2 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

If you sort by New on /r/place people are asking who is Spez.

This is appalling

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It is not. It has been discussed countless times already. The trackers are from the external sites youre visiting through Connect.

There's nothing connect can do about the trackers from the articles you're visiting using Connect.

If you're worried about trackers, you can force connect to open sites using an xternal browser that has tracker blockers features.

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Much like GIFs, MP3s will never go away.

Sure there are better alternatives, but widespread adoption over decades now is hard to gloss over.

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I stopped posting to Reddit because frankly it felt like throwing a pebble into the ocean.

I love the smaller approach here

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When LastPass got hacked I switched to bitwarden and never looked back. Simple and effective interface, works on all platforms, I love it!

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If you have more than two streaming services it now cost more than cable.

We've come full circle, guys!

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You can't force a woman to manage an OF account against her will, knowing VERY WELL what she'll be exposed to. That's fucked up.

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For the lazy:

The use of "is become" here relates to verbs of motion/transition; verbs of motion would take be while other verbs would take have. There is no such grammatical distinction in English perfect forms anymore.

English began with this distinction, as did sibling languages like German.

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Definitely feels emptier than it was a few months earlier, but so far I enjoy the "I'm not just a pawn in an ocean of users" feel that Lemmy gives vs Reddit

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The fact that GIF is still a thing in 2023 is baffling

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They would have never done this to a larger manufacturer, but since the prototype was a passion project by two tech enthusiasts they simply did not care at all. It's frankly disgusting.

YES PLEASE. I fucking swear it genuinely feels like about 15% of the posts here are about Elon.

People need to ignore this prick and move on with their lives

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Many people pointed this out in the link but yeah, it's much harder to make edits / entries in wikipedia nowadays.

The rules are more strict and you have to respect an increasing number of rules, etc.

I remember when Wikipedia started to get some steam, it was basically a text editor with very basic hyperlink-style formatting.

Minor changes / typos are still easy to do, but frankly I wouldn't know how to start anymore if I wanted to create a new entry.

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Oh wow I wish I knew that last week..

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AI generated article, or pure incompetence. Or both

Swipe on my gboard has definitely gone worse lately. Same for my YT recommendations. I never ever watch shorts, and 90% of my recommendations are 13sec clips.

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Thanks for sharing, this is absolutely INSANE. Far worse than everything pointed by GN.

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Being overweight. It's a matter of years before a magic pill cures obesity.

Obesity will no longer be seen as a social taboo, but as a disease than can be cured.

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I swear some Lemmy users are worse than that overly attached gf meme.

Get off Reddit and stop talking about reddit.

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The app is great! I'm glad it's finally available to everyone.

But Plex's music support is clearly an afterthought. Anemic ID3 support, impossible to edit tags, even worse playlist editing support, etc. It's quite sad

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One more thing to add to the Google Graveyard

When he started his channel, phones were out on a monthly basis with revolutionary tech each time.

The smartphone tech has more or less reached a plateau. I think he's trying to stay the same, but the products he reviews are less interesting

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I simply cannot stand LTT. I wish there was a TLDW bot on lemmy. I've seen it in a couple of posts.

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Google has truly mastered the fine arts of wasting money

I can understand the flak they're having, but honestly Nova is the first thing I install on all my Android devices. Its so convenient and versatile

There's no way the model is sustainable once everyone starts their streaming platform.

For those who don't know yet: Firefox Nightly for Android let you install any extension you desire.

You just need to create a custom collection on the web site and link your ID in nightly.

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I've been told it's a timeout issue when subscribing, but it doesn't affect anything

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51 and talking about retirement.. I wish I could say the same

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I know I can't escape Google's Orwellian surveillance entirely but I limit what I can, and adblockers/ trackerblockrers play a huge part in this.

Being branded by Amazon sur doesn't bode well

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APNG, WebP, AVIF, WebM. Not sure about JpegXL

GIF is size and ressource heavy

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That's a silly excuse. At roughly $20 / TB, a 150gb game shouldn't be an issue

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I don't believe this

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I was so weirded out when I found out that you can hear ALL of your "hey Google" recordings in these settings.

This is what happens with every single music license game in existence.

It sucks but there's nothing they can do because the shrinking user base does not justify renewing the licenses, both in terms of fee and effort.

At least you get to keep the DLC titles you purchased, which probably wouldn't happen with a SaaS title

GTA6 has leaked

What happened on July 29th?

At first I thought it was Sync coming out, but it came out on August 2

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GTA as a service with monthly subscriptions to every single thing you can think of

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I remember buying concert tickets for me and my gf for under $20. For both.

Fuck Ticketmaster.