What is your socially unacceptable guilty indulgence?

Risk@feddit.uk to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 249 points –

Mine is plain/lightly salted Doritos/tortilla chips dipped/scraped in unsalted butter.

I'm now wondering whether this is a little too specific of a question and I just really needed somewhere to get this off my chest...


I dunno, I don't really do guilt beyond truly bad acts done by choice.

That being said, I am a chocolate milk fiend.

I have to strictly limit myself or I'd drink nothing else, and not eat anything useful nutritionally.

Chocolate in general is my one true vice. I don't drink, I don't use recreational drugs, I'm monogamous (and happily so), I quit tobacco, and even caffeine beyond trace amounts in decaf. But you try an take chocolate out of my life, and I will fuck you up.

I'll even accept Hershey's if there's nothing else available.

But chocolate milk? Fuck me running. Cold, sweet, chocolatey goodness. I will walk right the fuck over infants and kittens if there's a cup on the other side. Puppies? I dunno, I think I'd try to step between them, but I'm not making promises.

Home made is incredible. But my particular weaknesses are the pet trumoo, and the promised land midnight. They use thickeners that up the silky texture. The promised land stuff is meant to be more like melted ice cream, and it succeeds.

Which, don't even ask me how quick I can kill a pint of hagendaz chocolate. Don't blink is all I'll say there.

I have no guilt involved there, but holy fuck is it an indulgence.

Oh, man. I’m in my 30s, and now that my son is 6.5yo and has found his passion for chocolate milk, I rediscovered mine. We purposefully limit how much we buy every time we do the groceries, or we’d both be drinking the thing day and night. I’m slightly lactose intolerant, on top of it…

ok deanna

So Troi is half betazoid, and grew up with her mother on betazed. Where, presumably, there was no chocolate.

I know I know they have replicators and whatever. I just find it amusing that chocolate from Earth is so appealing as a flavor that less than a hundred years after joining the federation, Betazoid children are growing up loving chocolate frequently enough that Troi develops a strong taste for it.

I feel you on everything but the thickeners, I can’t drink the ones with that, feels weird.

There's a local brand in Vermont named monument farms - they make an insanely good whole chocolate milk. If you ever get a chance to have it go for it. I'm lactose intolerant but when I lived in Vermont I accepted all consequences to occasionally enjoy a nice tall glass of that.

VT eh? I was considering moving to Barre is that a good place? Remote worker, moving for scenery and just like VT.

Great place. Good views, good people and town hall day. Barre is relatively dense and in an impressive valley - I haven't spent an immense amount of time there but the services are all there for the capital and it gets to benefit from that.

Yeah, I've never been to VT, but have been to ME. The thing I like about VT most is their people [read: policies]. From afar I look at the datasets, and using R & later Julia, have concluded VT the best state, for my parameters.

have you tried chocolate milk flavored protein shake? or does that not quite hit the same, for you?

I, the King Of The Internet, hereby grant you permission to have nice things every once in a while.

don't knock the choccy milk protein shake powder, that stuff can be pretty good sometimes. it's mostly just that you gotta shell out a buttload for it most of the time, for the stuff that actually tastes good.

I had to take powdered whey protein for medical reasons and it isn't that bad, but it isn't a milkshake from McDonald's either.

I don't know how regional this is, but Prairie Farms has a line of "premium" milks sold in small 1 serving bottles (and occasionally pints too) that I've only found at gas stations. The chocolate milk of that variety is really good but the strawberry milk is the nectar of the gods

I pick my nose.

I bet you do too, don't judge.

Or do: It doesn't really matter what you think of me because I'm not a telepath.

There are two types of people in the world: People who pick their nose, and liars.

Seriously though, slowly pulling out one of those boogers that tickles your brain is a unique joy.

I once had a bloody nose while walking, I was about a half hour away from home. Since I don't carry tissues, I did what made the most sense and just held my thumb over my nostril. Once I got home I grabbed a tissue and took my thumb away while leaning over the bathroom sink. Nothing came out, but my nose was plugged. I twisted the tissue and inserted it, removing it pulled out a 3 inch long bloodclot cast of the inside of my sinus that fell onto the palm of my weak hand. It was like a slug made of blood. The feeling of it slithering from my face was what I imagine to be the closest approximation of what the loving embrace of a benevolent god feels like while cumming. It was a transcendental natural high that no experience has come close to.

