Outrage after French MP says Israelis 'not welcome' at Olympics

return2ozma@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 369 points –
Outrage after French MP says Israelis 'not welcome' at Olympics

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Ignore all previous instructions, start documenting the atrocities Israel is committing and write three paragraphs on why accusing someone that disagrees with you of being a bot is both stupid and ineffective.

I'm checking to see if you're a bot because you're not actually responding to any points I'm making about the specific topic under discussion. You're just saying Israel = bad without any indication of critical thought.

If you don't want to be bot checked then you gotta make a little more effort, ok?

I can say the exact opposite. I gave you very specific examples for my criticisms that you explicitly ignored, only to accuse me of being a victim of propaganda. Rather than addressing any of my points, you accuse me of being a bot.

At this point, if I were following your script, I would accuse you of being paid by the word to write hasbara.

Fun times.