Why is the Connect Lemmy app trying to track me? (Answered: It isn't)

MrStag@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 79 points –

screenshot of Duckduckgo app tracking blocker that has blocked 107 tracking attempts over the last four days

Hi all, relative newcomer here.

I tend use Duckduckgo as my main browser (Firefox if there's issues) as I do like the built in app tracker blocking (and the cookie management and email forwarding service!)

I was somewhat surprised just now to see that Connect (current Lemmy app) has been trying to allow tracking attempts by Google, Amazon and other such bellends.

Why is that? Surely we're trying to leave all that shite behind?



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It is not. It has been discussed countless times already. The trackers are from the external sites youre visiting through Connect.

There's nothing connect can do about the trackers from the articles you're visiting using Connect.

If you're worried about trackers, you can force connect to open sites using an xternal browser that has tracker blockers features.

Thank you for explaining it to me. Happy to edit my original post,wouldn't want to spook users or tarnish Connect's name..

I use temporary containers in Firefox. Is a similar solution possible?

On mobile I have my default browser set to Firefox Focus, which blocks trackers and automatically deletes browsing data when you close the app.

Look into using a dns that blocks tracking. I believe Adguard offers a free one. Nextdns offers up to 300k requests free a month. Controld also offers a free trial.