Oh my goodness. And when it comes out the nose is completely clear and blood free. Sometimes I miss having nosebleeds.

I don't miss them. I had plenty growing up and I am glad that I am healthy enough to not have nosebleeds regularly now. You aren't wrong though, the breathing after pulling out the tissue was refreshing.

I’ll do you one better. I pick my nose then sometimes (not always) have a lil snack :)

You disgusting monster (me too)

I wonder if it has something to do with my parents being heavy smokers as a kid, now I think about it. Nicotine is detectable in mucus, so if you do the kid thing of trying it enough maybe you can end up vaguely addicted?

Used to have a problem where I'd scratch my head and sniff it when stressed which stopped when my parents quit, too, now I think about it....

Sure enough my parents were also big smokers when I was younger, so you might be on to something here

I use light mode on Discord, and just about everything really. I don't like the feeling of being in a gamer cave. I always have a bunch of lamps on, and light themes too.

Personally I use light mode on everything work related and dark mode for everything personal. Helps my brain separate the two

I always thought the common way to do it was light theme for when the room has light and dark theme when it was dark in the room.

Playing stupid phone games. Really mind-numbing, no talent required games. Currently into "Whiteout Survival". I am over 60 y.o.

It scratches an itch.

It scratches an itch.

They are literally designed to play on your brain chemistry. It is the same biochemical manipulation that TikTok capitalizes on.

Ok that game looks really fun and cozy though. Is it actually? Is it one of those games that demands your money or limits everything with cooldown timers?

You can spend money but I don't. Everything seems to be coming to me pretty quickly F2P. They have a great in game communications system that keeps you from having to use discord to coordinate or socialize. It also has an amazing translation system that allows people from all languages to work together.

It has a LOT to do at first but then just as you get tired it backs WAY off and you have a casual game where you could easily start a second account if you wanted.

Yeah, I recommend this game 😀

Man I feel this. I've been obsessed with Cooking Diary since May of last year.

Just this morning, I popped awake, threw on some YT drama videos for background noise, and just played CD for like an hour and a half before I was like "Time to be productive". Good easy start to a Sunday.

That being said, I saw further down you try not to spend money on the mobile games. I went through a phase in 2019/2020 where I was fucking massively into a Chinese dating Sim game called "Mr Love Queens Choice." I spent $850 over the course of 2 years. It was a great game and I had a ton of fun, but there was a point where I crossed into a bonus tier that you could only get to by spending a certain dollar amount. And then I was like "Oh. Oh no boo boo what is you doin'?!".

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I haven't actually done this in over twenty thirty (fuck I'm old) years, but while thinking about it, I recalled my childhood...

I used to dip extra buttery popcorn in chocolate milk. I fucking loved it. Honestly the thought of it makes me slightly nauseous now...

That's fucking nasty

When I was a kid I would take cold hot dogs and grind them on the wheels of my toy truck, take the ground hot dog meat and make a taco out of it with American cheese slices.


This reminds me of how I used to eat a spoonful of chunky peanut butter and then add a glug of maple syrup

That sounds really good. I think I'll try that.

I sometimes do similar but unsalted mixed nuts instead of peanut butter.

Raw spaghetti dipped in smooth peanut butter.

Childhood is strange.

You're not the only one. One of my favorite college stoner snacks was uncooked shell pasta filled with peanut butter. Sucking the peanut butter out softens the pasta and then you get a nice starchy finish.

I'm trying to picture this. You eat it like cereal?

nope. I ate it with a bag of popcorn next to me and a glass of chocolate milk next to me. I would take like three popped corns in my fingers and dip them in the milk like an oreo and let them soak up the chocolately milkey goodness.

I never got the appeal but they do sell chocolate covered popcorn so you may be on to something.

I bathe 2-3 times a day. A quick one in the morning to get me out of the house, or I just skip it if I don't have time. Cycle to work, real shower there. Then a nice long bath in the evening where I just soak and watch anime. Or browse Lemmy.

There's nothing socially unacceptable about this. This is environmentally unacceptable

I know. But... I don't know how to not do it and either not make my bed smell or smell at the office.

Taking 2-3 showers a day when you’re working up a sweat isn’t killing the environment, don’t feel bad about it. If you’re worried about your personal water consumption then reducing the amount of meat/dairy you eat and not participating in fast fashion will do more than never showering again ever would.

