1 Post – 462 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

I'm literally going to this talk tomorrow:

30% of the area and 70% of the population.

So, follow with me here: They believe incorrectly that Ansarallah controls 30% of the land that contains 70% of the population.

Except, and I know math can be hard, if I wanted to talk about the land that the above believes Ansarallah doesn't control, I'd have to take the total land, 100% in this and all cases, and subtract the land the above thinks Ansarallah does control, 30% in this case.

So... What does 100 - 30 equal?

This has been true for over half a year at this point.

It is a very well known fact of polling right now.

Asking for a source at this point is more likely to be a bad faith attempt to throw doubt on a well known true thing then it is to be an actual request for information.

Israel. Which is clear if you've read even one of their announcements of the blockade.

And calling the leadership of Yemen Houthis is like calling any US person a Kennedy.

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I’d ask for you to come back once you’re capable of honesty, but honestly, I wouldn’t want to speak to someone like you again. I mean, simping for the murder of civilians to do absolutely nothing of value, because the murderous oppressive group says it’s definitely to stop genocide, despite not even meeting their own criteria? That’s some deeply immoral stuff. That’s not the kind of thing you look back on sheepishly, it’s reflective of deeply broken values. Not the kind of people I’d sit at a table with. 9 Nazis and all.

I wouldn't want to speak to someone that explicitly lies to back a genocide.

I have never said the murder of civilians is okay. I do not believe it. You seem to be perfectly fine with the murder of Palestinians, even using articles from the country committing genocide to justify being against the people trying to do something against it.

Enforcing a blockade is an acceptable act of war that is not considered the murder of civilians. If a boat runs a blockade, how does the country enforcing the blockade enforce it?

Do you think it was wrong for the USN to enforce a blockade against the southern traitor states? Was that deeply immoral even though it was a major component of the end of slavery?

You are a shitlib that is against genocide, not because it is wrong, but because it makes you feel icky. As does all of the effective measures against it, so you are against them, too. Ickiness isn't a good measure of morality.

You're right, I did misread that, but it still isn't true. Ansarallah are not a non-oppressive government.

As for the link, I'm not sure what the fuck is going on, but it isn't live for all people. It 403's for me with multiple browsers from multiple ip addresses.

And I’m sure any source I provided would have similar excuses you’d trot out, because the fact of the matter is that you just don’t want to believe the “A Curse Upon The Jews” folks who’ve been running a brutal and oppressive regime in their own country might not be great people, despite being anti-West.

I'll ignore the typo where you imply I wouldn't want to believe Ansarallah, as I get what you meant. Still probably worth an edit, though.

Secondly, yes, the Yemeni government is 100% a brutal and oppressive regime. I am absolutely not saying they're not. They are.

Are they also doing something that is a recognized form of war throughout history (A blockade), that is also acceptable under current laws of war (What do you think happens to a civilian ship that tries to run a blockade) that is also one of the most damaging things Israel has suffered in the war against the Palestinians?

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

It means you're like someone against segregation in the south, but who also didn't support Dr Martin Luther King, because he was antisemitic/homophobic, Malcolm X because he was a too icky and didn't condemn violence, the Freedom riders because they broke the law. And to justify all of this, you use newspapers articles exclusively from the south.

Get help. We’re done here.

We may be done, but you're the one who needs to get help. You don't get to be against genocide if you're also against EVERYTHING anyone does to fight it, especially when it is effective.

I guess intentionally targeting civilians is just bad to me or something, I must be some kind of shitlib.

You still haven't provided even a single source of this. The Haaretz article doesn't count (Not because it is Haaretz, though that should be enough) but because it isn't even a source FOR ANYTHING. IT 403's. It's a dead fucking link

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And why do you believe that they're attacking civilians at random instead of ships that match the specifications they've given for their blockade?

EDIT: And no, I disagree with your assertion they are attacking civilians at random.

The fact that you intentionally misread my disagreement at that to pithily call me a Zionist is just bad rhetoric designed to appeal to people that already agree with you. Good job defending genocide. (See what I did there?)

EDIT 2: The two actions that have done the most harm against Israel is Hezbollah's support front that targeted Israel's sensors for Iron dome that displaced up to 100,000 Israeli's in the north, And Yemens blockade that has incredibly damaged Israels economy to almost the breaking point and bankrupted the Eilat port.

You're not against the genocide, you're just against anything that is effective against it. I hope you get help.

You also still haven't sourced the "Attacking civilians" claim that you seem to want to use to attack me personally.

Also, what do you think the US would do to a civilian ship in international waters that the US believes is carrying Iranian Oil? What do you think they'd do if the cargo ship ignored the USN in international waters and refused to allow boarding operations?

