
16 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago
  • Latin Mass Catholic.
  • Father of 11 Children.
  • Business Owner.

Interests: Linux, Economics, Politics, & Religion.

You can find me on Mastodon: https://rcsocial.net/@52fighters

If he could be found guilty of a serious crime before the first GOP primary, that would be super helpful. Can we get this done?

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Y'all, this is a rhetorical question meant to serve as a zinger against Israel. OP doesn't want actual answers.

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My first thought was that maybe Russia was experiencing shortages due to the deteriorating economic situation in Russia but, reading the article, this feels more like a petty bureaucrat that's upset that the occupied people of Ukraine are not cooperating as well as he wishes, so he makes passive-aggressive "punishments" of the people. This may ultimately be good for the war effort, leading to more behind-the-lines resistance movements.

Do yourself a favor and get an external hard drive. You'll get much better results and can run almost any distro with it.

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There would be no penalty in this case. The law prohibits enforcement against the mother and activities that take place outside of the state are also not enforceable by Texas. The exception is if someone drives her to the state line for the purpose of obtaining an abortion or gives her money while both are situated in the State of Texas, although interesting would be a case where one is in Texas and the other isn't, bringing up the interstate commerce clause.

Texas allows medical exceptions. I have not yet read why this case did not qualify for the exception. Presumably because the court did not agree the mother's life was at serious risk? Has anyone a good read of the court's ruling?

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The entire executive suite should all be arrested for financing terrorist operations in Ukraine. Replace them with people who will cut operations with Russia!

I'll begin to worry with the mistresses and children of Russian oligarchs all leave their lives of western luxury and return to Russia. Too many Russian elite are living it up in the west for nuclear weapons to be a credible threat.

I'm out of the loop. Why is this happening?

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Ukraine is using them to clear minefields planted by Russians who illegally entered the country for the purpose of mass murder. I think we can give Ukraine a pass on what type of munitions they think will be useful for saving lives.

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This treatment looks to give us the ability to buy time. So many treatments just cannot act fast enough or are so weakening at higher doses that the person doesn't make it. I think we will see a lot of new treatment options that give us room for creativity when the first option fails. I've lost a lot of people I love to cancer in my life. I'm hopeful that those I love still living will be with us longer, so I can love and enjoy them more. At least until the next thing after cancer gets them (or me).

With his day on SpaceX, does anyone consider him a national security risk?

I heard the naval drone attached from inside the Azov Sea which shows Ukraine has done something very unexpected. How did the front get to the north side of the bridge?

Michael Kofman has been consistently wrong since the start of the war. I wish everyone would stop listening to him and write him off as a hack. Anders Puck does a good job outlining Kofman's arguments about Bakhmut and then shows why those arguments are not entirely reasonable with the biggest reason being the brave defense of Bakhmut lead to Wagner exiting the war, taking out the most effective Russian force in Ukraine, and illustrating a certain fragility to the Russian reliance on military contractors.

I never left. The problem before was access was limited to one person who went AWOL. Now the organization has redundancy and the crew of maintainers are motivated, dedicated, and hard working.

This crisis was exactly what Solus needed to gain lasting power.

Stable. Rolling. Independent. That's what I want and Solus has been one of the few that really does this.

Being in Belarus is convenient for when he wants to give it a second go.

For everyone saying the wiki, you don't have to be an Arch user to love the wiki. I'm on Solus but use the Arch wiki frequently.

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Russian military expressed fears over the actions of Ukrainian partisans operating in occupied territories. The Ukrainian resistance movement is gaining momentum, leaving Russian military forces on edge.

According to Russian soldiers, Ukrainians have been engaging in various acts of resistance, including delivering poisoned food, planting explosives under collaborators’ vehicles, and providing intelligence to Ukrainian reconnaissance units about the presence and locations of occupying forces.

Most hospitals are setup as non-profit entities and use medical debt write-offs to exhibit their charity. In all truth, they intentionally drive their own expenses sky high to increase revenue to astronomical levels so to give executives running these organizations excessively high compensation. These write-offs are just part of the gig.

I agree although I would continue it for a spouse or living children under age 18. Also only human persons should be legally able to hold copyrights.

That's going to complicate the bulletin on Ash Wednesday.

I live in Kansas, where the cost of living is relatively low compared to the rest of the country. 1st year officers make $59k. They best paid officers are paid $89k. Plus very good benefits.

You get dollars the same way anyone else would in the situation: You carry a trade surplus vs. the United States and then allow tax payments to be made in dollars. Prices settle as a function of dollars available, rate of circulation, and volume of goods & services available.

The policy should produce a boost in exports & employment but also produce a shortage of goods normally imported. It'll also be a great time for Americans to visit, the dollar suddenly having a lot more purchasing power in Argentina.

A lot of farmable land is used to grow animal feed, especially cattle feed.

I wouldn't mind having the ability to send angry messages to them again, especially if me not following them also means I don't ever see their content in my feed.

There is the very real problem that there won't be enough workers to support the retired non-workers.

They should ban those for anything that's not restorative.

There's government in SA and there's Islamic religious authority. Two families agreed long ago to separate spheres. The religious authority has long been frustrated with the government and are the ones who attacked us on 911. Someone needs to break the religious monopoly in SA.

Virtually no laws are enforceable unless there's a defining moment whereby someone becomes a person. Likewise, all laws regulating processing the dead and donation of organs are thrown into limbo without legal definitions of when a person is dead.

I could see someone like the UK send in military ships for "civilian de-mining operations" that leads to also being used to escort civilian ships. Seems like a great way to up the level of support without going to war.

But you develop a terrible and incurable fear of heights.

I've got to think that Reddit is going to get a lot less and lower quality free moderator activity after this, reducing the quality of the site.

It is the same reason I don't have an email at my own domain. It is difficult to setup my own and people who run small operations can only give hobby level commitments.

Social media happened because not everyone wanted to build a website. They just wanted an easy place to post and view content.

These tendencies will always bias towards a few other entities handling most of the traffic. Email, social media, and other online experiences like chat.

In the world of Catholics they aren't meat at all because they are cold blooded!

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The Alliance Defending Freedom video tapes a sermon by a preacher specifically violating the rule and send it to the IRS, trying to bait them into applying the rule because they are confident SCOTUS will declare the rule unconstitutional. The IRS never takes the bait. They'd rather have the appearance of a rule than no rule at all. As it is it is mostly self-enforcing on most congregations.

In my city the local government is just throwing free money to local commercial property owners if they promise to renovate. Except it always goes to the same people. They buy a building and get a $1 million. When it is all over they'll just dump the property, making a killing.

I carry gift cards to Subway for the homeless. Subway restaurants are almost everywhere, don't cost a lot, can be reasonably healthy, and most people like the food well enough.

I'm reading from kbin.social. Does kbin get included in the stats?

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Very likely these conditions are mostly existing audits of resources and rules for pressuring Ukraine to remove corrupt persons from the supply chain. It is a way to save face while giving what needs to be given to keep Ukraine out of Russia's hands.

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Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore is probably the dictionary definition of benevolent dictator.

Don't forget Solus!

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