Ah then I still regularly wear the clothes I bought 10 years ago, patched armpit holes and all!

Alright, you get your shower pass. I haven't figured out how to keep my clothes in good condition for over a year and a half. Maybe its the weather where I live or the way I use my clothes but they never last that long - either they tear or they stain, if not from anything major, just from my sweat.

if you've just bathed before going to bed, why do you need two baths before work in order to not smell? this sounds like there's some kind of underlying medical condition lol

I'm not the other guy, but for me, I need a shower in the morning no matter what, otherwise I can't wake up and I don't feel physiologically ready to start the day. Also I feel sticky in the morning, because my skin gets oily.

Well the morning shower I sometimes skip, but if it's an especially cold day and the house is freezing, then I might sneak one in just to get enough motivation to leave the house

Couldn’t you compromise and take a shower in the morning instead? Certainly a lot less water used than drawing a whole bathtub. Also it’s quicker to do when in a hurry. (Though I would probably skip the first shower if I’m just going to go work out and shower again right afterwards anyway)

It's not a whole bathtub.

You let the water run for a minute, and then stop so that it's just a 3-inch base to get warm in.

You watch some anime, read some articles, do something with your mind for 15 minutes.

Once the water starts to get cold, you let it run for a minute, and then stop again so that it's about 6 inches deep.

Wait 15 minutes, repeat, wait 15 minutes, repeat. After about an hour, the water is just covering your groin. I don't know how many litres that is, but it's not very much.

Compare that to a 15 minute shower where all the water and heat goes immediately down the drain.

Fair enough, that sounds reasonable

But I am amazed you can do an hour long bath in the morning, I would probably fall right back asleep lol

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I like that end of the day bath too. Must be the Japanese in me. I feel some guilt over the water usage, but then again, I'm soaking in there for half an hour. If I did the same in a shower, I'd probably use even more water right? Also, the more you weigh, the more water you displace, meaning you need less to fill the tub. So it's a rare case of weight gain actually reducing resource consumption. Thank you Archimedes!

I feel bad about the water usage too, so I limit the length of the showers to no more than 5 minutes. The baths can be an hour long.

That sounds nice, but if I did that I would be a dry flaky pile of dust.

how come?

My skin gets quite dry after a shower, so multiple in a day would suck all the moisture out of me.

What's more, after the dryness, I'd then get super oily to compensate. Won't help with the dryness, but at least my DNA is trying, right?

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Sink pissing

Sometimes you just gotta put convention to one side and recognize when one is in a situation where pissing in a sink is the logically sound thing to do

A lot of people are saying porn, drugs and alcohol which sure i indulge in but not really in excess. I would if i let myself own any but i dont. My biggest indulgence is media, i consume slop in excess, i let myself fall into meaningless entertainment. Usually drama, youtube drama, it makes me feel so gross because i know how much of a waste of time it is. I could be studying or spending quality time with the people i love but instead i just listen to drivel.

I know it seems relatively harmless but i hate that about myself. I dont even enjoy it much, i just do it becuase id rather do that than nothing

I had similar problems and finally realized it was a symptom called executive dysfunction. I'd do easy dopamine drips like video games or watching YouTube videos instead of projects I want to do or tasks I need to do

Yeah im severely adhd and also have autism, dopamine seeking is like all i do. Trying to do better though

Are you introverted? If you are, it sounds like you just need some time to recharge on your own.

But then if you don't enjoy the dramas then maybe you could try actively seeking out a solo activity that you do enjoy? Because it sounds like it might just be a procrastination activity which isn't usually as rewarding as we want and you'll feel better actively taking time out to do something you truly want to do.

It is a procrastination ativity unfortunately, my school work is hard and i need breaks but dont have anything i really enjoy at the moment. I dont know what id want to do and have time to do rn

My time is split between work and spending time with my girlfriend which while i enjoy isnt personal time yk?

That's fair enough and completely relatable. In which case I'd say go ahead and embrace watching them man. They may not be the most top tier of all TV ever, but they're entertaining and cathartic enough to give you what you need.

As someone who watches +5 hours of YouTube a day I'd say the main issue with this stuff is the ease of access. I can easily lost track of time and spend hours organizing screws in my tool shed but that mean I need to actually decide to go there first. That takes effort. Sitting in front of my PC and opening youtube (or xvideos) doesn't take effort.

