
7 Post – 302 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Everytime I read an article like this, my immediate reaction is posting a comment expressing my disgust with the Israeli State's actions and everytime I hesitate because I don't want to suffer the inevitable wave of people defending the Israeli State's actions as somehow justifiable because Hamas did something vile first.

It's a continuing cycle of violence and the Israeli State holds a humongous power advantage. They don't use that power disparity to deescalate and integrate the Palestinian people to prevent Hamas from having support. Instead they do shit like this where they drive Palestinians straight into Hamas' hands, because the Palestinian people are given no other option to turn to.

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Ooh. I hope this can be set as the default for 'Copy Link' and then I can just have the tracking when I actually want it.

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People are concerned about Facebook/Meta trying to Embrace, Extend, Extinguish ActivityPub - if I've understood correctly.

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Eh, in all fairness the meat & dairy industry is one thing that we as consumers really do need to take a bulk of responsibility for. I say that as a devout meat eater.

BUT, governments could go a long way by not subsidising dairy and meat and instead subsidising protein alternatives. It's fucking nuts to me that it costs more for me to buy plant protein.

(Before the die hard vegans come at me saying you don't need to eat pseudo (plant) proteins to eat less meat, please remember you're trying to convert people that are familiar and enjoy one diet to another. You're not going to encourage anyone by advocating a cold-turkey or 0% meat approach. I hate that I have to put this disclaimer here, but I'm fed up with arguing with puritanical vegans that overshadow pragmatism.)

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The studies where it 'improves' hygiene are poorly designed as they don't control for education and understanding.

In other words - what's better: teaching our baby boys the simple act of cleaning under their foreskin in the bath, along with the rest of their body or cutting off a sensitive and important part of their body to make masturbation and sex more difficult?

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Won't somebody think of the capitalists?!

Surface area of cylindrical human

How to spot a mathematician/physicist.

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Nah, peak is university in terms of free time.

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Sir, this is a shitpost.

I'm a Brit and I know exactly what they mean by a nike tech twink - and that's the first time I've ever heard the phrase.

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In the situation that payment details are leaked - I presume one must cancel the associated card?

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Think the Sync dev said he spent 60 hour weeks working about 6 weeks to get Sync for Lemmy up.

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This isn't news. It's an opinion piece. Could we have opinion pieces in a different community to news articles?

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As a quote in the article states, porn is the canary in the coal mine - with some MPs apparently advocating for blocking VPNs to prevent work arounds.

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Shitposting was more entertaining when each post was different, not whatever circle jerk.

Don't get me wrong, I have been laughing at some of the Taylor Swift and Jeans ones - but I haven't been going directly to c/shitposting because when most every joke is the same its a lot less entertaining because you already know the punchline.

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Weary = tired

Wary = cautious


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Good to see Australia completed unaffected by the tobacco lobby...

It is technically possible if semen gets out/around the anus and then gets accidentally wiped towards the labia.

Yup, the Israeli State does not give a single shit about innocent Palestinians. They're quite happy to continue oppressing them, because when the oppressed 'suddenly' become radicalised and fight back it gives the Israeli State an excellent excuse to take more land and displace more Palestinians.

Israel is showing the world it's not trying to be an apartheid state, but a genocidal one.

Martyrdom. Navalny knew what it would mean to return; he also knew the risk of not returning (constantly trying to avoid shitty assassination attempts with collateral damage).

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How about sending the people responsible to prison?

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4 billion people, affected 5 days a month, for 40 years.

Nah, you're right - not worth the paperwork.

I mean, the ridiculousness of the disparity is highlighted in the article: we have a standardised measure for hot sauce, but not menstrual product absorbency.

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Because testing things in laboratories for healthcare requires stringent and rigorous controls. It's a lot easier to standardise animal blood than human blood, and as the comment above highlighted - animal blood is already a waste product, whereas human blood is highly valuable for directly saving lives.

Arguing for less animal usage is a nobler cause, but this is not the fight to pick for it.

The commenter is being needlessly pedantic like they aren't aware of the Civil Rights Movement at all. Even assuming they weren't one of the people that studied it, the USA's Civil Rights Movement is a common topic of study in history curricula in the UK because it has a significant cultural impact and is an excellent study of protest, the importance of civil rights, racial tensions, and context of the USA which is a dominant presence across the world.

The Civil Rights Movement had an incredibly low popular support before the Civil Rights Act was passed.

Protests are meant to disrupt. No progress is made unless you have a moderate and an extreme movement. That way the status quo compromises to the moderates to prevent the extreme from gaining ground.

So frankly, Just Stop Oil is too gentle. We won't see change until people get extreme on their protests against fossil fuels.

Your explanation is surface level correct, in that it is in essence society's justification, but ultimately they're run like prisons because it's initially cheaper to treat all mental health patients the same and because there might be one individual that is a danger to themselves (and even less likely, others) then we get the 'prison-style'.

The trouble of course comes in that in the long term this model likely costs far far more, because it's incredibly damaging as human brains don't fit in boxes.

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

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The trouble with just ignoring law is that when the guys you don't agree with are in charge, they now have justification to ignore the laws too.

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As far as scientific evidence can demonstrate, no.

As far as anecdotal evidence suggests, yes.

The likely explanation? If you're the type of person to eat pineapple / drink pineapple juice regularly for a while, you're also likely to do the other things that make your stuff taste delectable - like exercising, eating healthily and not drinking loads of coffee and smoking. Cause if you don't do those other things, you could have all the pineapple you like and still taste bad (particularly smoking).

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Yup. We have to be the content we want to see.

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Incidentally, @Xhieron@lemmy.world's birthday is 13th December.

Oh no!


The trouble is the upfront capital though, but at the same time another publisher would surely bite at the thought of getting a talented studio's staff in one go?

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The worst past of renting is the Landlord. The worst part of owning is being the Landlord.

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For context, Bungiefan_ak has no fewer than 4 alts that I've seen (all on different instances with the same username)

I mean, this is one of the benefits of the lemmyverse - using the same username across different instances. It's not subversive.

That's not to lend a defence of this guy - just didn't want having Lemmy alts presented as a bad thing.

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New dead horse just dropped.

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Forget daisy-chaining. I gave up on finding a single decent USB hub, let alone connecting them together.

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Why not eat the other too?

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