want to help Israel, Biden and even more so Trump. If you're hoping that some sort of legislation, protest, or representative will push for removing aid to Israel then I want what you're smoking. The world will scream and shout while Israel/US does the genocide anyway, and we'll add it to the long list of war crimes committed that we do nothing about except whine and complain.

In a democracy you have to be a player, crying into the void of the internet isn't going to do anything. I would give my suggestions about what needs to be done, but then my comment will surely be removed by a mod. The problem is I don't see any other solution, except hang on and let time itself deal with them.

When are we going to change that? It's been a while, like 600BC, but we managed just fine for tens of thousands of years before minted coin.

Well said.

Same as it ever was.

Only since around 600BC when coin turned money from a quantitive measurement of debt into a protection racket against soldiers, mercenaries and thugs (military colonialism wouldn't be possible without this redefinition of money). Yeah, there were always societies with ruthless hierarchies, but they weren't the norm. Yeah, there was always inequality in wealth or physical ability, but wealth wasn't always used to lord over and deprive from eachother. The norm for most of humanities 200,000+ years were societies of cooperation, a colourful carnival of experimental politics of the likes we couldn't even dream of nowadays. Ruthless and brutal hierarchies famously collapse because communities actively decided to abandon them, move elsewhere, and create something new and better. Human history is marked by stories of societies who reject arbitrary authorities, the ability to go elsewhere, and most of all have the expectation that wherever they go they'll be cared for. None of these freedoms exist anymore, so the question is how and why did we lose these freedoms? And who benefits from these losses of freedoms? After accepting that society is what we make of it, defined by rules on how to live amongst one another in a bottom->up direction, then why are we so eager to blindly accept arbitrary authority, stay put, and fear our neighbors?

We live in a perpetual state of anarchy. Nobody is beholden to the law or state, they're just imaginary rules that we all adhere to like kids in a playground. Everyone does what they do based on the everyday needs of life, we put food on the table simply because we need to put food on the table, we keep the lights on because we want them on. Even within so-called "states" are a messy web of allegiances and alliances, where nobody knows what anyone's doing and are also doing what they do based on their everyday needs. Realizing that everyone is an individual with their own needs, that cooperative projects are agreed upon works by the needs of the many, and that the "state" has nothing to do with that process, is proof that we live in a perpetual state of anarchy, society can be whatever WE want it to be, and the notion of a "state" in opposition to "anarchy" is just copium.

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And your safe space is pointing a gun at someones face.

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These corporate jackoffs also have names and addresses, just sayin'. They're only as untouchable as we let them be, and they're terrified of the fact that we're waking up to that (hence the bunkers n shit). They're like "Nuh uh" and we're like "Oh ok then" and give them our lunch money, their power is equal to that of a bully making rules on the playground, we just need to grow the fuck up.

If it was as easy as taking to the streets with guns I imagine more of the left would do it.

I mean, isn't that how lefty commies defeated the Nazi's? Never said it was easy, but they got there in the end, and there's still more work to be done it would seem. We got numbers on our side, $32.6trillion worth of them wouldn't even fill up a single 737 airplane.

I'm sorry but as a fan of Wu-Tang this is not at all what C.R.E.A.M. is about, just read/listen to the lyrics. It's about the paper-chase in the hood and how it's not worth the struggle, no more no less. Also Method Man only sings the hook, the rest of the song is written and performed by Raekwon and Inspectah Deck. Stop being a poser.

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If that amount of interpretation can be squeezed out of that banger, then you could write a 10-volume encyclopedia out of Leaving The Past by Immortal Technique.

Using your example, if say a village or town wants to build a well to supply water to their inhabitants, they'll have to jump through hoops and abide by rules of the state and pitch to them the viability and cost of building the well, permits, etc. etc. Anarchism is when the town builds the well anyway and dares the state to stop them.

Worth noting I'm a communist, not an anarchist, so I'm not the best representative of "anarchy".

Talk and 4chan shitposts I did for edgy-laughs as a 12yo boy in 2002.

Why is violence the only other option? Your words, not mine. We could picket and protest outside their homes and gated communities, we could strike, we could organize a boycott. Or is the reason you suggest violence, because deep down, you realize that's what it might take?

Which is why cops are terrorists.

I got my account a while ago but only started using it recently, and this happened to be the first thing I've felt strongly enough to comment about. What are you insinuating? What's so curious about it?

My point is that I do vote, I have campaigned, I have canvassed, I have phone banked, I have fundraised. Did it for Obama when I was 18, and the so-called "change" never came. I did it for Bernie, even phone banked from overseas, and we all know what happened there. I even tried tackling corporate irresponsibility head on by working for Greenpeace, fundraised and raised awareness, attended protests, helped people send letters to their reps, the whole nine yards. Took all this for me to realize the problems go beyond the purely symbolic particapatory act of "voting", a piece of paper in a ballot box is simply not enough. Our democracy is going to have to be fought for, that's what i'm insinuating, if that's sates any of your curiosity.

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Only if they're carrying a skateboard.

Cops in America also firebombed and dropped C4 on civilians so ya'll might actually be in competition with not just Sierre Leonean justice but like Islamic terrorists too. In fact, cops have killed more civilians than Islamic terrorists could ever hope for. Cops are the real terrorists of America.

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He's a cop he doesn't need the films.