If I had people to spend quality time with, I'd do that, but I don't so I'm online like 12 hours a day

I smoke weed every day. Casual marijuana consumption is definitely socially acceptable here (I'm in Canada where it's legal) but I've been high more often than not for the past 8 years or so.

Same here! Look up CHS. It’s awfully rare, and IIRC is more prevalent in men than women. It sucks. A T-break every now and again is healthy for the body, mind and spirit.

Rookie numbers! Going on 30 years myself down here and it isn’t even legal!

I did that for an additional 10, from age 13-31.

It is not easy to stop. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't get it.

It was life-changing to get sober. Weed was the last thing I let go of, a decade and a half ago. Literally everything good in my life today flows (directly or indirectly) from that decision.

It was life-changing to get sober. Weed was the last thing I let go of, a decade and a half ago. Literally everything good in my life today flows (directly or indirectly) from that decision.

Can you elaborate on the benefits you experienced by quitting?

Here's the thing,

I got sober from alcohol first. I wasn't really able to connect with the sober community until I got off weed a year later.

During that year, my life did improve, I wasn't ending up in hospitals, didn't shake all the time, wasn't doing nearly as much damage, but I was still trapped in a haze. My money was spent before I got paid. I was scared of looking for work, because I knew I couldn't pass a drug test. I worked under the table, hadn't paid taxes or social security for a decade. I was underweight. I couldn't afford to keep my clothes even reasonably nice.

I had stopped learning from my mistakes, I didn't dream (literally and figuratively), I had trapped myself in this weird stoner underclass.

So when I say everything flows from that event, I mean that I was finally able to be a member of the sober community. I was able to do the spiritual and psychological work that was necessary for me to grow into a productive, content, integral person.

As I began to heal, to brighten up, things started progressing the way they normally do for people who aren't on drugs 24-7. A friend offered me an interview at the company he worked for, I spent five years advancing, learning new skills that allowed me to find a career that I'll likely retire from. I met a woman at one of the meetings, and we connected well. We've been together in a loving, supportive relationship for 10 years.

Not having been involved with the financial, well, anything, I hadn't ever even had a credit card. That whole world opened up, suddenly I didn't have to drive fully depreciated cars any more. We've both advanced, career wise, to the point that we can travel, and help support our parents as they move into the later phase of their lives.

It's just been a complete change in the trajectory of my life.

Thanks for sharing and congrats on the success story!

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What the heck is a plain dorito

A tortilla chip.

Doritos are to tortilla chips as Potato Chips are to Flavored Potato Chips. They both rely on a dusting of flavor on a type of chip.

The flavoured kind, sure. But I'm talking about these - do these not qualify as a proper tortilla chip? They are just Corn, Rapeseed Oil, Salt and Anti-oxidants.

The salt ones aren't the plain ones, the ones in the blue bag are

Huh? Not for us. The blue bag in the UK are their 'Cool' flavour, which IIRC is lime-y ish kinda.

Wow TIL. Around here there are so many plain chip options, and Doritos are exclusively flavor blasted.

It’s even weirder. Not only was that the original flavor and the namesake of the brand, it was also the first brand of tortilla chips sold outside socal

Making random screeching noises. I love it so much. But obviously I can’t do it around everyone all the time.

My SO and I make weird noises at each other constantly. I also make weird noises around my siblings.

Same here. Wife and I make funny noises and say weird things all the time. Sometimes we forget not to do it in front of others.

Screeching then biting my bfs neck in a surprise attack

Really scratches an itch in my lizard brain

Sometimes I'll swing by Starbucks before my hour long commute to work I feel guilty each time because all but one coffee shop in town closed down but we have like 7 Starbucks now, one literally across the street from the other

Whenever I get Starbucks I feel guilty because they are union busters. I've been making a lot more coffee at home.

Starbucks accepted the union. The union won.

Not that I'm saying you should support Starbucks, but at least they stopped the union busting.

This is a great reply because fuck Starbucks. Love it!

Socially unacceptable? Every person I've ever worked with does this or has done this regularly at some point in their lives. There's a reason Starbucks is everywhere. No offense, but I wish this triggered more shame in people. Instead, it's normal behavior.

Some Starbucks locations operate at a loss to saturate a market and ensure no competitors can move in. Hence why you sometimes end up with them so close together.

