Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps to – 903 points –
Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps

Instagram is profiting from several ads that invite people to create nonconsensual nude images with AI image generation apps, once again showing that some of the most harmful applications of AI tools are not hidden on the dark corners of the internet, but are actively promoted to users by social media companies unable or unwilling to enforce their policies about who can buy ads on their platforms.

While parent company Meta’s Ad Library, which archives ads on its platforms, who paid for them, and where and when they were posted, shows that the company has taken down several of these ads previously, many ads that explicitly invited users to create nudes and some ad buyers were up until I reached out to Meta for comment. Some of these ads were for the best known nonconsensual “undress” or “nudify” services on the internet.


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You say that as if photoshopping someone naked isnt fucking creepy as well.

Creepy, maybe, but tons of people have done it. As long as they don't share it, no harm is done.

I dont think that many have dude. Like sure, if you're talking total number and not percentage, but this planet has so many people you could also claim that tons of people are pedophiles too

Lol you'd be surprised...isn't this one of those things people would do in private but never admit in public (because of people likr you getting all touchy and creeped out by it)?

You say this like we SHOULDN'T be creeped out that you are digitally undressing someone without their permission

Creepy to you, sure. But let me add this:

Should it be illegal? No, and good luck enforcing that.

You're at least right on the enforcement part, but I dont think the illegality of it should be as hard of a no as you think it is