Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers

ayla [she/her]@beehaw.org to Technology@beehaw.org – 303 points –
Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers

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I understand that Lemmy hates Discord, but this is FAR more of Nintendo being an asshat than it is Discord. I'm so far done giving Nintendo my money at this point

edit: I just wanna point out that Corgana posted a response that was straight up false, I called him out on it with proof, he edited his response instead of replying to me to make my response to him look bad, and then when I called him out on that by putting what his original response was in my response, he deleted hos post to try and hide his shame. This user apparently has a history of doing this, and I find this HIGHLY manipulative and scummy, so I'm putting this edit here so that he cant hide his actions by deleting them because I called him out before any damage could be done

Yes it's Nintendo. But it wouldn't be this bad without Discord's design that emphasizes centralization and corporate ownership of user data. Forums can at least be backed up and migrated elsewhere.

Not to mention Discord is not forced to take communities down. There's lots of stuff like right wing nutjob communities that are still up no issues. Discord is just sucking Nintendo dick, just like the communities that host solely on Discord are sucking Discord cock.

Discord had the heat of litigation forced in their direction, thats the difference between Suyu and the nutjob communities. If some company threatened legal consequences if discord didnt nuke one of the nut job communities, I doubt they would be any less hesitant to nuke said communities than they were for Suyu

Tbf I think a lot of that is just the fault of people starting to use discord in ways it wasnt designed for. It works GREAT as a msn/skype/ventrillo type of program. Its just that people started using it for more than just that, and to my knowledge discord isnt super profitable yet, so I dont blame them for trying to accept any type of use people want to use discord for. Eventually it'll need to at least break even profit wise.

::: spoiler spoiler asdfasdfsadfasfasdf :::

Not sure if your sarcasm is towards me or towards someone who'd defend Nintendo, but tbh I'm getting tired of Mega Corps in general (not that I ever really liked them in the first place), so asshats like Nintendo who go above and beyond being a dick because they have the legal team to do so I'm just done giving money to. Indie workers/companies of all fields I'll try and get money to, but I kind of just want to see the current crop of mega corps sink and not come back

::: spoiler spoiler asdfasdfsadfasfasdf :::

Like, they DO focus pretty well on making fun games. But that isnt enough anymore to overlook how fucking Cyberpunk they act in our modern boring dystopia

::: spoiler spoiler asdfasdfsadfasfasdf :::

Welp, at least their price isnt my problem anymore, because I'm done giving them any money

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