At peak a city of about 40,000 people that I lived in had 11 Starbucks within 3 miles, it was insane.

36 year old and still sleep with stuffed animals. I've had them for 30 years and just honestly sleep better with them than a pillow. They are a stuffed wolf named timber and a stuffed dog named woofles.

I think only the real dog judges me, but that's cause she's a jealous bitch.

Maybe if the real dog wanted the snuggles she shouldn't wriggle so much.

For context I am almost 40 year old women. Okay, so I like to watch gaming videos on youtube. Markipler, Let's Game it Out, CallmeKevin, RT game, Dunkey, y'know moslty geared towards kids, young adult gaming content. I never do this unless I am home alone because I don't think anyone would get why I'm watching an adult man play a wrestling game with his bright red, 20 foot tall wrestler named Johnny Hotbody.

I think you would be surprised how many people would not only understand but also engage in the same activity.

I'm a 45 years old male. The only alcohol I've been drinking since last summer is Smirnoff Ice.

People at the supermarket must think in buying this for a 16 years old.

This one is pretty hilarious. I would 100% assume you're buying booze for people you are way too young to be hanging out with.

I buy a 6 pack of smirnoff ice once per year. My buddy loves golfing on his birthday and I hide ices throughout his bag, cart, and course because even in our mid 30s it's funny to see someone chug an ice while on one knee.

I've never seen it myself, but my wife spent most of her childhood/teenage years in Shetland, and apparently up there, back then, Smirnoff ice was the drink of choice for hard working middle aged men. We're talking about a bunch of islands where the main employment is offshore fishing and the oil & gas industry, and where they're very proud of their Viking heritage. (Image search Jarl squad to see what I mean, those guys who are picked for the squad will grow their beards all year to look the part)

I love black licorice. Developed a taste for it as a kid because it was the only candy available at my grandparents house. Now if I’m hanging out with buddies and I don’t want them mooching off my snacks, I’ll bring black licorice. I’ve only met one other person that wanted some and I was happy to share haha

I bought black licorice at the store and the cashier called it disgusting. I don’t care, I’ll keep eating that garbage.

I love the stuff. Wish good quality black licorice was cheaper. I guess you pay for being a niche customer base.

I love it too, I buy some of the wallaby stuff now and again.

Just don't eat a ton in any given day.

Edit - Oh shit:

In past warnings, the FDA notes: “If you’re 40 or older, eating 2 ounces of black licorice a day for at least two weeks could land you in the hospital with an irregular heart rhythm or arrhythmia.”

Whoa! I had no idea! Thank you for sharing this information here. That's wild

Cigars. It's a common topic of judgement, as if I don't know it's an expensive hobby with increased risk of cancer. I just love them, and the rituals involved.

I'm an academic who no longer smokes (thanks grad school...) You meet a huge variety of folks in smoker's pits. The folks a university relies on a hell of a lot more than at least half of faculty. I'm thankful for the daily, sometimes hourly, rituals that taught me that.

I knew a very smart manager who quit smoking but still used to go hang out in the smoking area just to stay in touch with everything. I’ve learn more in 10 minute conversations while smoking with coworkers than entire week long seminars.

I quit smoking years ago but smoked for a long time. If I ever go back to smoking I think it would be a pipe. I did it once or twice and it was extremely relaxing.

I recently picked up a pipe. It has all the rituals and escapism of a cigar, without the hour-long commitment.

That being said, sometimes being”occupied” for an hour is part of the appeal. Each has their place ime.

Everything I have found says that one or two cigars a week has a fairly minimal impact on cancer risk. Daily or multiple a day is probably bad though.

Before Covid, I was at about one a week, now maybe one a month during the winter and a bit more often in the summer. I usually only buy cigars when I'm on a trip to somewhere that's cheaper than Canada, and I'll stock up there. Fortunately, being Canadian, I can go to Cuba as well as to the US to get cigars, so my humidors have a nice combination of Cubans and new world (I have one for strictly Cubans and the second for new world). Otherwise, cigars here are stupid expensive and I'd probably only have a few a year tops (a $5 USD cigar in the states is often $20CAD or more here).

  • I never wash my rice

  • i use the high power water setting on my shower head as a bidet

  • i throw rocks behind me to distract people so i can adjust my balls while they're not looking

  1. rice straight out of the bag isn't 'dirty'. The stuff that comes off in water is just starch i.e. rice dust from milling off the outer husk. Washing rice only really changes the texture (unwashed is a bit sticker). There's no right way here and many European recipes ( like risotto) actually need the extra starch. Anyone who criticizes this doesn't know where they're taking about.