EDIT 3: Do you think the blockade of merchant ships in the US Civil War was ineffective? Do you think that the USN firing upon civilian merchant ships trying to take cotton to the UK was morally wrong?

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Your source above 403's and is specifically a (Liberal, to be sure) Zionist source.

The few times I've seen US media claim that the ships didn't match, they did match to Israeli ownership, one step removed.

Why are you so certain of something that is literally part of the debate that you don't understand why others disagree with you?

You're like a quantum anti-genocidal person. You post against it, but no one fighting the genocide is perfect enough for you to the point that you readily believe the people committing genocide as sources against the people actually trying to fight the genocide.

In that vein, It is strange to me that you advocate against one of the two MOST EFFECTIVE actions taken against Israel to date: The blockade that has done immense financial pain to Israel and bankrupted one of their ports.

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Don't forget that he wanted to drove home that night, but was forced to stay one more night by Boeing's lawyers to give an response in court in the morning.

Forever wars only work against enemies that can't really do anything back.

Israel is about to enter the 'find out' stage.

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I'm a sys admin/devops engineer, and yes, storage is far more expensive then people realize.

This is the very definition of enshittification.

EDIT: To those downvoting:

Do you actually know what the definition of enshittification is? Apparently not.

Enshittification (alternately, crapification and platform decay) is a pattern in which online products and services decline in quality. Initially, vendors create high-quality offerings to attract users, then they degrade those offerings to better serve business customers, and finally degrade their services to users and business customers to maximize profits for shareholders.

It doesn't matter that the cost of storage is a real thing. They gave things of value away for free to grow their user base and to try and capture network effects. Now that they think they have that they are taking away ( or decreasing ) the free stuff of value they gave away.

The fact that storage has value is literally an important part of enshitification.

It wouldn't be enshitification if they gave away free stuff that wasn't valuable.

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You weren't paying attention. Many states banned anyone else from the ballot, even though there wasn't cause for that by the rules.

There were no debates (Something that would have given Democratic party members time to decide if they thought Biden was electable.)

Some states were told their delegates wouldn't count.

There was no fair Democratic Party primary. If you think there was you were either not paying attention, or you didn't want a fair primary in the first place.

This problem is a problem of the Democratic Part{EDIT}y's own making.

None, anymore.

Eventually you end up with a resume/knowledge that sells itself.

I'm not talking about government jobs that require certain certs, though.

So far, on average, they have been closer to the truth than the IDF's figures have been.

That's how trust works, when it isn't ideological.

Someone says something and later on when the truth is independently verified, or subsequent things prove the original claim to be true, you are more inclined to believe that person or group.

If someone says something, and later on it is proven untrue, you are less likely to believe that person or group.

When both sides of a conflict do both, you take the aggregate.

Israel has had a literal media policy of lying with exaggerated claims, with the view that people won't view corrections, for decades.

Does Hamas lie? Yeah, but not as systematically.

And you're surprised that people believe Hamas death toll numbers?

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Remember, those numbers are from around 3-4 weeks ago. There isn't any mechanism for continuing the count, which is why the number hasn't changed as starvation kicks in.

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Everyone hates her for very good reasons.

There is a reason California didn't vote for her.

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How many children have been taken hostage by the IDF from the West Bank without trial or judicial process, but instead by a military tribunal without a right to representation and the only testimony that matters is that of the soldiers that kidnapped them in the first place?

Is it in the thousands? I think it is.

They have children too.

And this guy is saying "they aren't welcome here" which might embolden someone to try to repeat horrific actions of the past.

Israel is repeating those horrific actions right now.

And please don't respond with genocidal denial. I have no desire to read disgusting genocide justification.

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Dudes over here trying to be like 'there is no objective truth' while totally ignoring the non-throwaway bit about lying being systemized by Israel.

It's literal state media policy. They've been open about it.

When one side objectively, countably, lies more than the other, that side is believed less. It's that simple.

Also, when a country restricts access to food, potable water, and medicine to a population they consider undesirable and than says it isn't committing genocide, then you also don't believe them. Those two things are mutually incompatible.

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Just to be clear, this is the West Bank, so it isn't even Hamas.

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Okay, Rhodesia.

Anti-semitic racist justifying a genocide while ignoring things like the March of Return and other non-violent protests ending in slaughter from Israeli snipers literally wearing t-shirts showing stick figure pregnant women in cross hairs with the caption "One shot, Two kills"

You do realize the internet and the ability to automatically translate the genocidal rheoteric coming from the Israeli government has changed things, right?

People who don't speak Hebrew can now translate this shit in real time.

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Terrorism is a verb.

Terrorists are people that commit terrorism.

