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Joined 12 months ago

It's got a flared base, so go right ahead.

I used to work in a new age shop that sold rock salt lamps. A woman came in one time to complain about the lamp she bought.

Woman: My salt lamp was dusty and dirty.

Me: Okay...

W: So I took the rock salt off the base.

Me: Hmm?

W: And I washed it with hot soapy water.

Me: Ah.

W: And it just dissolved!

Me: Yep, it's salt.

W: I want a refund.

Me: laughs.

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It's not. Plant estrogens have a similar structure to human estrogen, but do not work the same in the human body. You can tell this is true because otherwise trans women would be downing soy milk like there was no tomorrow.

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This is such a stupid project. You could fit the same size city in 6km x 6km and it'd be bigger than what they have planned. Much cheaper and easier as well, and no reason to kill anyone... Oh wait, I see the incentive.

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As a gay man, most of my list doesn't have names. Why would I remember their names? Some I didn't even ask.

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I'm 4 weeks away from my voluntary redundancy. I was planning on leaving the job this year anyway, as I wanted to move, so to get a nice paycheck with it was a definite bonus.

Of the people that chose voluntary redundancy, it was mostly those without ties to the area, those that could move, young enough to re-skill, or old enough to retire. The ones that were forced into redundancy have families, mortgages, history in the area, enough baggage to cause inertia. Part of my reasoning to take the voluntary redundancy was to help save at least one person from that.

So absolutely, consent matters. It just sucks that this is happening at all.

The company's stated reasons for redundancy was to move skills to other locations in the country. This is after a year's long effort to co-locate in order to facilitate collaboration. What it really seems to be is that our location has very high staff retention, and therefore high salaries, and the company thinks it can hire younger and cheaper elsewhere. The skill and knowledge lost with this move is staggering, everyone can see that, but profit is the most important factor the company cares about, so it'll inflict its own wounds to get profit up. Capitalism is weird.

Similar situation, I was at an antiques shop with my parents, on November 11th, which here in the UK is a day of remembrance for people who died during WW1 and WW2. We're observing the moment of silence, when an American guy walks in, notices the silence and loudly exclaims "Wow, who died? It's like a mausoleum in here!" Someone, thankfully, took him to the side and quietly explained what was happening. He did apologise afterwards. I found the whole situation very funny.

While I don't disagree with what you said in theory, what's stopping you from having these conversations? Is there a fear of losing your friends if you talk about these issues? What about your job, house, family, or even your life? These are real fears for a lot of queer people, still to this day, even in places like the UK and USA.

There's plenty of media out there that discusses non nuclear relationships for straight people. It's not always mainstream, but it exists. There's still very little for queer people that doesn't have to also tell the story of the bigotry and fear we face on the regular.

Please have your discussions, but rather than not having anything against us, have our backs when our rights and our lives are in jeopardy.

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This What Happened episode has a few other details.

The problem is the Series S sold a lot, last I read it was about two thirds of their user base. Microsoft also want to push platform independence using X Cloud, which solves their Series S issues, but with the feature parity requirement in the Series X and S, they keep hitting this issue.

I just left one of the UK's largest VMWare customers, in a team working directly on VSphere and ESXI products. The team was just starting to tool up for a new internal project to manage VMs within the company using some of the newer features in these tools. We had well over 1 million VMs across more than a dozen datacenters. The cost of running this is expected to go up by 30 times or more.

While it's going to take some time, they're now looking at migrating to a different solution. So Broadcom are going to get their extra pay for a while, but not forever.

AND ended!

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And has children working in the supply chain.

I was having a similar conversation to this many years ago with a friend. I summed it up as "I must have inconsistency, else I get stuck in monotony."

What's upsetting about the litter boxes thing, is that schools were buying them so that when a psycho comes and shoots up a school, little kids can shit themselves in front of their classmates and it's easier to clean up. Nothing to do with furries, it's just a problem American lawmakers don't want to fix so people are finding creative solutions to ancillary problems.

Soul Reaver seriously needs a reboot. Soul Reaver kept getting mentioned a while back when Square Enix sold off Cristal Dynamics to pay for NFT scams, but no mutterings of a reboot/remake.

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If you have a way of installing android apps from the web on your TV, Smart Tube Next is very good. Sponsor Block is integrated if you want to use it, but I mostly am just glad it doesn't serve ads.

I continue to press the buttons I'm told to, over and over again. Not much has changed.

Are the podcasters getting paid for these translated versions? If so, and at the same rate, then I don't personally see an issue. If not, then yes, it's exploitation.

Edit: and as long as the AI voice isn't reused for other content without consent from the owner of said voice.

Apparently it is a Ubisoft published game and is in the Prince of Persia series, so no lawsuit needed.

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At its core, the service charge is about driving change in our industry – helping ensure our business can thrive in challenging economic environments and compensating each member of our team in a more equitable way – in a way that uniformly increasing our food prices doesn’t allow for. 

I don't understand what the difference is between adding the service charge and increasing prices. Literally no justification for this, just a "trust us, bro".

While yes, they should do that, I want X-Wing/Tie-Fighter more.

The article is region blocked. Any chance someone can copy the text?

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Gender and sexual minorities is more complete. Trans and non-binary identities are not sexual minorities.

I don't know of any other movie that is universally as praised, but also that no one has a desire to rewatch. It's brilliant, I recommend it to many, but there's no way I'm subjecting myself to that again, I don't have that kind of strength!

The same thing you can make sangria in?

And now I've got F.E.A.R. by the Ian Brown in my head. Not a bad thing tho.

Had a similar incident, but he was 35, she was 18, and they'd been together 6 years. Bonus, they were Christian 🤮

At least it has a flared base.

While she's not entirely focused on positive queer stories, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard's YouTube channel does have a large number of positive stories, both recent and historical, and where they are less positive, she does bring an air of positivity about them by highlighting the progress made, and pushes a philosophy of togetherness and camaraderie that's very upbeat.

Rishi Sunak: SNAP!

Just played Tell Me Why, as it was free. Played well on the deck with all the graphics turned up. I enjoyed the story, and it's nice to see a game with good queer representation, both trans and gay. It wasn't a long game, maybe 10-12 hours, low on the replayability unless you're a completionist. Light puzzle solving, great theming, and a nice soundtrack. Overall I'd give it a 6/10. I didn't regret my time playing.

Several hundred clones shouting Donald at each other. Vault-Tec enters the chat.

I was going to go with "Mr Memania has entered the chat"

I keep getting "can't connect to server" when I try to log in. Anyone else having the same issue that was able to get around it?

Playing oh so much Vampire Survivors. The number of unlocks just keeps going up, but it's keeping my ADHD brain engaged.

Foundation is super chill. I haven't played in a while, so no idea how it's changed in the last year, but when I last played, I had a lot of fun with it.

Houses and roads are built by the villagers, while you place and customise key buildings. There's lots of flexibility in how some buildings are constructed, like pubs, monastery, and the lords manor house, with other buildings having upgrades later on you can add to them.

Adding little details is also good fun, with random statues and other rewards popping up from time to time. Definitely recommended.

I'd buy that for a monthly subscription!

Thank you.