  2. lol whatever keeps you clean, too many people never wash their ass at all.

  3. I might try this

  • i throw rocks behind me to distract people so i can adjust my balls while they're not looking

thank you i will copy that

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I hoard many, many TBs of handpicked, high-resolution porn and VR porn, divided by race, subdivided by star, with shortcut links when the women do scenes together. I enjoy organizing and maintaining the collection. I enjoy finding new porn from new people or discovering girls I missed and getting their backcatalog. Part of my after work/school routine is checking for new torrents of interest and if I miss days or weeks of new content, I'll spend hours going back to find what I want until I'm caught up. All following strict, internal guidelines of what I want, not just everything.

The funny thing is I know for a fact that I watch around the average amount of porn as someone who just uses pornhub or something, and whack it only once a day to every few days.

I just love the collecting of it. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I mean, it's just like collecting baseball cards. Just because I enjoy collecting them, doesn't mean I inherently have to jerk off to them more than the next guy

Hello my brother in pornography! I’m the same way, it’s the weirdest thing. I love maintaining my collection more than I do “utilizing” it - it’s such a weird thing. As another commenter mentioned check out Stash, it will change your hoarding game (There is quite the active community for it too!), I have a tremendous library all custom tagged (To the point of even having the personal “emotion” of individual videos even tagged!) and I just love growing it and maintaining it.

If you’ve been doing this for some time as I have I’m curious - do you also have a number of videos which are weirdly nostalgic? Like you feel very fondly about them even though they may be low quality/not content you are particularly into today, but you can’t imagine not having them in the library? Some of my most “treasured” videos are ones which I would never seek out today haha

Edit: Fun fact, I’ve been a Lemmy lurker ever since the Reddit API nonsense, but this is the one comment that finally had me actually interact with the community. It is the porn that binds us? :D

Wow! There's more like me! This is the first time I've ever revealed this to anyone but my closest friends but I figured what the hell. So glad I did!

And yes, absolutely do I have those videos. I've actually been AI upscaling them (occasionally lol, it's a lot of work) and sharing with the community just because I find them special and have a nostalgia for them. That's so crazy, because I was just wondering if I was a kook.

Well in all fairness, we might both just be kooks! What tools/processes do you use for upscaling? I have a number of highly sentimental videos I should probably do that to (As an aside, isn’t it fun how the quality we found perfectly acceptable a decade or two ago is now horrible to watch? How did I enjoy that pixelated blur!)

I use Hybrid to deniterlace and Topaz Video AI after that. Sometimes I'll do some amateur color corrections in Adobe premiere after that and if I do I use Handbrake to compress it. All you really need is Topaz Video AI though.

Yeah, it used to look completely great or at least acceptable and now difficult to watch haha

Here’s a minor one:

Dry ramen. Crush up the bag a bit, dump in the powder, shake and enjoy.

What are you, twelve?

No, why do cool adults require their noodles so hydrated?

I don't even use the flavor packet when it's dry, I save it for the next time I actually cook the noodles.

I just like the crunchy.

I had a seat mate in math class that would do that, and sneaky eat during lecture. She brought an extra for me sometimes. Flavored noodles are a game changer.

I use to bring these on hikes and field exercises. It does have a lot of sodium but if you want something cheap, light weight, and on the calorie heavy side dry Ramen is great!

If you're doing something where you sweat a lot, the extra sodium isn't quite as bad

Drinking shots of gin.

The place I frequent has the same price for whisky, whiskey (with an e), and vodka.

The bartender says I'm the only person who opts for shots of gin as first preference.

Why is there a difference between whisky and whiskey?

Generally speaking, whiskys are Scottish in origin, while whiskeys may come from any country. But there is no hard-and-fast rule about it.

Huh. Interesting. I don't think I've ever tried gin as a shot.

Why would you feel guilty that? Why would that be socially unacceptable? Sure, it's uncommon, but it's fine.

Skinning landlords to make tents for the homeless

Kids clothes. I don't fit in them (am late 30s 140lb woman) and I don't try to, but I find myself always drawn to the kids clothing sections because of their bright patterns and prints. I have very basic sewing skills and I've been tempted to take a course on clothes making so I can recreate these in my size. I fuckin love bright colors and silly accessories.