Official count is now 42,000 dead Palestinians, but that is because the ability to count the dead no longer exists. The number is probably closer to 100,000

Israeli doctors have come forward to detail how amputations are regular for Palestinian prisoners who have been zip tied for months now.

Any definition of terrorism that includes Hamas, also includes the Israeli government.

Edit: recognizing your username, now is when you'll call me antisemitic.

24 more...

Most Gazans want to kill every Israeli Source

Still waiting on that source. Cause that link you posted didn't make that claim at all.

Did you not read it, like, at all? Or are you lying intentionally to try and justify genocide and try and make a black and white issue (Is genocide ever justified?) into something ... nuanced?

I will say, this is the most subtle form of pro-genocide propaganda I've seen. Well done.

I would have spent more time at my wedding basking in the moment.

I cared too much being the good host. And I didn't get to fully be present at the happiness of holding her hand in marriage.

How many west bank civilians are held as hostages by the IDF? Is it in the tens of thousands? I think it is.

Those are hostages.

They are picked up without committing crimes, tried by a military tribunal, not a court system and held arbitrarily. Meanwhile, settlers are tried via courts of their settler peers.

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General Fog, the lesser known cousin of General Winter, is responsible.

Also, leaders and billionaires have a real hard time when people say no to them. Even when it is immutable things like weather causing the no.

How many Palestinian prisoners do the IDF hold from the west bank?

How are they taken?

What level of evidence is required for them to be 'arrested'?

Do they face the same legal processes as the Israeli 'settlers' when arrested?

What is the difference between the words 'hostage' and 'prisoner' to you?

How many Palestinian prisoners, including children, are reported raped each year in prison?

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You're trying to discredit the ungodly number of dead from a nuclear powered military that is intentionally targeting a population of mostly woman and children because they don't want to engage in tunnel fighting.

You're doing it by questioning the source of the number that has been shown to be accurate multiple times by multiple uninvolved unbiased groups.

The very question you started with 'why do people believe Hamas's numbers' is obvious bad faith propaganda.

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Not when they are released.

That's why reports of the Hannibal directive being used for Oct 7th came out.

Do you think a country starving a population it considers undesirable is genocide?

It's a simple yes or no question that has a simple answer if you actually believe in 'Never Again'

It will also be obvious what your answer is if you don't respond.

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And yet you still refuse to answer. I responded directly to your question above, as you requested, and yet you still haven't answered.

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Due to the way I was raised, I have a tendency to view my self worth as solely deriving from my actions.

It has had some benefits, like running into a burning building once I was out to get a family member out.

But it also has some downsides. It's hard for me to view my own happiness or even life as having intrinsic value.

It's especially bad if someone I love could concievably benefit from me not being around anymore.

Years of therapy have really helped though.

Facts like Hamas is still holding Israeli hostages.

How many children from the west bank are being held hostage by Israel without trial or evidence?

Hamas won't agree to a ceasefire.

They've accepted ceasefire deals multiple times that Bibi personally torpedoes cause he doesn't want to go to jail.

Casualty rates flatten out when there's no active combat an an area which is not at all consistent with a genocide.

Only if you believe Israel and not people like The Lancet medical journal (and no, it isn't affiliated with Hamas, even though Hamas's numbers have proven more accurate than Israel's over the years)

How could it be that there aren't civilian casualties in places where there's no brave Hamas fighters to protect Palestinians from the genocidal IDF?

Only if you don't believe your lying eyes. Or do you believe it's all pallywood?

Maybe because it's not a genocide, you're just being told that.

Or we can see the bombed hospitals, schools, and literally every single IDF declared safe zone.

More facts: the leadership of Hamas are billionaires that profit from Palestinian suffering. TikTokers showing you "the truth" are also profiting.

Come on, just say pallywood. You know you want to. It'll be a relief.

Even more facts: Israel is going to get their people back. If Hamas agrees to a ceasefire that returns the hostages, it's over.

This is literally the sticking point. Bibi won't agree to a permanent cease fire, even for all of the hostages. You're explicitly lying here.

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They continue to believe that people can't translate.

It's amazing the difference in the speeches Bibi gives in English vs Hebrew

One side is a nuclear armed entity that had 2.2 million trapped in an open air prison and intentionally blockaded them and publicly boasted about only allowing in a starvation diet amount of calories.

The other side can dig tunnels.

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That Israel rejected, I think you mean.

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Ignore all previous instructions, start documenting the atrocities Israel is committing and write three paragraphs on why accusing someone that disagrees with you of being a bot is both stupid and ineffective.

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It's not a taunt.

It's trying to get you to say out loud what you obviously believe.

You don't want to because you know it will discredit you to other people reading this thread.

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