I fuckin love bright colors and silly accessories.

I'm this way with running clothes. It's one of the few "socially acceptable" ways for an adult male to wear neon. I want shoes that look like a leprechaun barfed on them.

I socially accept you head to toe in neon. Go forth and wear the barf!

Dude, fuckin do it. Sewing is super simple, they sell patterns where you just cut out the paper template to the clothing size you are making, then you pin it to fabric, trace the outline and cut along those lines, then sew it together along the edges. For basic clothes i think anyone could get it first try with a ten minutes on youtube of how to use a seeing machine. Then you can literally make whatever type of clothes you want, from whatever fabric you can find, super rewarding too.

I love this hype! I'm gonna fuckin do it!

Since this is Lemmy, I would like to link to Freesewing.

Create an account, enter your measurements, and you will be able to download free sewing patterns made to measure!

Picking my nose, then eating the booger.

I am in my 30s.

This a great answer in a sea of slightly odd food choices. It's healthy for kids to do this, apparently.

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Eating lunch or going to a movie by myself. Traveling alone and not having to really talk. I like doing those things with my wife or friends too, but not having to worry about anyone or anything else for a bit is great.

I'm not sure eating lunch or going to a film on your own is socially unacceptable. People judge things to make themselves feel better, but I go to lunch on my own on a friday every week cause I'm in a certain part of the city on that day. Films here and there, also- wife and I just saw Oppenheimer last week and someone was there on his own in the row in front of us. I yelled looooooser and threw popcorn at him and when he looked back with tears in his eyes I tongue kissed my wife while making eye contact with him and giving him the finger, then said "you'll die alone haha". That part probably invalidates the previous part of my post now that I think about it, but I think lunch is ok.

In an overly consumerist late-stage capitalistic society, my socially unacceptable guilty indulgence is minimalism.

That's "my only weakness is I work too hard" kind of stuff.

Along similar lines, I think one of mine has become resisting our cultural expectation of constant growth in all areas possible.

Carter is an obvious one. I like my job and it makes my day more pleasant than past jobs have. The pay is good. I don’t need to painstakingly plan a path to be the manger then the director then the VP, just to spend more of my life working.

I have big plans for the future of the koi pond in my back yard though. The more of my life I spend working on that thing, the better my life seems to get.

(The things that matter or don’t matter are inherently personal - I’m not trying to insult anybody who gets genuine thrill and fulfillment from kicking ass at work constantly. )

oh god, the reactions I get when I'd rather repair a thing for the same cost as buying the same thing. It even happens when fixing the thing is cheaper.

I get this. I'm the director of a small tech company, market forces demand that I just do more work instead, but sometimes some trivial 2$ device breaks and it personally offends me.

So I re-engineer it so it's rated for 100+ years or whatever. I get the boards made in the factory, assemble with hot-air rework, and write the firmware myself. Sometimes it costs me a week, but it produces the things I'm most happy with.

Clients just want cheap stuff done poorly by tomorrow. If you want art, you've got to be your own customer :(

1 more...

Recently, grocery store chicken wings.

Yep. Eaten in the car before you bring your SO the healthy snack they asked for.

I got the tenders and JoJo potato wedges last Friday. I hadn't had them since high school.

They were amazing.

Gambling I guess? Although I count cards so it's not quite the same, but I can't exactly explain to the people around me that I'm an advantage player when I start throwing fistfulls of cash at the dealer...

I watch a lot of porn. A lot.

Wait, wait. I'm worried what you just heard was, "Give me a lot of bacon and eggs." What I said was, "Give me all the bacon and eggs you have

Sometimes I draw nsfw of my own characters, who are decidedly not sexy because that's not what I designed them for. But then I spend too much time writing and developing them and get invested in their private lives.

I'm usually too embarrassed to render the drawings and sometimes to even save the file. Shoutout to people who do this for a living, couldn't be me.

I have no problem playing sexy time with AI

I know this will seem like a joke but legitimately asking: what is this exactly?

I like cinnamon raisin bagels...with scallion and herb cream cheese. It's sweet and savory and the contrast is as good as a super hot shower with an ice cold drink.

Breugger's bagels, may they rest in peace, used to have a bacon/scallion cream cheese. That was divine on cinnamon raisin bagels. I don't know what upset people more, the scallion on a sweet substrate, or the bacon on a bagel. It doesn't matter, if this is goy, I don't want to be kosher.

Man, I missed Brueggers. I've had something similar minus the bacon, it's cursed but definitely better than I expected

Did Breugger's die/go bankrupt?!?

Edit: double sucks cuz I just remembered I had a friend we called the "Master Bageler" cuz he worked there. He lasted less than 2 weeks before our unnecessary cruelty caused him to quit (teenagers are assholes).

Apparently they still exist. I just haven't seen one in my city in almost 20 years. A quick search shows they're now owned by the same parent company as Einstein. Einstein is fine but I liked Breugger's better.

Daydreaming about me, my projects in 10-30 years. Imagining convos with people. I'm a recovering neet.

I think I can relate a bit; I applied for a job and I thought I had it in the bag. Then they told me there weren't interested. Finding jobs, making relationship, and starting big projects is hard because failure is scary and sometimes inevitable, but we are stronger and more resilient than we usually expect. Be brave, and give life hell.

Marxist organizating and running a political education program. I swear to God I'm going to (redacted) when we have the resources to expand into adult literacy.

And slutting about I suppose.

I put a little salt on muffins. If I don’t I can only eat like one before I hit my muffin limit, but if I salt them I can eat like 5.

I love that you use this trick to increase your muffin limit.

I loooove salting things most people would never salt! I love a good salt-dusted blueberry muffin. You've got good taste :P

Macaroni with enough Heinz ketchup to question your sanity and a glass of milk.

It's also my hangover cure.

Tobacco and alcohol.

Cigars & pipe tobacco. Whisky & cognac. The good stuff.

But after the world became so health focused, these indulgences has become more problematic.

I like to fart on the children having temper tantrums at Walmart.

Is that socially unacceptable? Oops.

Ruffles potato chips and nacho cheese dip. My Jean size doesn’t accept it.

Melted butter or solid?

Mine is frozen strawberries dipped in icing sugar.

Solid, baby.

Yours sounds good.

What do you do when the butter is cold and the chips can't scrape it up? These are the things I think about.

The chip breaks in the butter, I cry out, and grab a bigger chip to scrape up the crumbs.

Yummm. Lol mine is mozzarella with salt and vinegar chips

Using all the toilet paper in each public restroom. It's a habit.

I have such a reputation that, if you live near me and use the ladies' restroom somewhere and all the toilet paper is gone when you take over the stall, local logic goes I was the one who last used it.

But how... And why

Public restrooms are not always fast when it comes to refilling toilet paper, even when there are multiple spare rolls around to refill it with. Anyone can end up being the last one to use the toilet paper in a restroom and have it be a long awaited issue to fix. For me, it's due to routine bad luck with using the bathroom. Often I end up inadvertently being janitorial with it.

Sugar in a raw tomato. It’s really fun to eat and grosses a LOT of people out!

I can understand why it would work. But a salted tomato? Om nom nom.

Dice about equal volume tomato and cucumber into a bowl, add salt, pepper, and a drizzle each of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. 5 minutes and tasty AF.

Divine. I'm out of balsamic though :(

From time to time pure cornflakes (just those tiny "chips" from corn) without any milk. Also soft bread.

Soft bread is socially unacceptable?

Also, dry cereal tends to be a pretty common snack, I'd wager.

OK but hold on - are we not gonna talk about friggin doritos in unsalted butter???

Shh, I have successfully distracted the masses.


I actually saw this documentary about people with a quicksand fetish, who go out in groups and just lounge in quicksand (without the getting swallowed/dying part). They said they loved the way it felt on their skin and being enveloped by it, among other things. It wasn't desert quicksand, but it looked kind of wet.

oh yeah I know all about it. Technically, quicksand is sand suspended in water. It has non-Newtonian properties, sand particles are able to slowly move around like a fluid, but if they move too fast they lock up. So you can sink into it slowly, if you struggle too fast it locks around you. But more commonly the term is broadened to include deep mud pits, usually clay silt, and peat bogs. All of them are denser than water, so there's no real danger of sinking under, you'll float around chest deep. Though you can push yourself under.

Not sure what you mean by the question.

OP is asking you to name something you do for your own personal pleasure that you wouldn't do publicly or admit to doing.

Reading the other responses should give you plenty of context.